College entry essays
Good Paper Topics About Haunted Spaces
Friday, September 4, 2020
Gordon Goodwins Big Phat Band essays
Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band articles Gordon Goodwin and Count Basie are two jazz craftsmen who consolidated a ton of assortment into their melodic sound and at last played more than one classification of music. They played great jazz, latin jazz,and blues, to list a couple. Goodwin is referred to worldwide as an extraordinary author, musician, arranger, and saxophonist. He is for the most part known for his inclination of brisk stone beat music. He additionally ordinarily remembered different well known artists for his collections, for example, saxophonists Dave Koz and Gerald Albright, bassist Marcus Miller, and the vocal gathering Take 5. That is How We Roll is Goodwins 6th collection., and the main melody shares this title. The title was proposed to actually show individuals what his band is about. That is How We Roll is a seven minutes and seven seconds-in length melody, highlighting very high trumpet parts and a long saxophone solo by Gordon Goodwin himself. The saxophone solo begins straightforward and in the end advances into exceptionally convoluted rhythms, and he develops to an extremely high note waited for a couple of moments with substantial vibrato. Howdiz Songo? is the subsequent tune. It has sort of a Latin jazz feel to it. It includes a solid intriguing trumpet solo part of the way through utilizing snarls and half valve scoops, soloing stunts utilized by experts to add shading to the music. Rippin n Runnin is their third melody. It begins with a peculiar piano part and in the long run leads into a saxophone solo with trumpets out of sight. Chasing Wabbits 3 is one of their various tunes on the collection. It seems like it never truly shows up at a goals. It just props up with the song went around areas. It really sounds immaculate to be in a Crazy Toons scene with Elmer Fudd pursuing Bugs Bunny, and as its title means, this is its motivation. Part of the way through the tune, it changes to a solid swing feel. The piano beginnings the chang... <!
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Effects of trade barriers
Impacts of exchange obstructions Section 1 Presentation Exchange is a trade of administrations and merchandise for different administrations and products or for cash, Trade ( 2010). The paper examines about the impacts of exchange boundaries on universal exchange, for example to distinguish at least one factors (swelling, transportation cost, levy, settlements, populace, GDP deflator and swapping scale) in the investigation that impact worldwide exchange the most. An exchange boundary is a general term that portrays any administration strategy or guideline that limits universal exchange (Trade hindrance, 2010). The issue talked about is the impact of exchange obstructions on worldwide exchange. So as to address the issue, two speculations have been created and tried. Every speculation clarifies the impact of factors as obstruction to global exchange. Auxiliary information of three years included on year 2005-2007, gathered from the source World Trade Organization (WTO). The measurable apparatus applied to test the speculation is multi-variate relapse model as there are more than one autonomous variable and one ward variable. The autonomous factors recognized in this paper are (Inflation, Exchange Rate, Remittances, GDP, Tariff, Population and Transportation Cost) the needy variable are (Imports and Exports). The factual aftereffect of the speculation testing can be found in the accompanying parts. Expansion For the most part swelling is characterized as an ascent in the general degree of costs of merchandise and enterprises after some time, where as a large portion of the financial specialist characterize expansion as an ascent in the costs of some particular arrangement of merchandise or administrations, comprehend that the ascent in costs is for explicit arrangement of merchandise and ventures and it ought to be steady, just as an ascent in cost of one great or administration when contrasted with different doesn't mean an increment in swelling it ought to be expanded for each item or administration. Expansion is estimated as the rate pace of progress of a value list (Haq Hussain, 2008). Proportions of Inflation There are numerous proportions of swelling each for various division, Shopper Price Indices (CPI) CPI quantifies the cost of products and ventures bought by a buyer (Haq Hussain, 2008). Typical cost for basic items Indices (COLI) Are lists like the CPI which is regularly used to change fixed and legally binding livelihoods (Haq Hussain, 2008). Maker Price Indices (PPIs) measures the costs recognized by makers. This varies from the CPI in that value appropriation, pay, and assessments may cause the sum recognized by the maker to contrast from what the purchaser paid. Maker value expansion quantifies the weight being put on makers by the expenses of their crude materials. This could be passed on as purchaser expansion, or it could be consumed by benefits, or counterbalance by expanding efficiency (Haq Hussain, 2008). Item Price Indices (CPI) quantifies the cost of a determination of items. In the current item value records are weighted by the general significance of the parts to the all in cost of a worker (Haq Hussain, 2008). Gross domestic product Deflator Gross domestic product deflator is a proportion of the cost of the considerable number of merchandise and ventures remembered for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Haq Hussain, 2008). Capital Goods Price Index Up until now (CGPI) has not been built up, where as a few market analysts have as of late brought up the need of estimating capital products expansion (swelling in the cost of stocks, land, and different resources) independently. Without a doubt a given increment in the gracefully of cash can prompt an ascent in expansion (utilization products swelling) as well as to an ascent in capital merchandise value expansion. The development in cash gracefully has remained genuinely steady through since the 1970s anyway utilization merchandise value expansion has been discounted on the grounds that the vast majority of the swelling has occurred in the capital products costs, Haq Hussain (2008), where as there are two regular realized measures broadly revealed in numerous nations, for example CPI and GDP Deflator. The above diagram shows the exchange of world created nations as far as fares and imports, the sum is in US billion dollars, the following graph is of swelling of the created nations of the world, the intention is to look at and investigate the nations expansion rate and exchange request to inspect the effect brought about by expansion on nations exchange. As it tends to be seen that every nation has distinctive effect of swelling on its imports and fares, for example Australia expansion rate was 2.30% in year 2007 where as its fares were 142 billion dollars and its imports were 160 billion dollars, comparatively for Canada its swelling rate was 2.10% and its fares were 431.1 billion dollars and its imports were 386.4 billion dollars, in this way if a correlation is made between these nations it tends to be seen that each nation has an alternate effect of expansion on its exchange, subsequently it very well may be said that the explanation behind this distinction of progress is the size of countrys monetary and budgetary structure. Levy A levy is a duty constrained on an imported or sent out products. When all is said in done tongue, be that as it may, it has come to mean import obligations charged at the time merchandise are imported (Parkin, 1996). As indicated by Japans customs tax law a tax a duty dependent on the standard of appraisal of costs or volume of imported merchandise (Tariff, 2010). Elements of Tariff There are three significant elements of levies: To fill in as a premise of pay; To ensure local enterprises; and To cure exchange mutilations (restorative capacity) (Functions of Tariff, 2010). The Income Function The pay work just implies that the pay from duties furnishes governments with a wellspring of expense income. Previously, the salary work was surely a significant purpose behind applying levies, for example Japan produces around 845 billion yen in tax income every year, which speaks to roughly 1.9 percent of all out duty income (Meti, 2010). Insurance of Domestic Industries Taxes are additionally utilized as an approach apparatus to shield local businesses from rivalry of bringing in merchandise, just as taxes are likewise utilized as a wellspring of security of market access from remote exporters (Meti, 2010). Solution for Trade Distortions Restorative taxes are utilized as a solution for exchange mutilations brought about by organizations to harm local industry, for example against dumping understanding is utilized to force obligations on organizations sending out products that are explicitly restricted and cause harm to residential industry of bringing in nation (Meti, 2010). Settlement Settlement can be characterized as aggregates of cash that a vagrant specialist sends back to their nation of beginning (Wimaladharma, Pearce Stanton, 2004). Settlement plays an indispensable wellspring of pay for creating nation economies, just as a large number of individual families, prevalently poor ladies and their kids. Dissimilar to help or disguised venture streams, settlement arrives at the poor legitimately, and the poor choose how the cash is spent. Critically, settlement benefits likewise offer a methods for money related establishments to expand their effort and hugeness to poor customers (Wimaladharma, Pearce Stanton, 2004). For example the biggest transmitting nations as far as volume are the United States with settlements adding up to $28.4 billion, Saudi Arabia with settlements adding up to $15.1 billion and Germany with settlements adding up to $8.2 billion (Wimaladharma, Pearce Stanton, 2004). In the examination, Ratha (2003), it was discovered that more than 75% of settlements go to bring down mid-salary and low pay creating nations. India gets the biggest volume of settlement mounting to $10 billion, at that point Mexico with $9.9 billion, trailed by the Philippines with $6.4 billion (Wimaladharma, Pearce Stanton, 2004). Conversion scale The cost of one countrys cash communicated in another countrys money. As such, the rate at which one money can be traded for another. For example, the higher the conversion scale for one euro as far as oneyen,the lower the general estimation of the yen (Investopedia , 2010). Conversion scale and Trade Conversion scale is one of the significant factors in an open economy since it influences such a significant number of business, speculation and key choices. Different exact investigations have been led to survey the impact of swapping scale on exchange balance, with the goal of giving significant contributions to strategy creators on the convenience of conversion standard arrangement, for example, cheapening based modification strategies (affected through ostensible swapping scale) to adjust a countrys remote exchange for example, Greenwood (1984), Himarios (1989), Rose Yellen (1989) gave the proof of connection between conversion scale and exchange balance. In an investigation, Oskooee (2001) expressed that energy about swapping scale straightforwardly influences a nation exchange as it tends to be utilized as a push to build worldwide intensity and help to improve its exchange balance. Then again it was likewise detailed in the investigation that deterioration of conversion scale expands sends out by making sends out genuinely less expensive, and plague imports by making imports genuinely progressively costly, in this manner improving exchange balance(Liew, Lim, Hussain, 2000). Japan and ASEAN An investigation led utilizing exchange balance information from year 1986 to 1999 among Japan and 5 ASEAN nations to inspect the effect of swapping scale on nations exchange balance. It was found in the examination that the job of conversion scale changes in starting changes in the exchange adjusts has been exaggerated. It is broadly expected that the decline of ASEAN-5 trade rates concerning Japanese yen would improve these economies exchange offsets with Japan during the example time of study (Liew, Lim, Hussain, 2000). Total national output Total national output is the estimation of group or all out creation of products and enterprises in a nation during a given timeframe (Parkins, 1996). Proportions of GDP There are two regular proportions of GDP specifically: Use Approach. Factor Income Approach. Expendi
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Personal Finance Concepts Investing Essay
As indicated by the account analysts a portfolio alludes to a fitting assortment of ventures for an establishment or a solitary person. A speculation portfolio is built by monetary guides or a retainer their primary undertaking includes venture examination that are valuable; during buying of stocks and bonds, and different business resources. . Bluff uses his current accounts to decide his future holding and fund position. Bluff budget report appears to spread in numerous fields, he puts resources into fixed resources and even before he could completely misuse his new speculation methodology he is as of now putting resources into offers and bonds. Fundamentally this is enhancement and contributing resources, for example, securities and offers in such a situation is uncovering a high level of ones venture in danger (Grant 2005). Precipice is a daring individual thus he is bound to put resources into salary protections and unjustifiable venture, for example, the values. Thus Cliff will in general have low money holding and offers, furthermore he isn't relied upon to hold significant levels of protections as reserve funds since his age is permits him to make some long memories to put resources into most cases age is an incredible determinate in a people sparing sum and speculation, however Cliff will in general put something aside for his likely arrangements, for example, his wedding plans, his negligible inclination to spare will in any case be very low. Since Cliff is gaining a rough of $340000 he I expected to disseminate his procuring to his present and future costs, An extraordinary wellspring of cliff’s accounts is as far as securities and offers which are a decent method to contribute however the deficiency with Cliff’s speculation is the way that he didn't take a decent research before forcing a major whole of his cash into the venture, the interest in bonds and offers include a high level of hazard and therefore in the event that they are not painstakingly investigated on they bring high degrees of misfortunes or next to no benefits. In that light they are excluded from the development of a portfolio, rather the things that can be remembered for the development of a portfolio are reserve funds, money within reach and income that is now achieved or the level of hazard isn't excessively high. Utilizing Cliff’s model he can spread his winning such 30% of his all out profit is values, 40% salary protections, 20% various costs and 10 % as investment funds. The supposition that will be that bluff is a youthful daring individual henceforth his protections will in general be and furthermore his reserve funds and money.  Below is a case of Cliff’s portfolio: References Frasca , R, (2006) †Personal Finances: An Integrated Planning Approach, seventh Ed †Pearson Prentiss Hall Award, R (2005) †Contemporary Strategy Analysis †Blackwell Publishing Karnani, A (1981) †Business Portfolio: a systematic Approach †Harvard Publishing .
Friday, August 21, 2020
Full Inclusion Ministry Paper
Albert goes to the Brownsville Church of Christ youngsters' service and has given the hurt another knowledge to a full consideration kids' service program. The congregation inside one year and five years will execute various manners by which to make full consideration workable for the youngsters' service just as for the congregation. This paper will additionally examine Cerebral Palsy and the influences that it has on Albert and his family, just as insight regarding the congregation and their youngsters' ministry.Overview of the Brownsville Chi curve of Christ The full consideration service that I am proposing is at the Brownsville Church of Christ is a neighborhood church in my old neighborhood of Brownsville, New York. The Brownsville Church was worked in the late sass's, and was one of the primary places of worship worked in the region until the early sass's. The congregation was set up by a gathering of Christians who met up as a little gathering of devotees, which served the LOR D through network love. The gathering of devotees whom set up the congregation loved together in a little animal dwellingplace that is directly close to the congregation they had built.Brownsville is a little network, along these lines, the congregation today comprises of adherents all things considered, while a lot of participants are older, their youngsters, and grandkids. Generally, the hurt is in a delicate state appearance insightful; in any case, the congregation is an affectionate family who invites everybody to join in and join their congregation family, to serve the LORD together. The Church is composed and ran by Minister Leon, and has been running it for as far back as 30 years with his better half Helena. Consistently, the congregation has obtained two help that help Minister Leon run the congregation, they are, Chris and Jill.The chapel gatherings are assembled regularly for the individuals who are time limited, they incorporate Wednesday mornings at am, Thursday nights at 6:30 to 7:30 pm, and Sundays from 1 0:10 1 am, and pm. Occasion community gatherings are 2 hours, Good Friday from pm, Easter help is am, Christmas Eve administration pm, and Christmas Service from 9:00 am-9:45 am. The administrations urge those to meet up and praise the birth and life of our deliverer, Jesus Christ. Every single new part are constantly welcome, just as for the occasion services.The reason for which the congregation was built up was with the end goal for individuals to meet in a cultivated spot, and meet up to serve the LORD, and respect the qualities that we as Christians are to maintain. Through meeting up as a network, we are regarding God's thoughts of joining as gathering to love, we re thusly revering and joining as a network, a feeling of family serving and respecting the LORD. Outline' of the Current Children's Ministry The Brownsville Church of Christ kids' service is coordinated by Richard, who has been the chief of the Children's Ministry and Sunday s chool program for 17 dedicated years.There are as of now gatherings on Sunday mornings, with one night meeting on Thursday's that is explicitly for more established youngsters, and it gives them a period where they can completely examine scriptural readings and religion all the more viably. The Sunday school has our lead educators, with a collaborator in the little child and newborn child study hall. Miss Claire is the lead Sunday teacher in the baby and little child homeroom, Miss Rebecca is the preschool educator, Mr.. Joseph is the lead juvenile program educator, lastly Mr.. Brad is the lead educator for the high schooler program.There are likewise chips in that help toward the end of the week, and they are in the study halls to give help to lead instructors in the youngsters' service. The lead educators all work together to organize an essential subject for their exercise designs, this gives kin the equivalent instructive conversations t a similar time, while meeting the proper age level for each. This advances comradely all through the chi curve and families inside the congregation, building up a closeness be;en all that join in, meeting the thoughts brought upon society by God himself.Throughout the Early Childhood Center, the kids meet for the youngsters' service, there are 4 huge study halls for teenagers, pre-adulthood, preschool, and baby/babies. The entirety Of the study halls are for the most part handicap available if necessary, and furthermore give a lot of space to the youngsters to run and play. The study halls have been rebuilt lately, and are brilliant and terrible, with a lot of hues to advance learning. Every study hall is designed in strict expressions, and fine art delivered by the understudies themselves that advance strict worship.The instructive open doors that are educated are with respect to the LORD our friend in need, and advances Christian qualities and urges faithful conduct to all understudies. The kids all learn in a fun, impor tant, learning condition that furnishes kids with a great encounter while finding out about the book of scriptures. In the baby, little child, and preschool homerooms they tune in to a ton of strict melodies on Cad's including Kids Praise and Veggie Tales. In the small kids study halls, they do a great deal of kids' book of scriptures readings to guarantee cognizance, and fun exercises that are instructive and have scriptural meanings.While the youthful pre-adulthood and youngsters do scriptural readings, conversations, and reenact scenes in plays that are regularly carried on before the older folks of the congregation. The general perfect of the youngsters' service is to show kids the LORD, and support Christianity through fun exercises, and cooperation. Vital Key Elements Volunteers The utilization of volunteers is basic to the accomplishment of the youngsters' service, basically, these volunteers give a lot of help to the lead teacher.While the lead educator give the significant data and information to energize the learning procedure, the help can stroll around and help the kids who need assistance or are not progressing nicely, basically permitting a greater amount of the understudies to have an important learning experience. This will furnish all understudies with valuable information that will be advantageous to them as they get more established and closer to Christ. Volunteers are valuable in the congregation in an assortment of ways, remembering for the kids' ministry.The service demands for volunteers that will help the program through putting out a rundown consistently that is for up and coming volunteers for the next week, which assists with guaranteeing there will be sufficient suppliers to think about understudies. The volunteers do an assortment of things in the study hall, including helping understudies who need assistance with a movement or with general consideration for youngsters while they are in the homeroom, to include: diaper changing, he lping to the restroom, help with hand washing, passing out bites, and preparing materials for the lead teacher.Overall the objective of clearing volunteers as help with the kids' service is to have additional hands and eyes in the study hall, and to permit the lead educator to keep up center around the study hall all in all. Having the help likewise gives increasingly individualized consideration, while additionally giving more eyes and ears in the study hall, which to guarantee generally speaking security for all kids. Preparing In request for volunteers or others to become educators at our youngsters' service, everybody must experience appropriate preparing all together guarantee the wellbeing to all kids inside the service; which remembers preparing for legitimate consideration for hillier with uncommon needs.The preparing for lead instructors include: a record verification, Healthcare CPRM accreditation from the American Red Cross, and a fundamental wellbeing and security prepar ing program. All lead instructors and volunteers will likewise be required to watch a video concerning thinking about kids with extraordinary needs, and lead educators will be required to get confirmation in showing kids with uncommon wellbeing, physical, as well as instructive needs. This preparation guarantees that if a circumstance emerges, the understudies will be dealt with properly and careful steps are met to guarantee their general wellbeing and health, just as the security of others.For volunteers, the preparation is extraordinary, since they are on an intentional premise; and in light of the fact that the lead educator will consistently be in the study hall, the volunteers don't require as broad of preparing. Accordingly, the essential preparing for a volunteer is that they are guaranteed with CPRM through the American Red Cross and checked that they are not an enrolled sex guilty party, and after chipping in will gave a short starting instructional class on youngsters' we llbeing and safety.Generally, volunteers will be rehash volunteers, and Hereford, the preparation will guarantee the volunteer is genuinely keen on the chance of working with kids and advancing the expression of God. Materials Albert is a kid inside the youngsters' service who is restricted to a wheel seat and there are just advances presently at the structure, and in this manner, there ought to be wheel seat slopes at doorways to the structure for Albert to enter. Alongside these slopes there ought to likewise be a programmed entryway button for Albert to press with the end goal for him to have the option to make the way for the congregation and into the study halls as well.Within the congregation it-self there ought to be inclines or even lifts for the individuals who will most likely be unable to utilize the steps, for example, Albert or other kids and grown-ups that may experience issues strolling all over steps. Inside the study halls themselves, the walk territories ought to b e sufficiently wide so Albert and others can move their wheel seats however, and guarantee that the walkways and pathways are stayed away from toys and some other objects.Located toward the edge of the room is a spot for kids who may experience issues with balance or other constrained challenges with delicate praised mats where they have the chance to associate with instructors or oleanders one on one. The table at which everybody is situated ought to have the option to oblige the necessities of Albertan wheelchair, or have a seat where there is capacity for Albert to progress to from his wheelchair I
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Are You Free or Enslaved Maybe Its All in Your Head.
Are You Free or Enslaved Maybe Its All in Your Head. Freedom vs. Bondage It’s Passover and the theme of freedom is on my mind. This holiday celebrates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery and their successful crossing of the Red Seaâ€"a story we are commanded to tell every year at this season. Why is this tale so important that the Bible commands we retell it again and again? While there are many answers to this question, the one that struck me most this year was that we have choices every day between freedom and bondage. Passover is our opportunity to look at our lives and see where we are stuck, in a rut, giving up, or otherwise enslaved, both in our circumstances and in our own minds. Once we identify these “narrow places,†(the word for Egypt, Mitzrayim, means “narrow placesâ€), we can do something about them. A Unique Seder Experience My family’s Passover seder was itself an expression of freedom. Some context: Passover is a food-focused holiday. In the order of the service, there are multiple instructions to eat certain foods at certain times; and the conclusion of the first part of the service is a big meal. A BIG meal. It’s like Thanksgiving in the extent to which people indulge themselves on food. The seder also includes four cups of wine (though in my family it was grape juice all the way). Since my nephew Daniel has Crohn’s Disease and is currently ingesting nothing but Pediasure peptide drinks, my brother-in-law Michael createdâ€"drumroll pleaseâ€"a food-free seder. This feat, you can imagine, required a huge amount of creativity. Michael designed a board game, complete with a deck of cards that held debate questions and other contests to see who could answer a “Passover Pursuit†question first. He dressed up as Moses, which was way out of the box for him. And he led an evening of learning, singing and debate. Even without a meal, we managed to spend three hours on our seder talking, laughing, and debating. Breaking Out of the Box One of the debate questions that came up in the Passover Pursuit card deck was what freedom means in the modern age. I was pitted against 16-year-old Daniel for the battle. He pulled out a djembe (an African drum) and made up a rap song. I don’t remember his words; what struck me was his approach to the debate. In my world, debate means talking and arguing. Daniel broke out of that cage with his drumming and rapping. Inspired, I countered with an interpretive dance of freedom vs. bondage. I stood for a few seconds with my arms crossed, strait-jacket-like over my chest, head down. Then I took a step to the side and danced my heart out. I did this about three times. Then I talked about how two people, or even the same person, can be in the same circumstances and choose to feel free or imprisoned. Enslaved by Circumstances? I’ll admit I got some help from a video by that I had watched in preparation for Passover, where a person in a picture was labeled “Free†and then the same person in the same picture was labeled “Burdened.†Other identical pictures were labeled “Liberated†and “Enslaved,†and “Pain†and “Pleasure.†As humans, I argued, we can have illnesses and consider them burdens or find our own liberation within them. We can work a job and feel trapped by it or find our liberation in it. We can win the lottery and gain joy or misery. I won the debate. Part of it was that I made a good argument. But more than that, I think the group was impressed that I didn’t let myself fall into a typical debate mindset and took the risk of dancing my argument. An Octopus’s Story: Existential Anxiety vs. Existential Guilt Perhaps this is a coincidence, but just last week an octopus named Inky escaped from a national aquarium in New Zealand, squeezing through a 50-meter drainpipe into the sea. What might be more remarkable, given that octopuses are famous escape artists, is that Inky’s tankmate, Blotchy, did not budge. Was Blotchy content to remain in captivity? Was he unaware of his free will and the freedom available just down the drainpipe? Had he given up on the chance of an unfettered life? Of course the answers to these questions are more for us to ponder for ourselves. When we are feeling shackled, do we choose to take extreme action, like Inky, or to submit to our lot? Fundamentally, we have a choice between existential anxiety and existential guilt. Taking action, especially action that scares us because it is so unfamiliar and takes us into unknown, potentially risky territory, produces existential anxiety. We rarely regret making a conscious, risky choice regardless of the outcome. In contrast, existential guilt arises when we take the safe path. Submitting to our existential guilt produces existential regret: “a profound desire to go back and change a past experience in which one has failed to choose consciously or has made a choice that did not follow one’s beliefs, values, or growth needs.†That’s the kind of choice Blotchy made. It’s not the kind of choice I like to make. The Choice is Yours We human beings have clear freedom of choice in every moment, at least over our own mindset about our circumstances. In the end, the ability to think what we think and believe what we believe is the ultimate freedom. The choices we make to break out of the box and into unchartered territory are the ones that move us forward, out of our personal narrow places, and toward a life unbound.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Batman and Creon Denied the Glory - Literature Essay Samples
A little boy went to the corner store to pick up the newest edition of his favorite comic; Batman. The boy entered the store and despite his efforts to withhold his excitement, dashed straight to the massive stack of magazines the store had received at nine that morning. He scanned the comics and magazines until his eyes marked his target. He slowly removed the comic from its place, cautious not to bend any edges. But when he took a closer look, his wild-eyed expression changed to one of confusion. The title wasnt Batman: The Masked Avenger, as advertised in the last issue, but rather: Robin: A True Hero! He sighed, and despite his upsetting discovery, sat on the tile floor and read the comic. As he read, he was increasingly disturbed as the character of Robin, whose name had proudly been marked as the title, wasnt nearly as much of a main character as Batman. And he was jolted severely when only halfway through the adventure, Robin was captured by the wily Joker, and didnt appear at all until the child closed the comic, done with his reading. This situation may sound familiar. Throughout the Greek play Antigone by Sophocles, there exists a dispute as to who should receive the designation of main character. Antigone, the daughter of the cursed King Oedipus, as well as Creon, stately king of Thebes, both appear as the key figures in this historic play. I believe that Creon, king of Thebes, should be considered the main character in this work of Greek theater. Three points can be used to make this argument: Creon suffers greatly, he learns a lesson, and is a tragic hero.Creon, like all main characters in Greek drama, suffers many losses and undergoes emotional pain and anguish. A target of the curse on the House of Oedipus by relation, Creon was already a victim of fate. His destiny has already been predetermined by the curse on the house of Oedipus, so he must either undergo suffering, death, or even both. He loses his future daughter-in-law, Antigone, by initia ting her death, his son through suicide, and his wife by suicide as well. Antigone broke a decree of Creons: not to bury the traitor Polynices. The sister of Polynices, she breaks this new law because she knows that in order to please the gods she must so the right thing and bury Polynices. When she does Creon sentences her to death by sealing her in a cave. After realizing that he has made a critical error, he and his followers unseal the rocky tomb to find that Antigone has taken her own life. Creons son, Haemon, the to-be husband of Antigone, rushes into the cave in mourning. He attempts an attack on Creon, but fails to connect with his sword thrust, and in anger and remorse kills himself with his weapon beside his dead love. Creon, overwhelmed with anguish, returns to the castle. But when Creons wife, Eurydice hears of her sons death, she slips away quietly and stabs herself in the heart with a dagger before Creons return. Creon realizes that all of the blame for these deaths r ests on him alone, and undergoes great suffering, just like other central figures in Greek tragedies. For example, in the play Medea, by Euripides, Medea suffers the loss of her family, friends, land, and children. Creon faces this same kind of suffering, and wishes for his life to end to stop his suffering. He poetically states in the play, Come, thou most welcome Fate, Appear, O come; Bring my days final date, Fill up their sum! Come quick, I pray; Let me not look upon another day! (51). So with all this suffering, one might ask what the purpose of such a depressing play might be, or what lesson Sophocles attempts to teach us. This brings up the concept of morality. Creon did not get out of this sticky situation without getting something from it. Creon learned valuable lessons of morality, moderation, piety, reverence, wisdom, and humility. Throughout all Greek dramas, myths, and even architecture, the idea of moderation has always been the front-runner in lessons. Creon, a rathe r overconfident king, wants his authority and power in the polis to not be challenged. New to the job, he makes his first judgment against the body of Polynices, instructing that his body is not to be buried and left for the dogs, threatening death by public stoning if one dared to disobey him. After making his decree, he boldly stated, No man shall bury, none should wail for him;His body shall be left to be devoured / By dogs and fowls of air. (9) But his bad attitude gets ahead of him when Antigone warns, If the sin / Belong to these-O may their punishment / Be measured by the wrongfulness of mine! (34) Even so Creon seals her in the cave. He is further warned by the wise seer Tiresias who tells that he must release Antigone immediately as well as perform the proper burial rituals for Polynices. Creon refuses to comply, accusing Tiresias of taking bribes, but the lead speaker for the Chorus persuades him to do so because of the fact that the seer has never been wrong. He does so, but he suffers the consequences of his stubbornness. The Chorus of Theban senators puts Creons lesson in words well. Wisdom first for a mans well-beingMaketh, of all things. Heavens insistenceNothing allows of mans irreverence;And great blows great speeches avenging,Dealt on a boaster,Teach men wisdom in age, at last. (52).Creon learns that a boaster will surely exceed the boundaries of being a moderate person, which surpasses the normal for modest living. He says sadly, Ah yes, I have learnt, I know my wretchedness! (48). In the end, he knew of all his errs and learned from them. At the center of every Greek tragedy exists a tragic hero, and Creon is just that. He fights for the right, makes a choice that results in suffering, tries to reverse an injustice, has a character flaw, and despite his efforts, becomes one of fates victims. Creon was crowned king when the current king Eteocles was killed in the Battle for Thebes, which was initiated when Polynices attacked the city. Creon took the throne with a sense of aggression towards the enemy of Thebes. He punished a traitor, and punishes anyone who sided with the traitor. Creons sentencing of death to Antigone was a choice that resulted in great suffering. The decision to execute her set off a chain reaction that ended with a body count of three and one remorseful king. When Creon realizes that his actions against both Polynices and Antigone are terribly immoral, he immediately makes an attempt to correct them by burying Polynices and attempting to free Antigone. He therefore tried to change a wrong, his judgments against Polynices and Antigone, to a right. Creon has a character flaw that reinforces his role in this difficult situation; his arrogant attitude. His arrogance, or hubris, gets him into heated debates, arguments, and confrontations with his followers, such as the Sentinel, his victims, Antigone, and even the wise seer Tiresias who has never been wrong. When done talking with Creon, Tiresias says, And let him vent his spleen on younger men, And learn to keep a tongue more gentle, and / A brain more sober, than he carries now (40). And finally, Creon suffers the wrath of fate. Throughout all Greek tragedies and myths, people and even Gods have attempted to evade their fate, but have never been able to do so. Creon is affected by fate through the curse of Oedipus. The Chorus recites:The stress of a Fate is hard;Nor wealth, nor warfare, nor ward,Nor black ships cleaving the seaCan resist her, or flee. (35).Creon may not wear a black cape, cowl, and jumpsuit, but he could be compared to Batman in the situation described earlier in the paper. Despite the fact that the plays name stands as Antigone, I still believe that Creon should be recognized as the central character in this play. He lives longer, has more lines, stands in the middle of many moral arguments, and doesnt pull a disappearing act in the middle of the play. Provided with this knowledge, maybe a reader will read the play Antigone with a new prospective, and look at the story from both point-of-views. Not placing Antigone as the good-guy, and Creon as the bad-guy, but thinking of the pair as good people fighting for the right in conflicting situations.
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