Wednesday, July 31, 2019
PSY 250. The biological and humanistic theories Essay
Week 3 ~ DQ #3 When do you think you can see someone’s biological influences? As an infant? As a toddler? As an adult? Provide a justification for your answer. Biological influences are hard to measure because as a human you can change depending on your personal surroundings and the influential people in your life. I personally feel that you can be able to see ones biological influences as an infant because children at this age have been said to resemble their parents since they are in a time in need. Infants are obviously dependant of their providers but if they are influenced in a negative aspect you may be able to override their biological influences as in their early adolescent life they will display those significant influences that trigger them from their instable infant life. Personality development definitely has a biological component, and that shaping begins at birth. Over the course of this week’s readings, I found that very early our brains begin to take different shapes in growth depending on our environmental experiences, such as being overly stimulated or being sedentary as we develop from childhood. Week 3 ~ DQ #1 What are the strengths and weaknesses of biological and humanistic theories? With which do you agree more? The biological and humanistic theories both have strengths and weaknesses. Focusing on nature versus nurture, the biological theory suggests that all behavior stems from genetics and is not a product of our surroundings or environment. Thus, it ignores individual effects and differences people experience such as how our bodies react to different stimuli like stress and anxiety. The humanistic theory focuses on the individual along with outside influences. This makes the humanistic theory difficult to measure. The humanistic approach seems to be a more comprehensive theory in that it focuses on the individual instead of measuring a group. While the humanistic approach may be more difficult to evaluate and measure, the result seems to be more individualized and specific, making it more unique and accurate. Specificity Week 3 ~ DQ #2 What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the biological theory? Some of the strengths of the biological theory are that specific behaviors can be treated and corrected through the use of medication. Using comparisons, different species of animals can be studied helping to understand human behavior. Understanding physiology and how the nervous system and hormones work allows us to understand the effect medication has on behavior. Understanding what traits we can inherit can also help us understand behavior. Some of the weaknesses are that it doesn’t recognize the cognitive process and are often over-simplify the physical aspects and how they interact with the environment. Week 2 ~ DQ #1 What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of psychoanalytic theory? The weaknesses of psychoanalytic theory from a scientific perspective are that psychoanalytic theory is unfalsifiable. Any reasonable hypothesis must be both testable and falsifiable. Since psychoanalytic theory cannot be proven or disproved, it is unpopular among psychologists today. Psychoanalytic theory is not so effective for dealing with issues, as it does not really serve to offer solutions. Any type of therapy is subject to how each individual will respond. What works well for some may not work well for others. The strengths of psychoanalytic theory are that it is based off of the foundation of the individual; what the person has experienced, learned and grown from during childhood. When defining personality, there doesn’t seem to be a better place to start. Week 2 ~ DQ #2 What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of trait theory? Why? According to this week’s reading, â€Å"A trait approach to personality uses a basic, limited set of adjectives or adjective dimensions to describe and scale individuals†(Allport & Odbert, 1936). Since there are 18,000 adjectives (most of which could be used to discribe trait theory), trait theory should be limited to a small number to account for a person’s consistencies (Allport & Odbert, 1936). I find that one of the strengths of trait theory is that it supports my feeling that many characteristics of people do not change. Only behaviors change, that is why some psychologists can predict behavior. In its more basic form, we all can predict certain behaviors. For instance, we know that if a behavior is met with reward and no punishment, it is likely to be repeated. Or, if the reward seems to outweigh the punishment, it is likely to be repeated. Allport believed that every person has a small number of specific traits that predominate in his or her personality. He named them a person’s central traits (Heffner Media Group, Inc., 1999-2003). One weakness of trait theory is that its focus is too narrow in that it does not take into account traits such as humor, wealth, and beauty. References Allport, G. W., & Odbert, H. S. (1936). Trait names: A psycholexical study. Psychological Monographs, 47(211), 171. Heffner Media Group, Inc.. (1999-2003). AllPsych online. Retrieved from Week 2 ~ DQ #3 What methods were developed to define personality traits by â€Å"trait theorists†? How did these differ from the psychoanalytic approach? The methods that were used were to categorize these traits into three levels which are cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary traits. Cardinal traits usually dominate a person’s life, so much that the person becomes known for those specific traits. It has been suggested that cardinal traits are rare and usually develop late in life. Central traits are the general characteristics that are the foundation of personality. These traits are not as dominating as cardinal traits and are the major characteristics used to describe other people. With central traits terms like intelligent, honest, shy, and anxious are considered. Secondary traits are related to attitudes or preferences that only appear in certain situations or circumstances. Getting anxious while speaking or impatient while waiting are examples of secondary traits
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Blood Buffer Essay
Objectives: After completing this exercise and reading the corresponding material in your text, you should be able to 1. Prepare a wet mount slide 2. Identify structures described in this lab on slides 3. Cite examples of the wide diversity of cell types 4. Relate differences in structure among cells to functional differences Introduction Structurally and functionally, all living things share one common feature: all living organisms are composed of cells. The development of this concept began with Robert Hooke’s seventeenth-century observation that slices of cork were made up of small units he called â€Å"cells.†Over the next 100 years, the cell theory emerged. It was formally (and independently) presented by Schleiden and Schwann in 1839, and clarified by Virchow a few years later. This theory has three principles: (1) All organisms are composed of one or more cells. (2) All life processes derive from the activities of cells. (3) All cells arise from preexisting cells. Living organisms are composed of one or many cells, and every activity that occurs in a living organism is ultimately related to metabolic processes in cells. Understanding the processes of life requires an understanding of the structure and function of the cell. Although cells vary in organization, size, and function, all share certain structural features. All are enclosed within a plasma membrane, defining the boundary of the living material. All contain a region of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which forms the genetic code. Inside of the plasma membrane is watery cytoplasm, and the chemical processes inside the cell occur within this watery medium. Upon microscopic examination, we see there are two basic types of cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic, see the table below to see a comparison of the two cell types. For these following exercise you should use the highest magnification possible, because you will be able to see more detail, and you should record your observations at this magnification. Always begin with the lower magnifications, once you have found your specimen center it and focus it before increasing the magnification. We will not be using the 100X objective because it requires special handling and immersion oil, so you should use the 40X objective for most observations. What is the total magnification of a sample view with the 40X objective? Remember there is a lens in the ocular that magnifies the image 10x, so the total magnification will be 40 x 10 = 400X. Exercise 1: Examining Prokaryotic cells 1. What types of organisms are prokaryotic? 2. What structures are found in a Eukaryotic cell that will not be visible in a Prokayotic cell? 3. Examine the specimens available at the back of the classroom. Locate a prokaryotic cell and bring it back to your microscope. Name of specimen: ____________________ 4. Examine your specimen under the microscope. Sketch your specimen under 40x magnification below. Be sure to label any internal or external structures visible. Exercise 2: Examining Eukaryotic cells The cells on which we focus most of our attention are relatively large and complex, although many details of their structure are only evident with electron microscopy. The word eukaryote derives from the visible nucleus found in most of these cells. No one cell will show all of the features that a cell might have, so you will be observing a variety of eukaryotic cells. Protist cells: The protist kingdom includes eukaryotic unicellular forms (e.g., protozoans, algae, slime molds) as well as some simple multicellular forms. Many are mobile; some are photosynthetic; others are animal-like, ingesting food particles, or fungi-like, secreting digestive chemicals into the environment. Protists are diverse, often having complex cells. 1. What structures do you expect to see in these cells that was not evident in the prokaryotes you saw? Cultures of mixed protists and/or pond water are available in lab. Many different forms may be found in these cultures, including amoebas, flagellates and ciliates. (Many classifications of protists are based on how they move – with flagella, or cilia, or neither of these.) 2. Examine the specimens available at the back of the classroom. Locate the cultures of protist cells. You will examine two separate cultures. One of the cultures you’ll examine is the â€Å"Mixed Pond Protists,†you can pick which specimen you’ll examine for your second sample from the other cultures present in class. Make a wet mount of each culture, drawing material from the debris at the bottom of the culture jar. Name of specimen #1: Mixed Pond Protists Name of specimen #2: ____________________ 3. Observe first with scanning power (4X objective), looking for movement. If you don’t see anything, wash the material back into the jar and get another drop. Once you have located organisms, observe on higher power (40X objective). If the protists are moving very rapidly, they may swim out of the field of view. In this case, remove the coverslip and add a small drop of Detain. Detain is a thick solution that will help slow down the protists. REMEMBER THAT THE MICROSCOPE LIGHT IS HOT. Turn it off when you are not looking at the slide. 4. Examine your specimen under the microscope. Sketch each specimen under 40x magnification below. Be sure to label any internal or external structures visible. 5. What evidence do you see that protists are eukaryotes? 6. Attempt to identify the protists you have observed. There are several keys to protists available. Your instructor can help you use the keys if you’re not familiar with how they work. Write the name of your protists and your rationale for identification based on the characteristics in the key into your notes. When you have finished looking at your slide, place the slide in the bleach water. Plant cells: Plant cells are different from animal cells in many ways. 1. Name three ways plant cells differ from animal cells below. As in animals, cells of plants are organized into tissues, aggregations of similar cells performing a common function in a multicellular organism. In this part of the lab, you will look at several types of plant cells. Onion epidermal cells: 1. Make a wet mount of a colorless scale of an onion bulb by peeling the thin, membranous layer from the inside of one of the bulb scales and placing it on a slide in a drop of water. This usually works best if you partially slice through a ring, allowing the thin layer of tissue on the inner surface of the leaf to be pulled off. Use forceps to arrange the tissue in a drop of Iodine on a slide and cover with a cover slip. 2. Observe your preparation with the microscope, focusing first with the scanning power objective. Continue your study, switching to the low power (10 X) and finally the high power objective (40 X). 3. What shape do most of these cells have? What structure maintains this shape? 4. What structure is stained by the iodine? 5. Examine your specimen under the microscope. Sketch each specimen under 40x magnification below. Be sure to label any internal or external structures visible. 6. Which cellular components present in most leaf cells are absent from onion leaf cells? Elodea leaf cells: 1. Remove a single young leaf and prepare a wet mount. Examine the leaf first on scanning power, then on low power. 2. Examine your specimen under the microscope. Sketch each specimen under 40x magnification below. Be sure to label any internal or external structures visible. 3. After the cells have warmed a bit from the light of the microscope, you may see cytoplasmic streaming. Microfilaments in the cytoplasm are thought to be responsible for this intracellular movement. What cellular structure do you see moving around the cytoplasm? Animal cells: Human epithelial (cheek) cells: 1. Using the broad end of a clean toothpick, gently scrape the inside of your cheek. Stir the scrapings into a drop of saline and a drop of Methylene Blue on a clean microscope slide and add a cover slip. Do not reuse your toothpick. DO NOT PUT IT BACK WITH THE CLEAN TOOTHPICKS AND DON’T LAY IT ON THE TABLE. Discard it in the BIOHAZARD bag. 2. Because the cells are almost transparent, decrease the amount of light entering the objective lens to increase the contrast. Find the cells using the low power objective of your microscope, then switch to the high power objective for detailed study. Find the nucleus of a cell. Many of the cells will be folded or wrinkled due to their thin, flexible nature. 3. Examine your specimen under the microscope. Sketch each specimen under 40x magnification below. Be sure to label any internal or external structures visible. 4. Dark specs on the cells are bacteria, similar to the E. coli you looked at earlier. How big are these bacterial cells relative to your cheek cells? Discard this slide into the bowl containing the bleach water. Sheep’s blood (wet mount): Blood consists of two parts – a liquid portion (water + proteins) called plasma, and a cellular portion, containing many different cell types, including erythrocytes or red blood cells (RBCs), and leukocytes or white blood cells (WBCs). Red blood cells are red because they contain a lot of the oxygen-carrying molecule hemoglobin. The blood sample we have has been treated chemically to prevent clotting. 1. Prepare a wet mount by placing a drop of saline and a small drop of blood on the slide. Add a cover slip. Examine a portion of the slide in which the blood is diluted. 2. Examine your specimen under the microscope. Sketch each specimen under 40x magnification below. Be sure to label any internal or external structures visible. 3. What is missing from these cells that is found in eukaryotic cells? 4. How do the red blood cells compare to your cheek cells in size? What shapes are the cells? Discard this slide into the bowl containing the bleach water. Cells Review Questions Your answers should be specific and to the level of the lecture, book and lab manual. You may need to use outside sources. 1. What characteristics do all cells have in common? 2. What characteristics are common to all eukaryotic cells but not found in prokaryotic cells? 3. Would you expect that all the living cells you saw in lab contain mitochondria? Explain. 4. Did all living plant cells you observed contain chloroplasts? Explain. 5. Describe as many differences as you can between plant and animal cells at a cellular level. Do any of these differences relate to the organismic differences we see between plants and animals? Explain. 6. How do prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells compare in size? 7. How would you compare a protist cell to a cell from your body, a cheek cell for example, in terms of complexity at the cellular level?
Monday, July 29, 2019
Black People and Larger Racial Minorities
Associate Program Material Racial Diversity: Historical Worksheet Answer the following questions in 100 to 250 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. * Throughout most of U. S. history, in most locations, what race has been in the majority? What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group? White people have been the majority of the population. The common ancestral background of most of the members in this group are Europeans. * What are some of the larger racial minorities in U. S. history? What have been the common ancestral backgrounds of each of these groups? When did each become a significant or notable minority group? Whites and blacks are a larger race in us. Europeans are the common ancestral background of whites and African American common ancestral background was from the west. The whites became a significant minority group in the 1600’s and blacks became a significant minority group in the 1800’s * In what ways have laws been used to enforce discrimination? Provide examples. These laws were intended against which racial minorities? Laws have been enforcing discrimination by making sure that all races have the same opportunity at a job. This is the civil rights act and it was made so that blacks and other races could all have a fair chance at a job and could not be rejected because of their race. If a black person would try to get a job and not get hired but a white person goes in and has everything the same as the black person but gets hired the black person can take that company to court for discrimination. These laws where intended for all racial minorities so everyone has the same opportunity. * In what ways have laws been used to eliminate discrimination? Provide examples. Did the laws work to eliminate discrimination? Allowing blacks and white to attend the same schools and allowing them to sit anywhere on a bus. Back years ago blacks had to sit in the back of the bus and if a white person needed a seat they had to give up theirs, as far as the schooling goes now black and whites can go to the same schools. I think the laws worked to eliminate discrimination because you do not see anyone making a black person move for a white person or having a school with only white kids. They laws have helped us become one country instead of 2 and everyone has a better look at each other now that we can combine races.
Open Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Open - Essay Example Scholars who note down history are identified as historians. Amongst all scholars, Herodotus is regarded as the father of history. This is based on his contributions to this discipline. In the modern world, the study of history entails a variety of fields. Therefore, several institutions are teaching history. Numerous scholars have concentrated on the discipline of history and political science. One of the most common historical quotes is â€Å"If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday†by Pearl Buck (Quote garden 1). Buck was one of renowned scholars globally basing on her historical literature. The quote used by Buck asserts that for an individual to understand the present condition, he or she must explore the past. This quote simply means that an individual must refer to past occurrences in order to understand the present situation. For example, for one to understand the origin of man, one must refer to the historical information regarding the evolution of mankind. This information is explained by Charles Darwin who was one of the greatest scholars. This is a clear revelation that history is a discipline of critical importance to the society. Further analysis proves that Buck was committed to diverse issues that were overlooked in the past. History is regarded as a storehouse of information about societal behaviors (Stearns 1). There are several reasons as to why individuals study history. People live in the present, therefore; they fret about future occurrences. History grants individuals identity. According to historical data, one can be able to identify with his or her family, society and/or country. In most cases, the study of a family’s history is considered as the fundamental importance of history. For example, in the United States, individuals use history to identify with their ethnic groups. Furthermore, historical information about a country enables citizens to understand national values hence providing identity as its citizens (Stearns 1). In addition, history contributes to moral understanding (Stearns 1). When individuals engage in the study of history, they obtain information related to ethical contemplation. Several historians who possess prior knowledge of historical circumstances provide inspiration just like Pearl Buck with her quotations. Furthermore, history provides learners with certain skills that are essential in social change. Some of the skills that are acquired by history students enable them in managing social adjustments. History students have the ability to assess several phenomena including the capability to assess incompatible interpretations, assess verification, and assessing past instances of change (Stearns 1). The skills mentioned show that history provides information regarding the background of political institutions and society at large. The study of history and political science enhances the assessment of evidence from daily information. Also, learning history pr ovides the leaner with knowledge regarding how to sort out conflicts amongst different parties (Stearns 1). The experience in past events is also crucial in understanding change, in the society. In this case, the learner can analyze changes in the contemporary world. Historians claim that individuals do not have the ability to deal with the present situation as they are able to deal with the past. This is since they lack a clear standpoint regarding the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Specific public policy case in USA during the government shutdown Essay
Specific public policy case in USA during the government shutdown - Essay Example The issue of national security in the United States is one of the most sensitive issues. After the Twin towers were attacked in 2001 security policies were given priority over other policies during appropriation of funds by the legislature (Campbell, 2008). However, as the national security stabilizes and the country becomes more and more secure many proponents are of the opinion that the appropriation has now become too much in comparison with its contribution to the status of the national security (Klein, 2013). Some legislators, in the events leading to the government shutdown, were proposing a cut, while others were of the opinion that the move to cut on military expenditure will only prove costly in the long run. This paper will discuss the government shutdown of 2013 and then go ahead to explore the US security policies using several sociological and political theories to analyze the key themes of the policy and ponder on the future developments and the alternative course of ac tion. The paper will also employ the Eugene Bardach policy analysis model to bring out the contentious issues and their possible alternatives. The Bacchi model will also be integrated to problematize the issue and discuss the presumptions of the policies. The US Government Shutdown The United States of America operates under a federal system of government. This government offers a wide range of public services in the areas of health, education, social security, medical, insurance and the country’s security while the other services are offered by the individual states to the citizens. For it to offer these services, it needs funds, which are allocated to each of its department by the legislature. The last government shutdown took place in 2013 under the President Obama administration from October 1 to October 17 when a bill was signed. A shutdown of the federal government happens when there is no Appropriation bill that has been signed that allocates the various government dep artments to continue spending funds (Bill, 2013). These funds are allocated at the start of a fiscal year and when the year ends if there has not been any more appropriation from the Congress, and then the government has to shut down because of the funding gap that is created. The 2013 government shutdown took place because the Republicans, and the Democrats could not agree on the funding of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare. This act was signed into law in 2010 but has created deep divisions in the House of Representatives and the Congress. The Republicans who are controlling the House of Representatives want to cut the spending, and the amount allocated to this policy whereas the Congress which is dominated by the Democrats did not support the cut. This confrontation led to the shutdown as the House of Representative passed a bill that had suggested a funding cut which was rejected by the Congress (Steinhauser, 2013). The main reason behi nd the Republicans proposing a cut in spending is because the government deficit in budget had already hit 15.7%, and the International Monetary Fund was already considering not lending the US government any more funds because of their rising debt levels; the credibility of borrowing was in question. During the 16-day shutdown, however, the Congress continued passing specific bills that addressed specific policies, which were then signed by
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14
Review - Article Example However, today it is asserted by researchers that orbitofrontal cortex plays a role in value-based decisions only. Here, it can be clearly observed that researchers have not provided any logical reason for them not to agree that orbitofrontal cortex can also contribute as the brain makes decisions based on prior experiences or habits. Researchers have simply stated that if the value is cached or pre-computed like experiences or habits, then orbitofrontal cortex is not needed to participate in the decision making process. But, how this change in the functioning or responsibility of the brain area took place has not been discussed in this study (Science Daily). In this study, researchers have shown a unique side of learning behavior, which refers to a persons learning through unexpected outcomes. Generally it is believed that a person learns through his experiences; however, in the article researchers have highlighted another form of true learning, but they have not provided evidence to prove that a person can learn through unexpected outcomes (Science Daily). Furthermore, a conflict in statements of researchers can be observed as initially they have agreed that orbitofrontal cortex has nothing to do with the decisions based on experiences or habits. But, on another occasion this article quotes statement of postdoctoral researcher Joshua Jones, who said that "Our research showed that damage to the orbitofrontal cortex may decrease a persons ability to use prior experience to make good decisions on the fly". Here, it can be observed that researchers have contradictory statements in the same article, which are undoubtedly confusing and difficult to understand (Science Daily). Serious side-effects of drug addiction particularly use of cocaine have been highlighted in the article to indicate that drugs coerce the brain system and hijack
Friday, July 26, 2019
Pervasive Decision VA9-02166 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pervasive Decision VA9-02166 - Essay Example The use of words like "durable," "effective" or "meaningful" are only helpful when anyone wants to keep only question in mind (Oxman-Martinez et al., 2005), and hence the only test, that can be derived from the definition of Convention Refugee in Section 2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act does the claimant now have a well-founded and genuine fear of persecution? After considering all the circumstances, the young Tamil male faced in connection to fetching LTTE information by the Sri Lankan army, paramilitary agencies and the government, the claimant filed a claim of refugee status seeking protection from the mentioned forces of Sri Lanka (LaViolette, 2004). Section 97(1)(b)(ii) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that the protection is limited to the claimants who face some specific risks that are not faced generally by other people in or from the country and thus, the claimant is not a person in need of protection (Dauvergne, 2003). In this instance, even though the war of September 2006 is over and situation is different in Sri Lanka, that does not favor Refugee Protection Act, so the young Tamil man should receive protection (Kruger, Mulder & Korenic, 2004). The Members of the justice panel must take the new evidences under consideration available from the current year of 2009 where even though the situation is different, the situation of the young Tamil male is no different. Hence, the paramilitary agencies, Sri Lankan army and government officials need to reconsider their belief that the young male belongs to the LTTE group. Amnesty International Report 2010, pp. 301-303 and Item 2.3. United Kingdom (UK). 22 October 2009. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and Home Office. Report of Information Gathering Visit to Colombo, Sri Lanka 23-29 August 2009 (PDF, 215 KB). Oxman-Martinez, J., Hanley, J., Lach, L.,
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Sensory Perceptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Sensory Perceptions - Essay Example If the source of the information is mare rumors then that will automatically hinder accuracy of sensory information (, 2012). Secondly, interpretation of the information received from the senses by the brain. The interpretation will depend on various factors such as the developmental stage of an individual; a juvenile might not interpret information that is symbolically coded as opposed to an adult (Nickel, 2006). For example, people thought the world was flat as they viewed a uniform horizon and interpreted it as they saw it; sense of sight. In addition, the cognitive ability and the data source of an individual determine the inaccuracy and accuracy of our sensory information. The source of data determines a lot, for example a mad person can say something although sensible at times but nobody can take it serious or even think about it as opposed to an influential person maybe in the government who is obviously given the first priority by the media (, 2012). There are several factors which contribute to the accuracy of the sensory data. First, the reliability of facts observed. Solid sensory data received through the accurate observations would provide data and facts that are vital for accurate sensory perception or thinking connection. The Brain and interpretation of data received contributes to the accuracy of sensory data. A healthy brain is very vital in cognitive ability to analyze sensory data. When the information is received in the brain, the power of the sense is manifested (, 2012). This means that any inaccurate data which has been sent by our senses to our brain will actually be inaccurately interpreted Thirdly, the accuracy of sensory data can be determined by the source of data and cognitive ability. The data source must be received through the senses of touch, hearing, sight, smell to obtain accurate sensory data (Green, 2009). The senses should be acutely sensitive like senses, particle detectors,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
US History and Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
US History and Government - Essay Example In 1990, American women would only vote in four Western States (Merchant, Gratton, and Gutmann 703). However, at the end of the century women could vote in all the States in U.S. with many of them intensifying their involvement in politics. Correspondingly, Merchant and his colleagues record that only six percent women were in the paid labor force in the United States (705). At the culmination of the twentieth century, approximately sixty-four percent of women were in the paid labor force. Further, in 1900, women accounted for one percent of lawyers and six percent of doctors, percentages that rose substantially to twenty-nine percent and twenty-six percent respectively. For women who strived for independence, this was a remarkable step in their quest for political and social freedom. During the twentieth century, household income of marginalized groups such as the African Americans improved (Steele 756). As recorded by Steele the gap in earnings between the marginalized Black Americans and Whites decreased (757). In the middle and on the start of twentieth century, blacks hardly earned forty percent of white’s incomes while, at the end of the century, they received eighty percent of what Whites earned. As these elements of discrimination prevailed, the youth from both divides of discrimination suffered as the political authorities disregarded their participation in the political arena and the job market. Most importantly, as Trujillo notes, the youths from the racial minority groups faced intensified opposition in the earth 1999s as compared to the White children (81). The factors that contributed to the revolution of the social and political status of marginalized groups in the twentieth century were majorly legislative in nature. The nineteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920, guaranteed women’s rights to vote. Trujillo recognizes political change as a critical milestone in the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Airport Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Airport - Article Example Airports receive their financial support from the general airport revenue bonds and state grants. However, they also rely on businesses and passengers using the airport. Additionally, the shippers also contribute immensely towards their success in meeting the operating expenses. The funds contribute to its airport successive running. Development has also played a significant role towards reducing aircraft pollutions. For instance, it has led to the production of new designs of airframes that reduce the noise created when a plane or jet displaces air when moving at high speed. Engine manufacturers have also managed to come with engines with reduced velocity of engine exhaust. Additionally, advancement in technology has also led to the replacement of the oldest and noisiest with new quieter technology. Since airports look like small cities, their organization is just like that of a small city. It has departments for purchasing, finance, personnel, and public relations. Additionally, they have fire department that handles fire tragedies. Airport departments enhance the success of activities in airside and groundside capacities. Development of the airport relies on the funds collected. These departments enable air transport to be
The Causes and Effects of Violence - Essay Essay Example for Free
The Causes and Effects of Violence Essay Essay Did you know that almost 6 million Jews were estimated killed in the Holocaust? The Holocaust was when men, children, and women alike were massacred just because of their religion, which was Judaism. This is not the first human tragedy that the world has endured this century. Another violent tragedy was when African American’s were being mistreated and persecuted in the United States. This was during the Jim Crow South when black people could not eat at the same restaurant as whites. Protesting led to extreme violence and many people were killed. Another tragedy was gang violence in America. This violence was caused by race and ethnic differences. In The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett and I Promised I Would Tell by Sonia Weitz, the reader sees how hatred and ignorance can lead to violence can and substantial deaths among people. The reason the Holocaust happened was because of anti-Semitism, which is the hatred of the Jewish people. Anti-Semitism is an example of a way that caused violence between two different groups of people. A quote from I Promised I Would Tell explains how Jewish people felt during World War II and explains the violence occurring. â€Å"The world was anything but safe for a Jew†(Weitz 1). This is when Sonia is describing how the world was to be a Jew when she was eleven years old. Sonia is being very grown up for her age and being realistic when she explains how she felt during this period of Jones, 2 the war. This was when the Germans were beginning to invade Poland. The hatred of someone’s religion is only one way that violence can massacre many people. Another way to start violence is to judge someone based on their race. In the Freedom Writers and in real life a person could be shot for waving the wrong gang banner or saying something bad about someone else’s race or gang. A good quote that describes this is from the Freedom Writers, â€Å"My brother taught me what the life is for a young black man. Pimp, deal, or do whatever. Learn what colors to wear. Gang banners. You can sell to one corner, but you cant sell another. Learn to be quiet. The wrong word can get you popped†(The violence in the Freedom Writers). This is where Andre, a character in the Freedom Writers, explains how if you join the wrong gang you could be shot, beat up, and ultimately killed. He is also explaining that if you act cocky you could get killed too. Andre is being very serious in explaining this to the teacher because every word of it is true. It is true because gangs were based on your race. So if a black person tried to join a Puerto Rican gang they could be killed. Gang rivalries and someone’s type of race are types of examples that can cause violence. Another example of a way that violence can occur is to judge someone by their particular stereotypes. A stereotype is defined as a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image about specific social groups, or types of individuals. A quote that can show a stereotype is shown here, Women should be respected as well! Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, so why shouldnt women have their share? †(Goodrich and Hackett 463). This is Jones, 3 when Anne Frank is saying that men get all the respect and women get close to none. The stereotype in this quote is that men are the stronger gender, which is not always true. Another stereotype is that blonde haired people are dumb. Both of these stereotypes can lead to anger which results in violence. Anne is being both truthful and honest in this quote because this is how the world was and still is, to some degree, today. This is another example of how something misinterpreted can cause violence which kills many people. The holocaust, gang rivalries, and stereotyping all have an end result of violence. Stereotypes occur because of the false statements of someone’s race, religion or gender. For example, blonde haired people have a stereotype of being dumb. The Holocaust and other human tragedies occurred because of hatred and intolerance of people. Gang violence and racism have occurred due to the judgment of a person’s race. All in all, these examples cause hatred which leads to violence and tragedy. Next time you think of judging someone based on their religious status, their personal stereotypes, or their race think about all the people who have been killed due to the violence started because of these false judgments. Works Cited Freedom Writers. Screenplay by Richard LaGravanese. Dir. Richard LaGravanese. Perf. Hilary Swank, Imelda Staunton, Patrick Dempsey, April L. Hernandez, and Mario. Paramount Pictures, 2007. Goodrich, Frances, and Albert Hackett. The Diary of Anne Frank. The Language Of Literature. Eds. Arthur N. Applebee and Andrea B. Bermudez, et. al. Illinois: McDougal Littell, 2006. 448-512. Weitz, Sonia. I Promised I Would Tell. Brookline: Facing History and Ourselves, 2004.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Concept of Demolition Man Essay Example for Free
Concept of Demolition Man Essay * The Hollywood film represents the danger of globalization and cultural and environmental homogeneity, standardization and sanitation. * Friedman argues that because globalization is creating a single marketplace, it is homogenizing consumption and culture and can run the risk of wiping out ecological and cultural diversity throughout the world. In the Cold War system, cultures didn’t interact as frequently or directly as they do today, where they are often offered up for global competition and comparison against one another. Diversity in Globalization * Friedman argues that because globalization is often associated with Americanization, countries need to develop strong cultural and environmental filters so they can interact with but not be overwhelmed and swallowed by the herd. He suggests the most important filter is the ability to â€Å"glocalize,†meaning a culture’s ability to absorb natural influences into their culture yet reject those that are alienâ€â€to assimilate aspects of globalization into your culture in a way that adds diversity without overwhelming. * Globalization will be sustainable as long as we manage these filters in a way that protects our culture while simultaneously getting the best out of others’ cultures. Methods for Greening Globalization * Mobilize the environmental entrepreneurs term coined by Keith Algers for an organization meant to stop the logging activities in the rainforest in Brazil while formulating a plan to avoid unemployment among these loggers. Looking at the bigger picture, it implies finding solution to the growing problems of compromise in the industrialized society that environmental protection and economic development can coexist together. * Environmentally Sound Production Methods – Corporations and shareholders should be pressured by the government to adapt new environmental policies. The government hitting companies over the head with both new regulations and new tax incentives to be green, and with SFC telling companies they have to start accurately portraying their environmental liabilities to shareholdersâ€â€such as where they are being sued for dumping and what the cleaning up costâ€â€there has been a paradigm shift. * Learning how to use globalization itself. Where globalization is an asset is in the fact that it is creating â€Å"Super-empowered environmentalist†, who are acting on their own, can now fight back rather effectively against both the Electronic Herd and governments. Thanks to the Internet, environmentalists in one country are quickly relaying how a multinational behaves in their country to environmentalists in other countries. Preventing cultural homogeneity * GlocalizationHhlksal;kl;ksdsl;adkls;adkals;dâ€â€the ability of a culture, when it encounters another strong cultures, to absorb influences that naturally fit into and can enrich that culture, to resist those things that are alien and to compartmentalize those things that, while different, can nevertheless be enjoyed and celebrated as different. * Unhelathy Glocalizationâ€â€when you absorb something that isn’t part of your culture, doesn’t connect with anything latent in your culture, but you have so lost touch with your culture, you think it does. * Glocalism alone is not sufficient to protect indigenous cultures from globalization. Some hard filters are also needed. To begin with you need zoning laws, protected area laws and educational programs to preserve unique regions and a cultural heritage from insidious homogenous development.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Literature Review Of Forecasting And Definitions Business Essay
Literature Review Of Forecasting And Definitions Business Essay Forecasting is supposed to be one of the oldest management activities. In biblical times there were frequent allusions to clairvoyants and prophets. Nowadays it is becoming increasingly necessary for companies to make forecasts; those that do not give the prospect to their competitors a clear advantage. No forecasting is a main cause of most of todays business failures. In the past, goods could be sold on company reputation alone and forecasting was not too important. In todays more competitive times, sentiment does not apply, and firms that do not challenge their selves to make an accurate forecast on which to base their future production will find it increasingly difficult to survive (Lancaster G.A. Lomas R.A., 1985). Forecasting is important for many aspects of the modern business. Organisations make plans which become effective at some point in the future so they need information about prevailing circumstances (Waters, 2003). This information must be forecast; but unfortunately forecasting is a difficult situation and despite its importance, progress in many areas has been limited (Waters, 2003). According to literature forecasting can be defined: Forecasting is predicting, projecting, or estimating some future event or condition which is outside an organizations control and provides a basis for managerial planning (Golden J., 1994, p.33) Forecasting is generally used to predict or describe what will happen (for example to sales demand, cash flow, or employment levels) given a set of circumstances or assumptions (Waddell D.,, 1994, p.41) Forecasting is a projection into the future of expected demand, given a stated set of environmental conditions (Mentzer J.T. Moon M.A., 2005, p.9) 2.3 Importance of Forecasting Todays globalized business market, the systematic move from push to pull manufacturing, and the rise in consumer oriented economies, have led to a much more complex forecasting world (Lapide, 2006). Forecasters are being asked to create plans for expanding geographies, increased numbers of sales channels, and broader, more diverse, and shorter life cycle product lines. This complexity means that markets are more dynamic and the business environment is not stable (Lapide, 2006). The importance of forecasting is finding in a great range of planning and decision making circumstances. It is essential to mention those perspectives that forecasting can become a useful tool for management in many departments of an organization. In marketing, a great amount of decisions can be improved significantly by connect them with dependable forecasts of market size and market characteristics (Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). Having this in mind for example, a company that produces and sells electrical devices should be able to forecast what the demand will be for each of its products by geographic region and type of consumer (Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). In production an essential need of forecasting is the area of product demand. This relates with the both prediction of volumes mix so as the organization can plan its production schedule and organize appropriate its inventories (Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). Another area that the recent years have linked a lot with forecasting is finance and accounting. These departments must forecast cash flows and the rates at which various expenses and revenues will occur if they are to maintain company liquidity and operating efficiiency (Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). Due to the nowadays difficult economic conditions that the whole business markets face up the importance of forecasting has become more imperative than ever. Marketing practitioners regard forecasting as an important part of their jobs. For example, in Dalrymple (1975), 93% of the companies sampled pointed out that sales forecasting was one of the most critical aspects, or a very important aspect of their companys success. Also Jobber, Hooley and Sanderson (1985), in a survey of 353 marketing directors from British textile firms, found that sales forecasting was the most common of nine activities on which they reported (Armostrong J. S. et. al, 2005). Moreover Dalrymple (1987), in a survey among 134 US companies, found that 99% prepared formal forecasts when they developed written marketing plans. Winklhofer et. al (1996) notes some basic factors that the importance of forecasting has become widely essential for the organizations in recent years: The increasing complexity of organizations and their environments led to difficulties for decision makers to take account of all the factors relating to the future growth of the organization into account; Organizations have moved towards more systematic decision making that contains explicit justifications for individual actions, and formalized forecasting is one way that these actions can be maintained; The development of the forecasting methods has enables not only forecasting experts but also managers to become familiar with these techniques. 2.4 Forecasting Methods Moving on, the next step is to present and to analyze the forecasting methods. Forecasting methods can be divided in three basic categories: a) Quantitative or Statistical b) Qualitative or Judgmental c) Time Horizon 2.5 Quantitative or Statistical Quantitative Forecasts base on mathematical models and suppose that past data and other relevant factors can be combined into reliable predictions of the future (The Journal of Business Forecasting, fall 2000). In preparing a quantitative forecast it should begin with a number of observed values, past data, or observations (Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). These observations may represent many things, from the actual number of units sold to the cost of producing each unit to the number of people employed (Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). Quantitative Forecasts can be divided into two alternative options; projective and casual. 2.5.1 Projective Methods These methods rely on historical data and they are known as time-series. These can be used to discover systematic, seasonal deviations in the data, cyclical patterns, trends and growth rates of the trends (Korpela J., 1996, p.162). Time-series analyze the data to find out which patterns exist and then develop a suitable forecast equation (Mentzer T. and Mark A.M., 2005). The main forecasting techniques included in this category are moving averages, exponential smoothing and a model for trend and seasonality. A short review of these methods follows. Moving Average Moving average takes account of the calculation of the average of the sample and then forecast the next period having as a driver this average. This is a proper method in order to predict from a series of data which has shown regular historical patterns and where there is a long series. Also they are suitable of predicting seasonal sales but they cant predict accurate rapid modifications in markets. Exponential Smoothing Exponential smoothing is the most popular and cost effective of the statistical methods. It bases on the principle that the latest data should be weighted more heavily and smoothers out cyclical variations to forecast the trend (Armostrong J. S. et. al, 2005). It relies on the idea that as data gets older it becomes less relevant and should be given less weight (Waters, 2003). In order to make this calculation it is needed the old average, the actual new demand and a weighting factor (Wild, 2002). Model for seasonality and trend The techniques that have been discussed so far have assumed that the basic underlying pattern of the past sales data has been horizontal. Waters (2003) proposes a model for use under some specific circumstances such as seasonality and trend in the demand. Demand can be divided in separate parts and more specifically: a) underlying value, which characterizes the main demand that should be adjusted for seasonality and trend b) trend which is the change in demand, c) seasonality which is the cyclical variation around the trend and finally d) noise which is a random effect. 2.5.2 Casual Methods The core assumption behind the casual methods is to use refined and specific information concerning variables to develop a correlation between a lead event and the event being forecasted (Korpela J., 1996, p.162). The idea based on the hypothesis that there is a discernible relationship between the forecasted variable and a measurable independent variable (Lancaster G.A. Lomas R.A., 1985). A typical example of casual methods is regression method. Regression Method By using a regression method the demand forecast is based on a relationship of one event to another. The use of regression method requires a large amount of data for the forecast variable and the casual variables. 2.6 Qualitative or Judgmental Qualitative Forecasts (The Journal of Business Forecasting, fall 2000) are based on opinions, knowledge and skills rather than more formal analysis. They are used where there is no historical data. These types of forecasts are one of the simplest and widely used forecasting approaches available (Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). Its core idea rely on the corporation of the executives by discussing and deciding as a group what their best estimate for is for the item to be forecast (Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). The most important judgmental methods are Delphi, Market Surveys and Historical Analogy. Delphi In the Delphi method at least two rounds of forecasts are obtained independently from a small group of experts. This group can be between five and twenty experienced and suitable experts and poll them for their forecasts and reasons (Armstrong J.S,, 2005). The experts never actually meet and typically do not know who the other panel members are (Wisniewski, 2006). After each round, the experts forecasts summed up and reported back to the experts (Armstrong J.S., 2006). The cycle can go on from a second to a third round and so on if appropriate (Lancaster G.A. Lomas R.A., 1985). Typically the Delphi method is used to produce a narrow range of forecasts rather than a single view of the future (Wisniewski, 2006). Market surveys Logic dictates that the most sensible approach to preparing a sales forecast might be ask ones customers (Lancaster G.A. Lomas R.A., 1985). It is a simple matter to ask customers what their likely purchases will be for the period it is desired to forecast. So companies make surveys in order to collect these data from customers and then by analysing their answers produce the forecasts. This method is best used when the number of users is small, when they are likely to state their purchasing intention with reasonable accuracy and when the forecaster knows the extent of competition in the market-place and the companys likely share of the total market (Lancaster G.A. Lomas R.A., 1985, p. 131). Historical Analogy Under limited circumstances it may be possible to produce forecasts based on observed patterns of some similar variable in the past (Wisniewski, 2006).The concept of this method based on the product life-cycle which assumes that the most of the products follow the reasonable stages of introduction, growth, maturity, decline (Lancaster G.A. Lomas R.A., 1985) as the figure 2.1 shows. The product life-cycle theory has been applied in many industries and has proved useful in identifying future strategies for products and services (Lancaster G.A. Lomas R.A., 1985). Maturity Sales/Profit Decline Growth Introduction Time Figure 2.1: Product life cycle Source: (Wisniewski M. (2006), Quantitative Methods for Decision Makers (4th Edition), Prentice Hall, p. 295) 2.7 Time Horizon Forecasts can be classified in terms of time span they cover in the future. The basic types of time horizon forecasts are long-term, medium-term and short-term (Korpela J., 1996, p.161). The long-term forecasts cover a time span of 3-10 years and they are used in the analysis of standard commitments and can be characterized as strategic decisions. The medium-term forecasts are made for one year to support production planning in the face of highly cyclical demand and can be characterized as tactical decisions. Finally short-term forecasts cover a time of one week to three months and they are used to control manufacturing levels and stock replenishment in the face of short demand variation. Short-term forecasts are concerned for operational decisions (Korpela J., 1996; Waters, 2003). 2.8 Forecast Error Inaccurate forecasts are the single most common problem that every company faces. Nowadays due to the rise of the technology there are many events or areas that can be predicted such as 1) seasonality, 2) average relationships, 3) average cyclical patterns, 4) emerging technological trends and their influence and many other factors. But on the other hand because future is something unknown there are always situations that are very difficult to predict such as 1) special events, 2) competitive actions or reactions, 3) sales of new products, 4) the start and depth of recessions, 5) changes in trends, 6) changes in relationships or attitudes, 7) and technological innovations (Makridakis and Wheelwright, 1989). Golden J., 1994, points out three ways-aspects that can reduce the forecast error by taking into consideration the followings: Knowing the market: take the pulse of those who will actually buy and use the product. Be independent. Deflate forecasts for a margin of safety. It is generally known that every forecaster knows that he/she should measure forecast errors. Most of them do it however only for the reason to see how well they are doing. The important is to measure forecasting errors for two primary reasons: to learn from them and to manage demand risk (Lapide L., 2007). Regarding learning from them, forecasts errors should be analyzed to access where errors are too high or have gotten to large so that more focus can be placed in those areas for improvement (Lapide L., 2007). Regarding managing for demand risk, users of the forecast need to know how accurate they are in order to leverage risk management strategies designed to mitigate the risk (Lapide L., 2007). 2.9 Forecasting methods criteria When carrying out market demand forecasts, one often confronts with the problem of the inappropriate selection of a forecast method. It should be noted that in every actual forecast situation methods have their advantages and disadvantages, hence, it is important to define and analyse forecast method selection criteria (Pilinkiene, 2008). In order to select the appropriate method several criteria should be considered such as a) forecast accuracy degree, b) time span, c) amount of necessary initial data, d) forecast costs, e) result implementation and applicability level (Pilinkiene, 2008). According to Cox and Mentzer study (Table 2.1) (1984;cited by Mentzer and Kahn,1995) identified accuracy (92%) and credibility (92%) as top criteria for choosing a forecast technique. Criteria Sample Size % Important Accuracy 205 92 Credibility 206 92 Customer Service Performance 199 77 Ease of Use 206 75 Inventory Turns 198 55 Amount of Data Required 205 46 Cost 205 41 Return on Investment 199 35 Table 2.1: Top criteria for choosing a forecast technique (Source: Mentzer J.T Kahn K.B., (1995) Forecasting Technique Familiarity, Satisfaction, Usage, and Application, Journal of Forecasting, vol.14, p.474) Moreover another important research made by Yokum and Armstrong (1995) (Table 2.2) which based in a survey among 322 experts in forecasting identified the most important criteria. There were 94 researchers, 55 educators, 133 practitioners (i.e. forecast preparers) and 40 decision makers (i.e. forecast users). From this study accuracy was the dominant criterion -rated 6.2 on average-, next was timeliness in providing forecasts, and cost savings resulting from improved decisions. After that five other criteria rated based on ease such as ease of use. Mean agreement rating Question Avg. Decision Maker (DM) Practitioner (PR) Educator (ED) Researcher (RS) Accuracy 6.20 6.20 6.10 6.09 6.39*DM,PR,ED Timeliness in providing forecasts 5.89 5.97 5.92 5.82 5.87 Cost savings resulting from improved decisions 5.75 5.97 5.62 5.66 5.89 Ease of interpretation 5.69 5.82 5.67 5.89 5.54 Flexibility 5.58 5.85*PR,ED,RS 5.63 5.35 5.54 Ease in using available data 5.54 5.79 5.44 5.52 5.59 Ease of use 5.54 5.84*PR,RS 5.39 5.77*PR, RS 5.47 Ease of implementation 5.41 5.80*PR,ED,RS 5.36 5.55 5.24 Incorporating judgmental input 5.11 5.15 5.19 5.12 4.98 Reliability of confidence int. 4.90 5.05 4.81 4.70 5.09 Development cost(computer, human resources) 4.86 5.10 4.83 5.02 4.70 Maintenance cost (data storage, modifications) 4.73 4.72 4.73 4.75 4.71 Theoretical relevance 4.40 3.72 4.43*DM 4.20*DM 4.81*DM *denotes significantly higher ratings (p Table 2.2: Importance of criteria in selecting a forecasting technique (scale- 1 unimportant to 7 important) (Source: Yokum, J. J.S. Armstrong (1995) Beyond Accuracy: Comparison of criteria Used to Select Forecasting Methods, International Journal of Forecasting, 11, p. 593) 2.10 Planning Practices for Improving Forecasting After the analysis of the available forecasting methods and their selection criteria the next step is to propose some planning practices that can improve forecasting, It is known that these practices are not necessary best fit with every company and before someone wants to implement them an evaluation of companys core practices should be made. That can help a company to identify its advantages and disadvantages in order to survive in todays tough market environment and with the help of these practices can become the leader of the market. The complexity and uncertainty that exist in the todays business environment creates many problems to every function of a company. This also affects supply chain management which its initial target is to meet the needs of the final consumer by supplying the right product at the right place, time and price (Helms, 2000). This complexity elevates forecasting accuracy and effectiveness as an elusive target. Many companies are, however, making significant, improvements by using an approach that supports and facilitates the concept of supply chain management by improving the forecasting practices (Helms, 2000). So the planning practices that can improve forecasting are: a) Sales and Operation Planning (SOP) and b) Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR). These practices will be analyzed and explained in the following subchapters. 2.10.1 Sales and Operation Planning****FRAMEWORKS*** Sales and Operating Planning (SOP), is a cross-functional process that brings together teams of individuals on a routine basis to plan for where businesses are going on a operational/tactical basis and is considered a supply chain best practice (The Journal of Business Forecasting, 2005; Lapide, 2006). Sales and Operations Planning (SOP) has emerged as a powerful decision-making tool for executives and managers (Wallace, 2005). It is a set of decision making process that 1) balances demand and supply, 2) links a companys day-to-day operations with its strategic and business plans and 3) integrates operational planning with financial planning (Wallace, 2005). ***ÃŽâ„ ¢ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ £ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ©ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ £ ÃŽÂ Α ÃŽÅ ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ÃŽÂ © ÃŽÂ £ÃƒÅ½ÃƒÅ½-ΜΑ ÃŽâ€Å"ÃŽâ„ ¢ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ ÃŽÂ ¤ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ 1,2,3** Each team member brings to the process a specific perspective during the development of supply and demand plans/forecasts (Lapide, 2006). Each SOP team member may have to generate, review and revise demand forecasts that reflect the aspects of a business with which they are most familiar (Lapide, 2006). SOP, leverages Supply-Demand Matching, an operating principle that involves balancing supply and demand over time in order to satisfy demand, optimize operations, and minimize wasted resources (The Journal of Business Forecasting, 2005). Under an SOP process, a companys sales and marketing plans are aligned with the plans of operations, logistics, manufacturing, and procurement in order to jointly optimize future demand-supply operations. It is a process from which the final constrained and unconstrained demand forecasts are developed and then used to drive operational planning activities (The Journal of Business Forecasting, 2005). ***Ά¢ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ £ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ÃƒÅ½-ÃŽÂ £ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ ÃŽÂ ¤ÃƒÅ½Ã… ¸ ÃŽâ„ ¢ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ÃŽÂ ¤ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ Ά¢ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¤, ÃŽÂ Α ÃŽâ€Å"ÃŽÂ ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¨ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ©*** The major input for the implementation of SP is the behavioural change of the people inside the organisation and is regarded to be as the most difficult element (Wallace, 2010). Other elements such as software tools, data and the specifics of the process may be essential, but theyre of far less significance. Taking this as a standard the point is that a successful implementation of SOP is a matter of change management. The amount of change is significant. Its not a matter of doing something better; its about doing things differently-to be better (Wallace, 2010). In order to understand SOP process in is important to present and explain the four fundamentals which are demand and supply, volume and mix figure 2.2. Volume (How much?, Rates, Product families) Supply Demand Mix (Which ones?, Timing/Sequence, Products/SKUs) Figure 2.2: The Four Fundamentals Source: Wallace T. Stahl B., (2005), Sales Operation Planning- The Next Generation, pp.6) SOP is a tool to balance demand and supply at the volume level. It deals with rates of sales and production, aggregate inventories and backlogs. It is typically expressed in product families or other aggregate groupings; it answers the question how much. At the mix level the matter is about with which individual products run first, second, third and which customer orders will ship when. It answers the question which ones giving the details (Wallace, 2005). Another important mission for SOP is to tie together the companys operational plans with its financial plans. The financial plans represent, critically essential evident, to deliver X amount of revenue and profit dollars for a specific period of the year. These commitments are made to some very important people such as the corporate office, the board of the directors, the Wall Street and ultimately to owners of the business: the stockholders (Wallace, 2005). On the other hand, the operational plans focus on things like procurement, production, sales, inventories and so on. When these operational plans are not aligned with the business and financial plans, there is a detach. (Wallace, 2005). Sales and Operation Planning Benefits Implementing SOP in a business the benefits will be essential and immediate. These benefits can be categorized into two groups, the hard benefits and the soft benefits. As far as it concerns the hard benefits these can be the following (Wallace, 2005): Higher Customer Service, by developing the ability to ship on time and complete at a higher rate than before SOP. Lower Finished Goods Inventories, by doing a better job of shipping to customers with lower, not higher, inventories. Shorter Customer Lead Times, through an enhanced ability to manage the customer order backlog and keep it at a low level. More Stable Production Rates, due to the ability to predict the future shifts in customer demand sooner and thus make smaller adjustments to production rates. Higher Productivity, by avoiding extreme fluctuations in production volumes with their attendant layoffs and rehiring. Moving on to the soft benefits these include (Wallace, 2005): Enhanced Teamwork, at both the executive and operating management levels, resulting from the holistic view of the business that SOP provides. Better Decisions, by decreasing effort and time. SOP offers, increases effectiveness which improves the quality and the structure of decisions on demand and supply issues. Greater Accountability and Control, due to the backward and forward visibility that SOP provides. Examples of Implementing Sales and Operation Planning a) Coca-Cola Midi (CCM): In France there is a manufacturing regional plant that produces -over 700 SKUs, encompassing 79,000 tons- soft drinks concentrates and juice beverages bases for Europe, Asia and Africa. SOP was implemented at CCM when the plant was started in 1991. SOP is for CCM the backbone for planning, manufacturing and supply-chain activities. SOP enables disciplined and formalized communications across the company, and between all the suppliers, partners and customers. Continuous improvement in customer service, inventory management, obsolete products, and freight costs were some of SOP benefits after the implementation. ( b) ***ÃŽÂ Α ΒΑΆºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ © ΑΆºÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃƒÅ½Ã… ¸ ÃŽÂ ΑΠ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ Ά¢ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â€ž ¢ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬Å"ΜΑ*** 2.10.2 Collaborative Planning Forecasting Replenishment (CPFR) Collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment (CPFR), is a revolutionary business practices where in trading partners use technology and a standard set of business processes for Internet-based collaboration on forecasts and plans for replenishment (KJR Consulting, 2002). CPFR can be categorized into these collaborative business practices that enabled trading partners to have visibility into ones other critical demand, order forecasts and promotional forecasts. The objective of CPFR is to improve efficiencies across the extended supply chain, reducing inventories, improving service levels and increasing sales (KJR Consulting, 2002). Wal-Mart and Warner-Lambert embarked on the first CPFR pilot, involving Listerine products, in 1991. In their pilot, Wal-Mart and Warner-Lambert used special CPFR software to exchange forecasts. Supportive data, such as past sales trends, promotion plans, and even the weather, were often transferred in an iterative fashion to allow them to converge on a single forecast in case their original forecast differed (Avin Y., 2001). As a result of CPFR implementation Warner-Lamberts service levels increased from 87% to 98%, while the lead times to deliver the product decreased from 21 to 11 days (Boone T., 2000).***ÃŽÂ Α ΆΠ© ÃŽ-ΜΆ¢ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã… ¸ÃƒÅ½Ã…“ÃŽ-ÃŽÂ ÃŽâ„ ¢ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ** Also this pilot was very successful, having as a result an increase in Listerine sales and better fill rates, having also a reduction on inventory investment (Avin Y., 2001). The key idea behind CPRF is that the trading partners (retailer and manufacturer), work together in order to produce a common forecast. Both the retailer and the manufacturer collect market intelligence on product information, store programs etc., and share it in real-time over the Internet. In most cases, the retailer owns the sales forecast; if the manufacturer agrees with the forecast, automatic replenishments are made to the retailer via predetermined business contracts so that a specific level of inventory or customer service is maintained (Boone T., 2000). In the case that the retailer and the manufacturer cant agree on the forecasts or if there are exceptions, such as unusual demand season or a store opening, the forecasts are reconciled manually. An important point is before the implementation of CPFR when the partners should agree on several key questions such as how to measure service levels and stock-out, how to set inventory and service targets (Boone T., 2000). The difference between CPFR and other business process tools and initiatives, such as Efficient Consumer Response (ECR), is that the other models require critical mass before any benefits are realized. Promotional plans and the business goals are the most famous areas of collaboration between the trading partners. After that order/replenishment plans, inventory status and sales forecast seems to be very critical themes for this relationship. CPFR Process Model ***ÃŽÂ Α ÃŽÂ ¤ÃƒÅ½Ã… ¸ ÃŽÅ ¾ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ΑΆΠ© ΑΠΒΠ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ © ÃŽÅ ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¤ÃƒÅ½Ã¢â€ž ¢*** CPFR Benefits There have been recorded and identified many benefits of CPFR. The CPFR documents that are available on the VICS Committee sites show that there is a 30%-40% improvement in forecast accuracy, significant increases in customer service, sales increase between 15% and 60% and reduction in days of supply 15%-20% (Sheffi Y., 2002). AMR Research (2001) reported a range of benefits that came through CPFR implementation in many companies and there are divided into retailer benefits and manufacturer benefits as it is shown in table 2.3. Retailer Benefits Typical Improvement Better store shelf stock rates 2% to 8% Lower inventory levels 10% to 40% Higher sales 5% to 20% Lower logistics costs 3% to 4% Manufacturer Benefits Typical Improvement Lower inventory levels 10% to 40% Faster replenishment cycles 12% to 30% Higher sales 2% to 10% Better customer service 5% to 10% Table 2.3: Typical CPFR Benefits Source: Sheffi Y.,(2002), The value of CPFR, RIRL Conference Proceedings As far as it concerns the retailers benefits the highest is the reduction in inventory levels which has a drop from 10% to 40%. After that the increase in sales from 5% to 20% is another essential benefit. On the other hand the manufacturers benefits relate again with a elimination in inventory levels from 10% to 40% and also it offers a faster replenishment cycles from 12% to 30%. In accordance with a questionnaire constructed by KJR Consulting and sent via e-mail to 130 GMA (Grocery Manufacturers of America) companies that have implement CPFR best practice a great range of benefits raised that can indicate the importance of CPRF for the modern complexity businesses. These benefits have been categorized in the following Figure 2.1. Figure 2.4: Anticipated Benefits of CPFR Sou
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essay --
Brian McGrath Mr. Miller Accelerated US History I 25 February 2014 In the early part of the 18th century, the British government implemented salutary neglect toward its colonies with limited engagement in economic and political affairs. From across the Atlantic, Britain enacted protocols such the Navigation Laws and the Molasses Act (OI), but enforcement of such trade regulation was minimal. The colonists and British existed in symbiosis. The colonists benefited from a relationship without great limitations and displayed a friendly and appreciative attitude toward the British; the British held the colonists on a long leash and reaped the benefits of the fertile and productive land offered by the New World. However, the French and Indian War drastically altered this mother-daughter relationship, significantly changing the ideological, political, and economic association between Great Britain and its American colonies. When the British saw the necessity for imperial control, colonists were repulsed by the unexpected disrespect they received. Through t he actions of Britain gain greater control over its colonies politically, the behaviors that incited ideological shifts, the economic hostilities in the aftermath, and the generally rebellious repercussions in the colonies, the French and Indian war molded a healthy mother-daughter relationship into one of enmity. The origins of the French and Indian War can be found in international disputes such as Queen Anne’s and King William’s Wars (OI), but also, earlier, in the settlement of both the French and the British in the Ohio valley region of America. The tense power balance evolved as the French and British sought to take control of the region from the Native American. Desperately opp... ...e war incited violent retaliations from the colonists and an unforeseen breach of trust between Great Britain and its American colonies. The French and Indian War played a large role in the decline of relations between the British and the colonists, in the control that Britain sought over the colonies during the fighting and the contact between the British and American soldiers. However, the transgressions to which colonists were most adamantly opposed occurred in the aftermath of the fighting. Taxes, stationing of troops, control of major cities, and other actions by the British government only brought about greater agitation in America. The events that took place during and after the French and Indian War, politically, ideologically, and economically influential, shaped the faces of both America and Britain as the two progressed towards the American Revolution.
Renaissance Period and the Start of Humanism :: European Europe History
The Renaissance Period and the Start of Humanism The Renaissance was an incredibly important turning point in Western Intellectual and Cultural Tradition. All of these changes centered around the idea of Humanism -- in which, people became less "God Centered" and more "Human-centered". I have narrowed down these changes, and will discuss in detail, these changes in three major categories: Political, Education, and the Humanism of Arts. The major pollical changes of the Renaissance were from the old Feudal System of the Middle Ages into a more flexible and liberal class system. This was most noticeable in Italy (particularly in Florence), where the divisions consisted of the old rich, the new rich nobles, the middle class, and the lower middle class(The poor didn't count). This created great conflict between these social divisions. The new rich consisted of successful merchants, capitalists, and bankers innovators of new systems of making money. The Humanism philosophy was also a very popular with the people and many political leaders rose to high positions with support of these ideals. Three humanists even became chancellors of Florence -- they used their rhetorical skills to strongly rally the people of Florence against their enemies. The great changes in Education of the Renaissance were inspired at first, by the desire of Humanists to be wise and to speak eloquently. The idea of useful education for the people, and very "well rounded" schooling in many different fields of learning were the new defined goals of Renaissance education. People all over (Especially in Florence) revived the Ancient Greek studies of Plato, Aristotle, and many others. People began seriously questioning what these people said and re-developed the "Scientific Theory" in which you didn't just accept whatever was said to you, but you tested the truth of it. In the area of Humanism and the Arts, Renaissance Artists no longer were subordinate to the interests and the values of the Clergy, and were able to create anything of their "artistic will". Both men and women were now able to appreciated arts beyond just religious themes. Artists could also now take advantage of new techniques, such as oil painting and linear perspective to enhance the quality of their works. All of the great artists of the time used became who they were solely because of this new artistic freedom that the Renaissance brought them. These artists also created works that were more complex than before.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Essays -- The Lottery Essays
Everything may not be what it seems in Shirley Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery†. Within the story there are many reoccurring themes, ranging from the townspeople inability to establish bonds to the Jackson’s displaying how easily humans will engage in behavior that is otherwise frowned upon once given an excuse. The most prominent of these themes is the loyalty the townspeople hold towards various items and rituals in their lives. The townspeople hold the utmost loyalty towards their tradition of the lottery. The second most noticeable theme is the lack of ties within the community. At the beginning of the Lottery some of the fragile community ties are evident it becomes obvious how easily they are broken. The final and most important of themes is how readily and without reserve the town members participate in a murder they have reclassified as a sacrifice. These themes are the most important within the Lottery because all of them are alluded to on more than one occasion. The black box of the lottery represents the loyalty of the town to traditions. Despite the state of the black box, which is splintered and becoming shabbier each year, the townspeople make no move to replace it. For example, â€Å"Summers began talking again about a new box, but every year the subject was allowed to fade off without anything's being done†(Jackson par 5). While on the other hand they did away with some the other traditions such as the official formally addressing each person who pulled and the wood chips, they cling tightly to the black box. The townspeople see the black box as a way to hold on to the past because supposedly it is made with pieces from the original box (Jackson par. 5). The main tradition they are holding onto is the Lottery i... ... killing an individual is needed to ensure a prosperous crop is not only disheartening but also a scary idea. This is behavior that is thought to be barbaric and a thing of days long past. The Lottery is a very surprising story with many themes all of which are important. The ones previously addressed are the ones that occurred more than others and also seemed to bring more to the meaning and interpretation of the story. Works Cited Coulthard, A.R. â€Å"Jackson’s THE LOTTERY.†Explicator 48.3 (1990): 226. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Mar. 2014. Griffin, Amy A. â€Å"Jackson’s The Lottery.†Explicator 58.1 (1999): 44. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Mar. 2014. Jackson, Shirley. "The Lottery" Literature Interactive Edition. 12th ed. N.p.: Longman, 2011 Yarmove, Jay A. â€Å"Jackson’s The Lottery.†Explicator 52.4 (1994): 242. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Mar. 2014. Shirley Jackson's The Lottery Essays -- The Lottery Essays Everything may not be what it seems in Shirley Jackson’s short story â€Å"The Lottery†. Within the story there are many reoccurring themes, ranging from the townspeople inability to establish bonds to the Jackson’s displaying how easily humans will engage in behavior that is otherwise frowned upon once given an excuse. The most prominent of these themes is the loyalty the townspeople hold towards various items and rituals in their lives. The townspeople hold the utmost loyalty towards their tradition of the lottery. The second most noticeable theme is the lack of ties within the community. At the beginning of the Lottery some of the fragile community ties are evident it becomes obvious how easily they are broken. The final and most important of themes is how readily and without reserve the town members participate in a murder they have reclassified as a sacrifice. These themes are the most important within the Lottery because all of them are alluded to on more than one occasion. The black box of the lottery represents the loyalty of the town to traditions. Despite the state of the black box, which is splintered and becoming shabbier each year, the townspeople make no move to replace it. For example, â€Å"Summers began talking again about a new box, but every year the subject was allowed to fade off without anything's being done†(Jackson par 5). While on the other hand they did away with some the other traditions such as the official formally addressing each person who pulled and the wood chips, they cling tightly to the black box. The townspeople see the black box as a way to hold on to the past because supposedly it is made with pieces from the original box (Jackson par. 5). The main tradition they are holding onto is the Lottery i... ... killing an individual is needed to ensure a prosperous crop is not only disheartening but also a scary idea. This is behavior that is thought to be barbaric and a thing of days long past. The Lottery is a very surprising story with many themes all of which are important. The ones previously addressed are the ones that occurred more than others and also seemed to bring more to the meaning and interpretation of the story. Works Cited Coulthard, A.R. â€Å"Jackson’s THE LOTTERY.†Explicator 48.3 (1990): 226. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Mar. 2014. Griffin, Amy A. â€Å"Jackson’s The Lottery.†Explicator 58.1 (1999): 44. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Mar. 2014. Jackson, Shirley. "The Lottery" Literature Interactive Edition. 12th ed. N.p.: Longman, 2011 Yarmove, Jay A. â€Å"Jackson’s The Lottery.†Explicator 52.4 (1994): 242. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Mar. 2014.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Business Accounting (Gbb/Gcb 1013)
Business Accounting (Gbb/Gcb 1013) Semester January 2013 Title:  Lecturer: Hezlina Bt M Hashim Group Members: No. | Name| Student Id| 1| | | 2| | | 3| | | 4| | | 5| | | Date Received: Introduction: Charitable organizations are NGOs whose purpose of existence is to benefit the public. The mission of a charitable non-profit expresses the particular way in which the organization will fulfil its public benefit purpose.The board members of a non-profit organization entrusted with the supervision of the board members who have a legal obligation to ensure that the non-profit organization uses the funds to fulfil its mission. QUESTION: Better Days Ahead, a charitable organization, has a standing agreement with First National Bank. The agreement allows Better Days Ahead to overdraw its cash balance at the bank when donations are running low. In the past, Better Days Ahead managed funds wisely, and rarely used this privilege.Jacob Henson has recently become the president of Better Days. To expand operations, Henson acquired office equipment and spent large amounts on fundraising. During Henson’s presidency, Better Days Ahead has maintained a negative bank balance of approximately $10,000. 1. – What is the ethical issue in the situation? The issue in this situation is the investment policy. Managers of non-profit organizations must ensure that investments are consistent with the values nd principles set to achieve the stated objectives to guide activities, and ethical behaviour of its employees, volunteers and board members. The lack of an ethical base as a result of the lack of creation and monitoring of ethical standards has the potential to lead to a lack of success in the organization. However the fulfilment of the ethical standards of the institution by the leader and employees, since success is reflected in the work to be carried out, ensuring the objectives and goals to reach.Better Days Ahead, as a charitable organization, it is not normal to maintain a negative bank account as it has no benefits arise from its operations, but since the president of the organization is carrying out his work according to the duties of his job and the agreements with the bank, then it is acting properly and not against any ethics or agreements. 2. State why you approve or disapprove of Henson’s management of Better Days Ahead’s funds. I would approve of his management of the fund as he is taking out a loan in order to improve the fundraising ability of his charitable organization.Since any charity relies on fundraising in order to increase their operating funds and potential, the usage of a loan during a â€Å"slow time†in order to increase this fundraising potential of the organization seems to outweigh the impact that the negative bank balance might show due to the loan. Certain company have to do this in order to maintain current condition. What has been done by Better Days Ahead is good to their company and will benefit them more. CONCLUSION As the conclusion, we can see from above statement, there are still many ways to improve the productivity of the company although the company is doing charitable work.As a mana ger or even worker, they have to implement the way of ethics in doing business of work. Some of the company already implement company policy to smoothing the way of work. To disregard company policy is unethical because it has the potential to harm the company and other employees. To me, unethical behaviours can damage a company's credibility, causing the business to lose customers and ultimately shut down. However, business owners and their management teams can work with employees to prevent unethical behaviours. In this case, the situation that they are acing is still ethical as they have to maintain their current status as charitable company. INTRODUCTION There are many different forms of business organizations. They are sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. A sole proprietorship consists of one individual doing business. Sole proprietorship are the most numerous form of business organization in Malaysia, however they account for little in the way of aggregate busine ss receipts. There are no forms you need to fill out to start this type of business. This is the easiest form of business to set up, and the easiest to dissolve.The purpose of most organization or business is mainly to earn profit. It is usually called as profit oriented business. So, it is actually a profit business or other organization whose primary goal is making money, as opposed to a non-profit organization which focuses a goal such as helping the community and is concerned with money only as much as necessary to keep the organization operating. This includes anything from retail stores to restaurants to insurance companies to real estate companies. Question: You are opening Quail Creek Pet Kennel.Your purpose is to earn profit and you organize as proprietorship. 1. Make a detailed of 5 factors you must consider to establish the business. There are many factors that must be considered in order to start a business. Five of them are listed below: Types of business and a proper p lan The first thing to be always decided upon is the type of business we want to do. Before selecting on any type, we should always do a thorough background check on the idea, such as the current trends. For example, people in Malaysia like to take cats and kittens as their own pet. It has even become a trend.After that is done, a proper road-map should be planned for the road ahead detailing the various costs involved, growth plans, and operating ratio. A thought out plan should also enable us to get a start-up loan from the bank quickly if we want to get capital from bank. Capital The next factor that we need to consider is the money or capital. Usually, small businesses starts with small amount of capital which means only small amount of profit will be earned. While arranging the capital, we should always keep a little margin for the initial running cost and the loan repayment interest.The latter can be avoided, if you can arrange the capital from the family or friends. We can al so obtain capital by taking a loan from banks. But, as our business has unlimited liability it is too risky if the business failed. Pet kennel or care taking business doesn’t usually need much capital. Marketing Another of the many factors to consider when starting the business is the market you enter and how to reach out and inform people about our business. We also need to segment the market in order to satisfy everyone. For example, Malays usually keep cats as their pet and Chinese or Indians usually take care of dogs.We can give pamphlets and distribute it from house to house. The pamphlets should contain the details and information. This doesn’t cost much as it’s just photocopy. Besides that, we should be very friendly while interacting with customers to maintain our pubic relation. If we have workers, they should be trained to be persuasive and friendly or maybe talkative. Equipment needed In order to start this kind of business, we need to determine what equipment we need. Firstly, we may need cat cages, dog kennels, cat and dog food, and other things.We also need to decide from where we can get these things and decide which supplier to get these things. The prices of these equipments also need to be considered. Cheap price usually means low quality products and expensive products usually are more quality. Location The next important factor that we need to consider is the location of the business. It is appropriate for us to locate our business near neighborhoods where many people live. We can buy or rent a shop lot or even an empty house and it must be located where people can see and know about it.We shouldn’t choose a place far away from people’s houses. But renting a house can annoy or disturb the next door neighbors with the smell of animals and their noises. This is unethical and can ruin our reputation as a business. So it is better if we rent a shop lot in areas where as we can’t afford to buy it. 2. Ide ntify 5 or more transactions that your business will undertake to open and operate the Kennel. a) Debit cash credit capital. * This is important to open the business where the owner puts the capital in the business.This can be said as the initial capital to open and help the owner to operate the business. b) Debit purchases cash credit. * The owner uses some cash to buy equipments from the suppliers as the stocks for his pet kennel business. c) Debit accounts receivables credit service revenue. * The customer now is paying on credit for the service. d) Debit maintenance expense credit cash * The owner spends some cash to repair the broken dog kennel. e) Credit accounts receivables debit cash * The customer on credit pays the remaining balances owed. f) Debit medication expense credit cash While taking care of the dogs, one of them was injured and need to be treated in the animal clinic. 3. income statement The Quail Pet Kenner income statement, statement of owner’s equity, an d balance sheet at the end of the first month of operation. Quail Creek Pet Kennel Income Statement For the Month Ended January 31,2013 Revenue : Service3000 Expenses: Maintenance200 Medication430 Rent1700 Advertising 560 2890 Net Income 110 Quail Creek Pet Kennel Statement of Owner’s Equity For the Month Ended January 31,2013 Quail Creek Pet Kennel, capital, January 1,2013 30000Add : Investment by owner 0 Net Income 110 Subtotal30110 Less: Withdrawal by owner 750 Quail Creek Pet Kennel, capital, January 31,201329360 Quail Creek Pet Kennel Balance Sheet January 31,2013 AssetsLiabilities Cash21360Account Payable 9800 Furniture 9800Owner Equity Equipment 8000Capital 29360 Total Assets39160Total Liabilities and Equity 39160 Evaluation of Business Since the business has just started up on its first month of operations, the figures of our accounts have shown good progress and shows that the business might be a success is the coming years.However, we have to determine whether or no t to continue the business with a few calculations that could be done for the business. First of all, we use the current ratio of the business where the we divide the Current Asset of the business with the current liabilities. This is to measure the business’s current ability to pay off all the liabilities of the business where the higher the ratio, the higher the probability of the business to have enough sufficiency to maintain its business operations. The calculations are as follows: Current Assets = 21360Current Liabilities 9800 = 2. 1786 Since the Current ratio is above 1, the business could have a higher possibility of continuing running with lower risk of failing in the business line. This shows that the business can continue to run and succeed in the future as the business holds a small amount of risk. Another way of determining whether or not the business the business is by the Acid-Test ratio which determines the ability of the business to pay all current liabilitie s if they came due immediately. The calculation is as follows:Cash + Short term investment + Net current receivables = 21360 Current liabilities 9800 = 2. 1786 Again, the Acid-test ratio indicates that the ratio of the business is above 1. This shows that the business does have the ability to pay all current liabilities if they came due immediately. This also shows that the business can run very smoothly and efficiently in the coming months and years to come and could be a good business to continue on investing and serving.The final way to determine whether or not the business should continue its operations after evaluating its first month of operation is by using the Debt Ratio. This calculation is done to determine the financial risk of the business. The calculation of the Debt Ratio is as follows: Total liabilities = 9800 Total Assets 21360 = 0. 459 Since the Debt Ratio is below 1, the business shows a good ratio and record that if the business continues its operations, it has a low financial risk and can be a very good business to invest into.In conclusion, after analyzing all of the probabilities, and calculating all of the results of the business’s first month operations, we can conclude that the business of the Quail Creek Pet Kennel should be continued and can be a success in the future as all the facts shows a positive outcome for the business. Conclusion From the first question, we can conclude that there are still many ways to improve the companies productivity even though the company is doing charitable work. As either a manager or an employee, the way of ethics have o be implemented in doing business of any sorts. A few of other companies or businesses have started to implement company policies of work ethics in order to improve the quality and efficiency as well as effectiveness of the work. To disregard company policy is unethical because it has the potential to harm the company and other employees of the company. An unethical behavior of an employee can ruin a company’s reputation as well as credibility in the eyes of the stakeholders as well as potential investors, which could cause the company to stop operations.The business owners as well as their management teams can find a way to prevent their employees from making unethical decisions or behaviors in the company. From the final question, we can conclude that Quail Creek Pet Kennel has a higher possibility of continuing its operations. This is based on a thorough calculation of assets and liabilities of the business which has only been operating for 1 month and the results of the calculations done have shown positive outcomes for the business.This has made us conclude that the business has a very good potential of expanding in the future, and has a probability of opening more branches nationwide and can project a very high success rate if the business continues its operations for the years to come. In conclusion, ethics for a business is not something th at has to be put aside in any kind of business that we are operating. This also implies to charity work. Finally, a a charity-based business is not an excuse to not succeed in the business world as any kind of business can prove to be a success if we run it efficiently and effectively.
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