Saturday, August 31, 2019
Reflecting on self an an entrepreuner
Introduction The first half of this report is written about one of the famous German entrepreneurs Klaus KobJoll. It will include personal, societal and environmental antecedent that influenced KobJolls' decisions during his life. In addition, his strengths and weaknesses will be determined and compared against my own ones. Second half of report will describe on what kind of venture I will do my Opportunity Analyses Report. It will include 5 key disciplines and 2 key personnel required to be source, as well as skills and competences needed for the start-up of the venture Background Information on Klaus KobJollBeing born on 13 June 1948, Klaus KobJoll is now one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Europe (Schindlerhof n. d. ). His business portfolio ranges from restaurants to hotel business. His entrepreneurial career began when he was 22 by opening a â€Å"Creperie rennaise†restaurant in Erlangen in 1970. From then on, he established several more restaurants and hotels in Erlangen and Nuremberg. 1 1984, he opened the most successful venture in his career, the â€Å"Landhotel Schindlerhof†. Schindlerhof has become one of the best hotels in Europe and won several awards.Klaus KobJoll himself sees business as something that is very personal and should be handled with care. He is the author of books, lectures, and articles on hotel management (CSA Celebrity Speakers n. d. ). In what ways Klaus KobJoll can be considered an entrepreneur? KobJoll is believed to be highly successful and rare entrepreneur. He deserved that status through his hard work and dedication to his ventures. The rigidly high standards that Klaus imposed on himself for running his business, earned him recognition and numerous accolades.Moreover, his unique way of dealing with mployees, giving them as much empowerment as they need to learn being independent, made his company one of the Germanys most productive places. His desire to grow and make Schindlerhof a better place broug ht the expansion of an originally 19-room hotel into a nearly 100-room hotel with $7mln turnover in 2012 (Wildberg, R 2013). He is also a member of German Hotel and restaurant Association and became first full member of the Swiss Hotelier's Association (CSA Celebrity Speakers n. d. ).Personal Influences of Klaus KobJoll The establishment of entrepreneurship is highly influenced by individual's personal raits and characteristics (Morrison, A, Rimmington, M ; Williams, C 1999). From that point of view, Timmons (cited in Morrison, A et al. 1999) suggests that leadership, along with commitment and determination are among desirable traits for an entrepreneur to possess. It can be seen that Klaus KobJoll is truly is an inspirational and motivational leader. He prompts his employees to be independent by empowering them to discover their individual talents.Klaus KobJoll sees his hotel â€Å"as a school in which they grow' (Wildberg, R 2013). In addition, being a leader Klaus KobJoll admits that every leader has a select group of qualities. He states that every man can be a manager, but not everyone can become a leader. He highlights several points such as self-confidence, need for achievement, and responsiveness to Those factors in turn correspond with entrepreneurial traits suggested by Schumpeter, McClelland, Baty and Chet et al. (cited in Morrison, A et al. 1999).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Group Roles and Norms Essay
Explicit norms are rules that are clearly stated. Implicit norms are hard for people with difficulty with socially-based learning. Roles within groups are different tasks that different people perform and the specific accomplishments each is expected to attain (Baron, Branscombe & Byrne, 2009, p. 384). An example of an explicit role is a professor for a class. The students in the class play the explicit role in the course. The professor’s role is to guide and nurture their students. An implicit role that students have is that they are just as likely to have a great deal to offer to the class as a group if the professor can create a safe, accepting environment that encourages the free exchange of ideas. Norms are rules established by groups which define acceptable and unacceptable behaviors (Baron, Branscombe & Byrne, 2009, p. 387). Horne (2004) specifically focuses on the sanctions which enforce the rules. An explicit norm for the classroom is that the students come prepared to class, as the roles are clearly stated in the syllabus. An implicit norm is that students have to come to class prepared. Students attempt to enforce the implicit norm by letting the instructor know they are prepared for class. An explicit norm is the length of time for classes. The class can deviate from the implicit norm while adhering to the explicit norm that classes will meet the whole length of class time. Some of the initial consequences to deviating from the implicit norm which students are that they wish the professor will follow their body language to let class out early. This reinforces the explicit norm that they will come to class prepared, violating their implicit norm that they will not participate in class. The professor can uses a form of sanctioning called Jeopardy. Professors can have students clear their desk so that students cannot attempt to enforce the implicit norm that class will dismiss early. Rewards are provided by group assessments. Creating accountability, both to the group and to oneself by creating a grading system that balances group work, daily grades, and tests is the best way to ensure a fairly smooth and regular routine to the classroom. Students unwilling to meet these explicit norms will ideally move on quickly to other courses where the implicit norms are more likely to be met or choose to adjust their behavior. References Baron, R. A., Branscombe, N. R., & Byrne, D. (2009). Social psychology (12th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Horne, C. (2004). Collective benefits, Exchange interests, and norm enforcement. Social Forces, 82(3), 1037-1062.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Leadership-Development Programs Essay
1.0 Background At the senior executive staff meeting of August 1, 2012, the director of operations suggested that Cliffside Holding Company of Massapequa (CHCM) establish a leadership-development program to prepare junior financial executives for future advancement into executive positions. Specifically, the proposal was to send 20 employees off-site each year for a three-week program offered by the Aspen Leadership Institute of Colorado at a cost of $5,000.00 USD per student. The total cost to CHCM would be $100,000.00 per year plus approximately the same amount for lost time on the job. 2.0 Discussion CHCM has been in business for over 50 years. Our average growth rate is 12% per annum. None of our twelve senior executives has attended a leadership development seminar and yet our company has been prosperous. This calls into question whether a leadership development program is even necessary. Moreover, since our leadership has been successful and effective without such programs it appears that leaders are born, not made. In fact, I surveyed your senior staff and all but one agreed with this notion. To quote the famous economist Dr. Irwin Corey, each of us is â€Å"born into this world accompanied by a rich, psychical disposition, which furnishes him ready-made all his motivations of conduct†¦He can show a demand for nothing that is not prompted by this galaxy of instincts.†The online reference site Wikipedia defines leadership as â€Å"the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others.†There exists an entire school of leadership theory which holds that leaders have certain traits in common. Winston Churchill, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr. – all possessed such leadership traits as ambition, self-confidence, and intelligence. These cannot be learned; they are innate. Two well-respected research studies that support the notion that personality traits can predict leadership were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology and in the Leadership Quarterly. In my own experience, I’ve also noted that a tall physical stature is possessed by leaders. Certainly no one can increase his or her height–it is determined by genetics. Note the heights of some of the greatest leaders in United States history in the table, below. Source: , and In fact, all members of your senior staff are over six feet tall with one exception: Ms. Florence Forsythe, the person advocating leadership development training. Moreover, I am suspect as to her intentions. Is it possible that she may covet my position as the human resources VP? Or is she motivated by the liberal notion that all citizens of a free nation have the right to pursue education and can achieve anything they desire? I suspect she is motivated by both personal gain and bleeding-heart liberal intentions. Once we start sending some people for leadership training, we will start getting numerous requests for expensive training that we simply can’t afford. Regardless, if we spend our money on leadership development, we will not have enough to spend on recruitment. And, from the discussion above, it would be more logical to select and recruit those with leadership traits than to try and develop those who are not. Moreover, if we spend money sending the wrong people to leadership training, the whole program will be a waste of money. There are plenty of people who are already leaders; we don’t need to â€Å"train†those who are not. 3.0 Conclusion and Recommendation I speak for truth and common sense. CHCM should not invest in the proposed initiative to send its junior executives for annual leadership training. Leadership development programs are wasteful because the money is not well-spent. The advocate of this idea, Ms. Forsythe, is not really concerned about developing leaders for Cliffside Holding Co. Instead, Ms. Forsythe has a personal agenda to discredit me personally and push the theories of the Aspen Institute. As VP of Human Resources, I don’t think those theories are appropriate for the culture of CHCM.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Alone on the sea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Alone on the sea - Essay Example As more and more data are collected, retrieved and stored on these social media sites and internet, the concerns for its privacy and repurposing has been increased immensely. This superfluous information and data needs intelligent and sophisticated data base management systems, making this sensitive information prone to the advertising agencies etc. Advertising agencies lure these social media networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Myspace, Twitter, Skype, Whatsapp etc to sell this personal sensitive data for marketing and advertising prospects. Highly customized, targeted and dedicated advertising campaigns have been designed by the advertisers managed by their back end running systems to reach their target markets. Highly targeted and specified advertising campaigns endanger the personals of individuals threatening the prospects of privacy violation. The goal of these advertising campaigns is unified that is to make their way to their target prospects that causes privacy violations. An advertising system has been established linking the middle users and the advertisers supported by the social media and internet so that they can display their ads and market their offerings. Moreover many of the internet tracking companies is also inclined towards gaining access to the private data of individuals through Facebook apps. The p oor infrastructure and least sophisticated systems of social media sites also cause privacy violations. As with the increased susceptibility of private data of internet users most of the renowned and gigantic social media sites have strengthened their privacy controls facilitating the users to gain trust in their platforms and services. For instance, Facebook, Instagram, Skype etc frequently make changes in their privacy control systems and proposing tight restrictive options in privacy setting for their users. Moreover they give options
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Why I Want to Return to School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Why I Want to Return to School - Essay Example Having served as a manager in the corporate world, I feel the dire need of acquainting myself with the right management skills. I deem that essential for progressing in the corporate world. I currently work as a security consultant and am placed in the middle management in the organization structure. When I was originally hired for this job, my plus point that counted more than my skills was that I was a woman. The company wanted to see how including a woman in the team would impact the clients. So although I was not quite skilled in management, I was offered a chance to prove them. I am optimistic that this degree will acquaint me with the necessary skills to help me become a subject matter expert in the security career field in the near future. Taking this course of management would enable me to optimize on my skills so that I provide my company with a reason to offer me a place on behalf of my skills rather than for my gender. Till now, all I have been concentrating upon my professional career. I tried being part of the Air Force and then tried being a civilian. Although I love the added freedom that comes with being a civilian, yet it is equally important for the civilians to keep advancing in their careers in order to remain competitive. In order to pursue my degree, I would have to manage the job along with studies and yet give time to my family as well. This would require me to make certain changes in my lifestyle. The biggest challenge for me is to be in the right place at the right time. Since I am divorced and my daughter is with me, I assume full responsibility for her. What makes the challenge even bigger for me is the fact that my daughter is only six years old. She is a toddler and requires full-time attention and care. In order for me to devote myself wholeheartedly to my degree, it is imperative that I find some objective solution to this problem.
Careers in Math Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Careers in Math - Essay Example This change in gas prices has been attributed to many things, including the war in Iraq, and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This is a real life example of the pre-calculus concept of functions. The problems with modeling this situation are obvious. There are so many factors that could be involved it is difficult to tell which is the actual cause of the change, and then there is the difficulty with the rate of change. Finally, there is the pesky problem of the spot price and the difficulties with assessing how spot prices affect retail prices. Retail prices usually follow the spot price shifts, but they sometimes lag behind (This Week in Petroleum 2005). These are the sorts of issues that must be analyzed and solved by mathematicians working out in the real world. One person who designs and runs numerous mathematical models for decision making purposes is Amanda Peterson, who works in the Operations Research department of the Dynamic Research Corporation. Often, decision problems can be solved using mathematical equations, but there are "cases when the situation is too detailed for a math model alone or the customer prefers a more visual product" (MAA Online 2005). Then she writes a computer program called a simulation model to simulate the different aspects of the problem. Decision makers can use this model to test different scenarios.
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Criticisms of The Friedan Mystique Article Essay
The Criticisms of The Friedan Mystique Article - Essay Example The difficulties that Betty Friedan saw women facing were most likely enough to let her realize that any revolution that would take place in women’s favor would do so at a slow and painstaking pace. Therefore, Friedan might have predicted that at some point during the change, women’s advances would not be commonplace. It might very well have been known to her that during the revolution, women’s wages as compared to men’s would rise to equalityâ€â€not overnight, but gradually. Friedan’s idea was to grant women the wide variety of choices that men had. It was not to be conceived that women should abandon child-bearing and rear altogether and launch out into the business world without concern for family and the perpetuation (or at least prolongation) of the human race. Her goal was to grant women the choice and opportunity to pursue business should they have that desire. In light of this, it would seem that Betty Friedan would have known that some women might consciously choose to remain in the homes, bear and rear children, and take care of their husbands. Certainly, at the time that she lived and wrote, while some women seemed eager and were clamoring for equality, others seemed quite satisfied with their domestic lot. Some were even critical of the women who wanted the choice to become educated and actually use that education in the corporate and professional world. The existence of these phenomena would have made it possible for Friedan to predict the criticisms of feminism made in â€Å"The Friedan Mystique.â€
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Week 7 Assginment--Business Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Week 7 Assginment--Business Report - Assignment Example First of all Outsourcing decision depends on the company as a whole, when a company wants to lower the costs by associating with the third party to make the better usage of company’s land, labor, capital, technology and its resources, time and energy. The term Outsourcing is becoming more common in the business world, nowadays. Even, there are some companies in which the entire information management is outsourced. The Companies are outsourcing to fully focus on the core process of their business, by consuming time to provide their best services to external agencies. Outsourcing also allows a company to free their most of the internal resources, which can be easily used for other purposes. The research has shown that sometimes the internal resources of a company get short, where outsourcing helps them to avail the required resources within the company. although in several cases the company finds it much difficult to manage particular functions related to the production, theref ore companies outsource by delegating the powers to the third party to manage and control the functions performed. The functions performed by the third party could be beneficial for the business. We have come to know that the Companies are also outsourcing to cut down the risk factors involved with their production or services. Outsourcing even helps a company to realize the benefits of re-engineering. Outsourcing also enables the companies to expand more in new market areas, where they can easily fasten their delivery to the end users. The research has proved that however, outsourcing provides much profit to the organizations, they need to endure. (The Top 10 Reasons To Outsource) When outsourcing you should know what advantages it can provide to your business. The research has analyzed several advantages. Some of them we will discuss. The research has shown that when a rapid growth period hits a company, the back-office operations of a
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Mall as Disney Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Mall as Disney - Coursework Example Since Richards main concern is in Disneyland, Main Street is of much importance to him so that the people reading his essay can understand the whole history behind Disneyland Richard also uses Main Street because of its architectural similarities with Disneyland. This clearly shows that main street had a big role to play in the development of Disneyland. The past life of the American people shows by the architecture of Main Street. This same architecture also exists in Disneyland and this is the reason why Richard focuses a lot on Main Street. Main streets a generic street name, which in most parts of the world, used for socializing and retailing. USA Main Street has a lot of cultural impact on the lives of the American people. It is here that people came to shop for all their needs and at the same time sit down and socialize with others about what was going on in their lives. Main Street in the USA led to the development of several cities as more people came to these places to shop and socialize while providing enough recourse to the public to be able to come up with Disneyland. The architecture of Main Street also tells a lot about the culture of the American people. Every little building shows that the people were organized and that they valued art and architecture. The architectural configuration of Main Street gives us the impression of how the people loved buildings. The buildings perform different functions; some act as shopping malls. Each building has a place for socializing meaning that the people loved a lot of socializing. The other cultural role played by Main Street is the development of architecture in America. From Main Street, we are able to see how buildings look and how similar they are to Disneyland. We get to see how people built their houses, how they shopped and exact places where they socialized. Main Street also gives us the American culture of education. Many schools and colleges develop from
Friday, August 23, 2019
M-Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
M-Commerce - Essay Example The technology of cell phone is rapidly becoming the most well-liked device intended for browsing the Internet. Through this technology most of the people are frequently log-on to Internet and search for the information regarding a business, entertainment, and other Medias (Kitch, 2009). The term and technology of the mobile commerce is utilized to outline the emerging practice of conducting promotional and financial activities by means of the utilization of a wireless handheld device. The term mobile commerce is recognizing as the transactions can be conducted by means of personal digital assistants (PDAs), cell phones and other hand held devices that can work by means of Internet access. The technology and implementation of the M-Commerce has been the most sophisticated technology that is operational nowadays and going to enhance more and more day by day (Tatum, 2009). Mobile-Commerce can be described as a technique or tool that offers the facility of the selling and buying of g oods, products as well as services through mobile phones or wireless handheld devices (like that cellular telephone, personal digital assistants, etc.) (Wang, Song, Lei, & Sheriff, 2005) and (TechTarget, 2003). Presently the technology of the Mobile-Commerce is recognized as the next-generation e-commerce. Through the Mobile-Commerce technology a user can access the web without requiring and discovering a place to plug in the huge system. The rising technology behind Mobile-Commerce, which is based on the WAP or Wireless Application Protocol, has made far bigger paces in Europe, where mobile devices operational by means of Web-ready micro-browsers are greatly widespread than in the United States (TechTarget, 2003). However (Stafford & Gillenson, 2003) differentiate between E-commerce and M-commerce by saying that, E-commerce is generally deals with the activities of buying and selling, on the other
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Beauty Pageants and Our Children Essay Example for Free
Beauty Pageants and Our Children Essay Alost 3 million children, most of them girls, from the ages of 6 months and 17 years compete in beauty pageants annually in America. Competition can be local and national and they compete in categories such as swimwear, talent, costume of your choice, and eveningwear. This is an industry where mothers give her daughter energy drinks for a boost before pageants, 3-year-olds don fake fingernails, and parents regularly spend five thousand dollars on a childs pageant outfit (O’Neill 1). Beauty pageants have negative consequences on America’s youth contestants through the pressure to be â€Å"perfect,†media influences, and child sexualization, which results in exhaustion, eating disorders, and body image issues in their future. In recent years, the child beauty pageant industry has exponentially grown in size and popularity. This growth is mainly due to television shows, such as Toddlers Tiaras and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo that may be entertaining but exploit little girls in the process. These reality shows expose the behind-the-scenes horrors of beauty pageants that most people were oblivious too before. These shows have also revealed the use of energy supplements to improve the contestants performance, age-inappropriate costumes, intense and painful beauty regimens. Alana Thompson, featured on TLC’s Toddlers Tiaras, is a seven-year-old beauty queen, nicknamed Honey Boo Boo, whose mother frequently gives her the infamous â€Å"Go-Go Juice†, a mix of Red Bull and Mountain Dew, before pageants. It is common knowledge that energy drinks are bad for one’s health, but every nutritionist in the world would agree that Red Bull for a seven-year-old is tremendously dangerous. Alana now has her own reality television show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. Parents are not only harming their children’s health but also their moral. On one Toddlers Tiaras episode, Paisley, merely 3-years-old, sported a costume based on the prostitute in Pretty Woman. In a 2011 episode, Madiysyn Mady Verst‘s mother filled out the then-4-year-olds chest with fake breasts and an impossibly round behind for a Dolly Parton routine. Experts in child development argue the difference between playing dress-up and making a profession out of it. Little girls are supposed to play with dolls, not be dolls, says Mark Sichel, a New York-based licensed clinical social worker, who calls the extreme grooming common at pageants a form of child abuse. Playing dress-up is normal and healthy, but when its demanded, it leaves the child not knowing what they want, he says. Accentuating their appearance with such accoutrements as fake hair, teeth, spray tans and breast padding causes the children tremendous confusion, wondering why they are not okay without those th ings (Triggs 1). All of this confusion and body image problems is instilled in child beauty pageant contestants at a very young age. Ultimately, this leads to eating disorders, psychological issues, and relationship problems in the contestants’ later years. A study conducted at the University of Minnesota by Anna Wonderlich, Diann Ackard, and Judith Henderson showed the correlation between childhood beauty pageants and adult disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, depression, and self-esteem (Wonderlich 1). The results of this scientific experiment proved that for all the tests that assessed characteristics of anorexia and bulimia nervosa scores for those who had participated in beauty pageants were higher than scores for those who had not participated (Wonderlich 5). These results indicate a significant association between childhood beauty pageant participation and increased body dissatisfaction, difficulty trusting interpersonal relationships, and greater impulsive behaviors, and indicate a trend toward increased feelings of ineffectiveness (Wonderlich 6). Another example of the destructive effects of childhood beauty pageant is Brooke Breedwell, now nineteen, who was a child pageant contestant and a star of the television documentary, â€Å"Painted Babies.†â€Å"As a girl, [Breedwell] suffered from stress and anxiety while striving for an unrealistic standard of perfection. [In various interviews], she explains that her mothers ambition, coupled with her own obsessive drive to win, resulted in severe social and psychological consequences†(Ahrens 86). Another negative consequence of childhood beauty pageants is the disturbing sexualization of young girls that steals away their treasured innocence–as if eating disorders and body image problems were not enough. Former child beauty queen Nicole Hunter confirms this theory by explaining that â€Å"dressing and acting like a woman at a young age compelled her to prematurely confront her sexuality, which in turn lowered her self-esteem†(Liberman 741). The child pageant circuit concentrates on the ideals of perfection and beauty, with an accompanying focus on sexuality. Innocent girls dressed in skimpy costumes parade and dance, remove pieces of their outfits and wink at judges. Basically, young beauty queens are taught to flirt and manipulate their early sexuality in order to win. Though frequently condemned for such eccentric and damaging practices, the child pageant industry has been gaining success and extensive popularity (Liberman 745). Additionally, reporter Richard Goldstein investigated the JonBenet Ramsey, a child beauty queen, murder case and brought to the surface both our horror at how effectively a child can be constructed as a sexual being and our guilt at the please we take in such a sight (Giroux 50). Her dynamic role in pageants was vastly examined by media after the murder. After JonBenet’s highly publicized murder, the problems of child beauty pageants, especially the degradation of young girls, are first brought to society’s attention. Although many pageant parents argue that the press unfairly focused on the connection of beauty pageants to Jon Benet’s murder, these defenders rarely address the concerns of robbing a child of her virtue by depicting young girls as â€Å"sexualized nymphets.†They have little to say about what adolescents actually gain in pageants. Those in favor of the pageants overlook how a child might see herself and her ability to form relationships with society when her feelings of self-worth is defined solely through a belief that beauty is one-dimensional and patronizing (Giroux 54-55). No five-year-old child enjoys getting her hair ripped out and teased, spending hours each day practicing exhausting dance routines, or devoting every weekend traveling to pageants rather than playing with friends. It is the beauty pageant contestant’s mother who forces them to endure these strenuous and sometimes painful rituals in order to achieve their own satisfaction. When feminist writer-performer, StaceyAnn Chin first saw Toddlers Tiaras she was â€Å"flabbergasted by the parents who were so invested in these contests they got angry if their girls showed any signs of flagging.†In regards to the infamous pageant moms, Chin states that, †the pageant reminded me a little of dog showstiny, powerless competitors trained to do as they are told, with trainers who exploit their charges to gain fame and fortune and live out some archaic dream they once had for themselves†(Chin 1). The vast majority of pageant moms deny the harmful effects beauty pageants have own their child. Pageant mothers often â€Å"neutralize†their deviant behavior of enrolling their daughter in pageants by claiming pageants help their daughter rather than hurt. Also, mothers deny their own responsibility as the accountable parent by claiming that her daughter chooses to participate in beauty pageants (Pannell 68). Every single pageant mom asked in a study about childhood beauty pageants talked about competitors winning prize money, crowns, trophies and gifts in child beauty pageants (Mosel-Talavera 81). Some mothers deceptively sign their children up for pageants to exploit their daughters financially. One pageant mother says that there is a very infamous pageant child that always wins a large sum of money, ‘There is one little girl down South – she’s the daughter of one of the biggest known photographers. In six weeks’ time she went from pageant to pageant and won like $40,000.’ In the summer of 2005, there was another child, whose mother also owns a pageant business, who won three cars at pageants (Levey 204-205). These examples clearly reveal the evils of parents exploiting their children in pageants for their own selfish rewards. In childhood beauty pageants, the pressure from parents, influence from the media, and the desire to win all lead to disastrous consequences for the participants, which will stay with them for the rest of their life. Eating disorders, body image issues, and an early loss of innocence are just a few of the consequences these precious girls will have to deal with in their lifetime. No child should have to struggle with these problems at such a young age. Although little girls dressed up in frilly dresses and tiaras may be cute, there is a fine line between a fun beauty pageant and ruining a young girls life.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Jinnahs Vision of Pakistan and our Success to realize it Essay Example for Free
Jinnahs Vision of Pakistan and our Success to realize it Essay There is not much debate or even concern about what was the vision of the founders of Pakistan. What type of state they had in mind when they struggled of an independent country that we call our homeland, Pakistan? In answering this question, we will assess whether or not we have been driven by that vision and how we have shaped our system of governance. The Muslim intellectuals, thinkers and social reformers that contributed to the idea of Muslims being a separate political category in India were essentially modernist, rationalist Muslims. They wanted the Muslims to acquire knowledge of new sciences and empower themselves economically and politically. Their central objective was rights of the Muslims and their share in power under the British colonial system. They understood how the world had changed, and accordingly they thought the best tools for Muslim empowerment were modernity, education, politics of rights and peaceful struggle for accommodation of their interests. Jinnah and many other leaders of the Muslim communities in the subcontinent were products of post-reissuance modern world. Unlike European modernists all varieties of nationalists in the colonial world had more difficult task of building a modern nation in a traditional, Islamic cultural climate. The question then and now for modernists is how to reconcile modernity with religion and social structures. Muslim modernists from Sir Syed Ahmad Khan to Jinnah wanted modem education, science and technology and political forms and institutions without offending religion. Jinnahs vision of Pakistan in this respect has four salient points. We can judge where does Pakistan stand today in the light of these four ideas. 1: Constitutionalism First and foremost, Jinnah was quintessential a constitutionalist. The term and its underlying philosophy is so foreign to our rulers that they have really disabled themselves intellectually to seek guidance from him. What it really means in modern political theory is that a civilized system of governance must function within the boundaries of laws. There must be limits on the exercise of power which is primarily meant to serve national and public interest. This is one of the central themes of philosophical debates that have defined the system of state and the relations between political authority and the society during the past three hundred years or so. Jinnah had thoroughly and profoundly internalized constitutionalism at a very young age and this defined all his politics in his long career. Actually constitutionalism is what separates the pre-modern and the modern world system. It gives dignity to human beings in rooting the ideas of freedom, civil rights and social capacity to force the government to stay within the limits of laws. 2: Supremacy of law and independence of judiciary. Philosophically as well as in practical politics these are basic norms of good society and good politics. Jinnahs political orientation and practical life were perfect reflection of these two ideas of the modern world. Let us not forget that Jinnah was one the most distinguished, outstanding and powerful defender of rule of law and independence of judiciary. These two institutions are intertwined. It would be absurd to think of rule of law without the independence of judiciary, Building one of these institutions independently is not possible. They grow together; the development of one strengthens the other. 3: Personal liberties and freedoms These constitute third important flank of Jinnahs political ideology. His political struggle first at the platform of the Indian National Congress for home rule, independence and rights of minorities, and later on throughout the Pakistan movement was based on universal human instincts of freedoms and civil rights. It would be unconceivable in any situation that the battle for national independence could be fought without the recognizing individuals right to make their own choices. This is an important notion that transforms them from subjects of a colonial administration to a citizen of a modern nation state. 4: Representative Democratic Government. The ideas we have briefly mentioned above give rise to the representative government, another facet of Jinnahs political philosophy. Such a government is in our view a defining characteristic of the modem form of authority. It answers some fundamental questions about how political power in a society like Pakistan is to be organized, and for what purposes to be exercised in modern times. Jinnah couldnt think of any other system for Pakistan except a constitutional, democratic government. Have we succeeded in realization of Jinnah’s Vision? How do we measure up to some of these basic political principles of Jinnah today? We have mixed record at best on shaping Pakistan according to Jinnahs ideas. We have elected governments at the moment and we had had them before. But many a times we disrupted growth of democracy. For that reason, the checks and balance system among the institutions of the state remains troubled and respect for constitutionalism weak. We have not sufficiently debated the reasons for repeated deviation from the constitutionalist principles and rule of law tradition of our founders. We know they are too many, as no single factor can explain it sufficiently. They are essentially rooted in stubborn feudalistic culture, class character of the ruling classes and an alliance between the electoral elites and the rulers in the past. Contrarily, people at large and the rising middle classes of Pakistan and even a large section of political groups have struggled for democracy, which as a political system is manifestation of the political vision of Jinnah. Against all the problems we have today, they want democracy in substantive terms because the procedural or electoral democracy has turned the system into personalized, autocratic form. It is why it is not fully alive to the problems of the people or responsive enough to the needs of the society. In my view, we face multiple challenges of bad governance, political confrontations and terrorism because we have not shaped our state and political institutions, including the political parties, according to the modernist, liberal vision of Jinnah. In these times of rising despair and despondency, we can set Pakistan on the course of stability and development by embracing ideas and vision of Jinnah, which in nutshell are; liberal democratic state of Pakistan.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Housing and Sustainable Development
Housing and Sustainable Development 1. What is ‘Sustainable development? Sustainable development is a very simple proposal of very high significance, which suggests achieving equilibrium between economic, social and environmental issues and concerns. â€Å"If we are to maintain and improve the quality of our own lives and pass that quality on to future generations, we must use finite natural resources in an efficient way without waste, and protect the natural environment to enhance the ability of future generations to maintain and improve their lives.†(Housing Corporation, 2008) There are mainly two definitions of sustainability which are related to ‘Planning Field, the first one says, â€Å"Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.†(Housing Corporation, 2003) And secondly the UK definition says, â€Å"Ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come.†(Housing Corporation, 2008) The main aim of sustainable development is to ensure that the people can use the necessary services without the use of automobiles. They should be promoted to use the public transport. The placement and location of the development should be such as to modify the access to the local amenities by walking, and using public transport. The features of our built environment are very fundamental in attainment of sustainable patterns. This may include the reduction of green house gases and CO2 emissions, less pollution, preservation of the natural resourc es, consistent and comprehensive local communities and wealthy and safe economy. (Archive2 official documents, 2009) This seminar paper will try to explore the relationship between housing development and sustainability. The term ‘Sustainability is very vast and depends upon various aspects like economy, transportation, environment, social communities, residential development etc. In this seminar paper I will explain the role of housing sector in the process of achieving sustainable development. On the other side it will explain the benefits to the housing sector via achievement of sustainability. Eventually this seminar paper will enlighten the role of the planning systems in achievement of sustainable housing development, with the help of some major issues in new housing development, like transportation, higher density, social inclusion, mixed land use development and use of brown field sites. I will also try to focus on the provisions in the planning systems for the sustainable development in rural areas, with the help of PPS7. 2. Housing development and Sustainability With the reference to the above mentioned definition of sustainability, housing development plays a very important role in the achievement of sustainability, because housing development consumes the resources in its construction, maintenance and use, on a larger scale. There is a correlation between housing and sustainability, it is a two way process. Integrating morality of sustainability into housing development, its maintenance, and restoration will not make important input in accomplishment of general sustainability objectives, but it will also offer significant progress in the quality robustness and cost efficiency of the housing development. How housing development contributes to sustainability? Global climate change is the most extensive and potentially harmful environmental issue now days, as a cause of the green house gases emissions, remarkably CO2. The solution on this issue can be found in decreasing the travel overall and minimising the use of cars specifically. Housing sector also has a significant contribution to play, in features of the dwellings, the structure and the location of the housing development. The unhealthy change in the local climate occurs due to the poisonous gases and green house gases emissions from the houses in the development. This is the main reason of the contribution of housing development in achievement of sustainability. (Archive2 official documents, 2009) When the life of any building ends, the recycling and reuse of the materials and resources will help in reduction of the quarrying and other resource activities for new resources, this will eventually help in the reduction of landfill amount at the demolition of the mines and quarries. With respect to the green house gas emissions and the higher consumption of energy from every house produces some dangerous gases like SO2 (causes acid rain), NOx and CO, these gases are very poisonous for human health. The maximum use of energy efficiency will optimistically reduce the emissions of these pollutants. There is a chance of causing the ill health effects called as, ‘sick building syndrome (Archive2 official documents, 2009) due to very compact and air-tight arrangement of houses in the development and the increasing utilisation of synthetic materials. So the cautious selection of building materials will help to enhance the use of renewable resources, helping to improve the macro and micro level climate in the development. (Housing Corporation, 2003) How sustainability benefits housing development? There are some benefits which housing development gets through sustainable patterns, like energy efficiency, social inclusion, and economic effectiveness. These terms are related with the environmental, social and economic development of the community. Many poor families are not able to heat up their houses at a required level; also some houses suffer from the condensation and dampness, which affects the health of the community. The sustainable housing development not only include the environment responsive and energy efficient houses but also will have provision of employment, schools, shops, primary health care centre etc local amenities which will be accessible for the residents of the development using public transport or by walking. This new sustainable housing development will be a mixture of various groups like income groups, age groups and tenures. This will help in achieving the social inclusion. (Archive2 official documents, 2009) 3. Planning systems and ‘sustainable housing development Achievement of the sustainable development is one of the important issues in front of our society, where we live, work. In 1992, ‘The Rio Earth Summit, documented that, in the achievement of the sustainable development, the local government has a very important role to play, because it has the control of the local development and the land use. This role of the planning systems is explained practically in the UK Governments ‘A Better Quality of Life a Strategy for Sustainable Development for the UK (May 1999). The national strategy sets out four ‘key objectives that must be achieved simultaneously: Effective protection of the environment Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment Social progress that recognises everyones needs; and Prudent use of natural resources.†(Nicholas et al, 2005) In the new planning system, as mentioned in ‘Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the local planning authorities are supposed to encourage the sustainable development by means of application of sustainability considerations while preparing the planning documents like ‘SPD and ‘DPD. This technique will be useful for the local planning authorities to appraise the insinuation of the sustainability in their local development plans. (Dudley MBC, 2006) To achieve the broad objectives of sustainable development, the country requires a â€Å"transparent, flexible, predictable, efficient and effective planning system†(ODPM, PPS1, 2005, p3, paragraph 7). UK government has made some provisions in the planning system like, planning policy guidance and statements (revisions), national planning policy, regional planning guidance, and the code for the sustainable homes, which will provide a structure for the planning of ‘sustainable development. These provision s in made in the planning systems will optimistically help the local planning authorities to implicate and encourage the sustainable patterns in the new developments. Planning Policy Statement 1 (PPS 1) Delivering Sustainable Development (2005) states that â€Å"Planning authorities should ensure that sustainable development is treated in an integrated way in their development plans. In particular, they should carefully consider the interrelationship between social inclusion, protecting and enhancing the environment, the prudent use of natural resources and economic development.†(ODPM, PPS 1, 2005, paragraph 24). 4. Elements encouraging the ‘Sustainable housing development Mixed land use development and higher residential densities Mix land use means; use of the land, for development of houses, businesses, schools, recreational areas, etc., public, semi-public, and private development, in the close proximity of each other. There are some important prospective of the mixed land use development. It helps to reduce the often travelling because it brings the various deeds and amenities comparatively close to each other. Mixed land use development raises the ‘safety and security of the development. Also helps to increase the access to the local jobs and employment. The reduced residential density, isolated land use and detached street patterns are related with the increased automobile use and increases the ‘obesity and the persistent illness in the community. The increased residential density can minimise the ‘land take. It helps in reduction of travel and minimises the use of private vehicles by enhancing the use of public transport. Higher residential densities decrease the area of the land r equired for roads, car parking, which helps to make the development more pedestrian responsive. It also helps in increment of Social inclusion by growing number of people inside walking distance. It helps to make the development socially strong and sustainable. Eventually this will increase the number of people on the street, which can enhance the liveliness and apparent safety of the development. The important thing to be kept in mind while providing a location for high density areas in the development is, to locate these areas nearer to the traffic nodes and should be having easy access to public transport. If the high density areas are located away from the public transport, the ‘car dependency in the development will start to increase creating the development unsustainable. Mixed land use and the increased residential density is the key in achievement of sustainable patterns and making the development more comprehensive. (Archive2 official documents, 2009) Use of Brownfield sites  In UK, the term ‘Brownfield site is described as, ‘previously developed land, and on which redevelopment is possible. In general, this land has been utilised previously for commercial or industrial development, and which is now in a dilapidated condition and probably polluted. The deficiency of ‘Green land availability for new development, in the recent time, ‘Brown field sites came in to the picture, particularly in those areas where the requirement of the ‘residential or ‘commercial development is more. The ‘Brownfield sites are meant not only for the residential or commercial development, but also can be utilised as open spaces, recreational spaces, local amenities etc. The repossession and reuse of ‘Brownfield site is a key factor of UK governments ‘Sustainable Development Strategy, which incorporates a variety of ‘economic, social and environmental objectives. Redevelopment of ‘Brownfield sites helps to improve th e environmental strength and the ugliness of the surroundings. The increased use of ‘Brownfield sites promotes the practicability of public transport, also makes helps in utilising existing communication and infrastructure. It also enhances the overall residential densities, and proposes chances for the improved quality residential developments, with the provisions of the employment and the other local amenities. The ‘Brownfield sites can be redeveloped in Urban as well as Rural areas, depending upon the accessibility and feasibility. (Archive2 official documents, 2009) Car free development (sustainable transport) Any housing development to be considered as sustainable neighbourhood development should minimise the necessity of private transport, like cars. There should be promotions to walking, cycling and use of public transport. This will not only result in reduction of the pollution but can be considered as a important factor in the creation of a healthy ‘community cohesion, a neighbourhood development, where its residents feel relaxing, walking which will result in more social interaction to make the development community healthy and wealthy. Mixed land use development and higher residential density will help in reduction of general travel and will promote walking and cycling, reducing the use of private transport. (Department for Transport, 2008) There are several ways which will encourage and promote a reduction in ‘car dependency, like Proposing entirely or partially a ‘car free environment, and maximising provision of walking plazas and designing separate tracks for cycling. Controlling car spaces and charging for residential car parking. Controlling the admissions of the cars in specific period of the day in the whole development or certain areas of it. Limitation of ‘Non-residential car parking and providing restricted parking at workplace. Promoting use, offering some concessions and favouring actions on eco-friendly cars or scooters. The transportation decisions in the proposed development will totally dependent upon its location, scale and the kind of the development proposed. Also there should be a focus on the capacity of the existing transportation network. (Department for Transport, 2008) 5. Sustainable housing development in rural areas UK government has made a provision in the form of ‘Planning Policy Statement 7 Sustainable Development in rural areas, to encourage and deliver the sustainable patterns in new housing development in rural areas. ‘The policies in PPS 7 applies to the rural areas like country towns, villages and the wider, mostly undeveloped countryside areas which are on the periphery of the larger urban settlements. (ODPM, PPS 7, 2004, p3) As specified in PPS 7, local planning authorities should emphasis on the location of the new development in rural areas, that it is near to the ‘local service centres where the basic needs like jobs, residences and the local amenities will be provided closer to each other, so that they can be accessible via public transport and by walking or cycling. (ODPM, PPS 7, 2004) In UK there are various ‘country towns and ‘villages which are having social, historical and architectural importance, or the make a considerable participation to â₠¬Ëœcountryside character. PPS 7 suggests to the local planning authorities to make sure that the proposed new housing development admires and where essential, promotes these specific values of that area. PPS 7 also advise planning authorities to prepare a ‘positive framework for enhancing the sustainable development which supports the conventional ‘land-based activities and the provide the entertaining facilities and amenities which needs the ‘country side location by making sure that doing this will not affect the value and natural characteristics of the rural area in which the development is proposed. (ODPM, PPS 7, 2004, p8) 6. Eco Housing in India- ‘Government of India had taken an initiative for encouragement of ‘Sustainability in new emerging housing developments. Currently in is being tested in ‘Pune, Maharashtra on a trial basis, and is called as ‘Eco housing policy. This initiative was formed with the partnership of the local government authorities (PMC, PCMC) with some national and international private organisations like, USIAD (United states agency for international development), TERI (Tata Energy Research Institute), IIEC (International Institute for Energy Conservation) etc. The main objective of this project to construct urban and rural sustainable ‘habitat, encouragement and distribution of the achievement gained via this project, through a Pilot study in Pune, to the other large urban cities in India. Also to start a ‘procedure of improvement in housing market for ‘Eco Housing in India to carry ‘the supply and demand of eco housing mutually, was the initiative goal of this project. This project got a financial aid by US-AEP (United States Asia Environment Partnership). The main characteristic feature of this project is estimating ‘eco-ranking of existing building output and appraisal schemes for acclimatizing to the Indian reference and creating catalogue of ‘eco-friendly materials, tools and techniques as advices and suggestions to the Builders and housing developers in Pune. (Eco Housing Corporation, 2009) Eco housing program has started to create awareness and getting noticeable reply from other ‘Municipal Corporations like Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), who appointed SciTech Part (STP), Pune for assisting MCGM in modifying the measures of the program to suit conditions of Mumbai City. (Eco Housing Corporation, 2009) 7. Summary- Housing is a corner stone component of sustainable development. Providing higher density residential development will encourage sustainable patterns like social inclusion, car free development, through planning systems. In the surrounding area there are many dilapidated sites we can find. Instead of using new green field site for the development, planners can amalgamate these waste land, and increase use of brown field sites for new development, will obviously help in encouragement in environmental and social sustainability. Doing this will help in enhancement of the surroundings of the housing development, restoring the urban form of the area. Mixed land use development will reduce the car use of the residents, bringing required amenities like shops, retails, employment within the walkable distance or by using public transport. Some rural areas having natural and architectural or historical importance should be treated carefully while proposing the new housing development. This wil l help in retaining the ‘village character of that area. Indian government also initiated an ‘eco-housing policy for encouragement of sustainable patterns in new housing developments. Though it was in a starting age, in current times many municipal corporations became aware of their own environment and social issues. They have started adopting this new policy of eco-housing. Pune Municipal Corporation with the help of University of Pune, planning to construct an institute which will help in spreading this ‘key issue of sustainability through education.
John Updikes Works Essay -- essays research papers fc
Existence is like a creature that hides and then reveals itself. Existence is defined in Webster’s New World Dictionary as the "state or fact of being." This existence strives to reach truth which is located beyond space and time, yet truth must be grasped by existence nevertheless. This is accomplished through ritual, which can bring about the capturing of the inconceivable.Edward P. Vargo stated that John Updike uses ritual "to fulfill the great desire of capturing the past, to make the present meaningful through connection with the past, to overcome death, and to grasp immortality" (Contemporary Vol. 7 487). He combines the aspects and meaning of seemingly unimportant ritual along with mankind’s desire for a relationship with God to form truth and value for the past, present, and future. Updike uses his talents as a writer to bring together the conceivable and the inconceivable.John Updike implements his philosophies and ideals in a way that brings together existence with meaning. "Updike is in the best sense of the word an intellectual novelist, a novelist of paradox, tension and complexity who as a college wit in the fifties learned that we are all symbols and inhabit symbols" (World 3752). Updike uses his beliefs to form stronger meanings in his writings.John Updike has a strong faith in human intelligence. He believes that people can use it to explore the universe. He finds the world "to be a place of intricate and marvelous patterns of meaning" (Contemporary Vol. 5 449). With this faith he is able to bring things into focus that would not ordinarily be seen. "I describe things not because their muteness mocks our subjectivity but because they seem to be masks for God. . ." (Contemporary Vol. 7 486). Updike is able to see past the facade of normal, ordinary life.John Updike uses his insights in his writing to emphasize human feelings. He suggests in his writings that "the human conscience constantly suffers guilt for transgressing the laws of two different moralities" (World 3754). John Updike recognizes this feeling of guilt and is more able to clearly show the connections of the past to the present. His writings are also able to capture a "sense of human incompleteness, of the sense of discrepancy between actual and the ideal" (Magill’s 1988). He shows how humans strive to ... ... section of existence and truth, and to overcome death. Ritual gives substance to the present. It has connections to the everyday world, to the past, and to the future. Thus, ritual is able to symbolize life itself as it discovers new patterns for growth and fulfillment. Through myth, the past becomes immortal and meaningful. Ritual, along with worship of God, is able to satisfy the great desire for truth, existence, and meaning. Works CitedUpdike, John. Broadening Views, 1968-1988. Vol. 6. Ed. C.E. Frazer Clark Jr. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1989. Updike, John. The Centaur. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1963.Updike, John. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 5. Ed. Carolyn Riley and Phyllis Carmel Mendelson. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1976. Updike, John. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 7. Ed. Phyllis Carmel Mendelson and Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1977.Updike, John. Magill’s Survey of American Literature. Vol. 6. Ed. Frank N. Magill. New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 1991.Updike, John. World Literature Criticism: 1500 to the Present. Vol. 6. Ed. James P. Draper. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1992.
Monday, August 19, 2019
How Political Ideologies Shape Our Nation Essay -- Jack Sheldon, How a
Jack Sheldon’s, â€Å"How a Bill Becomes a Law†is lacking in several different ways. Not that the jingle doesn’t give you some sort of semblance of how a law is made. It just doesn’t give a detail account of the entire procedure. Very little is mentioned of how a bill is introduced to the House or the Senate. Legislation is handed to the clerk of the House or placed in the hopper. In the Senate, members must gain recognition of the presiding officer to announce the introduction of a bill during the morning hour. If any Senator objects, the introduction of the bill is delayed until the next day. When the song mentions how the bill is in committee, it doesn’t go into detail. The bill is referred to the appropriate committee by the Speaker of the House or the presiding officer in the Senate. Most often, the actual referral decision is made by the House or Senate parliamentarian. Bills may be referred to more than one committees and it may be split so that parts are sent to different committees. Each committee has steps to follow before releasing the bill. Failure to act on a bill is equivalent to killing it. Bills in the House can only be released from committee without a proper committee vote by a discharge petition signed by a majority of the House membership. None of this is in the rhyme. From committee, the bill is put on a calendar, where floor action will be made, debating is done. This is briefly stated in the tune. It doesn’t give the rules of debate. Then the bill is voted on. If passed, it is then sent to another chamber unless that chamber already has a similar measure under consideration. If either chamber does not pass the bill then it dies. If the House and Senate pass different bills they are sent to Conference Comm... ...think the same. They tend to reject other political ideologies. Conservatives don't see anarchism, for instance, as different; they see it as wrong. In conclusion, Political Ideology is dynamic and political culture is static. Political ideologies and political cultures are related in certain aspects. Political cultures are the basic rights people try and protect, whereas political ideologies are just more in depth and specific. These are very important aspects of a nation. The examples listed of each are pertinent with the subject at hand. They are basic, yet ideal in explaining political ideologies and cultures. Liberalism and Conservatism play a role in how our nation and government develop. With a majority of liberals in the government, our nation may make many changes, but with a majority of conservatives in the government, our nation may remain very static.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Should We Really Give Children the Vote? :: Exploratory Essays
Should We Really Give Children the Vote? Sixteen year old Vita Wallace is an activist for children’s rights. In her argument, â€Å"Give children the vote,†she attempts to show that an injustice has been made to citizens of the United States. Wallace’s major claim, or thesis (McFadden, 2003), is that citizens under the age of 18 shouldn’t be denied the right to vote on account of age. Rather, she argues, children should be allowed to vote at whatever age suits them individually. By saying individually, she is using a qualifier, words and phrases used to limit and modify the overgeneralization of claims (McFadden). It is important that Wallace uses the term individually, because she recognizes that an age limit would be inappropriate for some children. After this point, most of the essay is dedicated to her opinion on why it is important for children to vote. Wallace’s uses appeal to the reader’s values, also known as warrants (McFadden). The emotional pleas may cause the audi ence to stop and consider her logic, but lack of facts and evidence leaves the argument unconvincing. With her jumpy writing and scattered thoughts the argument is hard to read, and even harder to believe. Therefore, I found the essay to be unsuccessful in persuading my opinion. The logic and evidence used to support her major claim, known as grounds (McFadden) is hard to find. The strongest evidence in the whole essay is statistics of eligible adult voters. With this information, she points out that only 36-40 percent of eligible adults actually vote. However, 25 percent of the population is under the age of 18, leading to Wallace’s statement that â€Å"Although elected representatives are responsible for all of us, they are responsible to only a few of us†(Wallace, 1998, p. 146). This statement would be effective but Wallace loses her credibility at the end of the paragraph when she calls politicians and voters selfish. By doing this she is using a fallacy, statements based on poor logic and mistaken belief (Clark, p. 81). By saying they are selfish she is using an Ad Hominem argument, which is an attack on the person rather than the issue (Clark, 1998, p. 83). Throughout the essay Wallace develops many minor claims, which are secondary statements supporting the major claim (McFadden). Right away she discusses â€Å"Discriminatory laws†which prevent high school drop-outs from getting their driver’s licenses.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Economics Book Critique Essay
Paul Rubin began his preface by stating that tabula rasa should no longer be viewed as something credible. Rubin maintained his conclusion that evolutionary biology would eventually be the foundation of all social sciences. He maintained that the fundamental taste for liberty is a genetic legacy from the hunter-gatherer bands in the history of mankind. He stated, â€Å"I reach a surprising conclusion: modern western nations, and particularly the United States, are the most effective societies for satisfying our evolved political preferences†(Paul, p. x) Rubin’s attitude’s towards liberty is the one which cost me a great deal of apprehension, in spite of the fact that it is not brought up much in the book. Although I enjoyed reading the book, the fact that so little has been said regarding freedom, I believe, ought to be a cause of serious apprehension. In regard of the contended predominance of Rubin’s concentration on the biological foundation which lies beneath the current state of human liberty, he should have considered beginning with animal freedom as articulated by, say, Pavlov on the â€Å"freedom-reflexes†. The foundation of Rubin’s opinion appears to be a firm certainty that human control and freedom are polar opposites. In fact on his Preface he claimed that when he began the research he was still a libertarian and thus he does not understand much of government’s constant rules regarding human behavior. He stated, â€Å"I have not used evolutionary analysis to prove points in which I already believed†(Paul, p. xv). I was quite bewildered upon reading this remark especially since his declarations seems to exhibit an absolute lack of understanding regarding the vital social control as well as counter-control procedures. It also showed a black void of nearly enormous quantities in awareness of the huge body of literature which could be dated back from the founders of civilization. Rubin feelingly asserted â€Å"There are substantial benefits from limiting government power and great dangers from allowing it to increase. It is, therefore, a puzzle, to explain why so many seek to increase the power of government†(Paul, p. 134). His statement seems to be a little naive. Rubin admitted that most normal individual’s desires governments to do pretty much more than defend them from dishonest dealers, banks, and the like. Most citizens knows the danger of the profound corruption from financial organizations and this is the reason why it is not really much a â€Å"puzzle†why they want to increase government power. The same could be said with the world’s third world countries with weak economies. They look for international kind of government in order for the mistreatment of other advanced countries to be limited if not stopped altogether. The book Professor Rubin wrote is interesting in spite of the fact that I do not agree much with the things he mentioned there particularly on the issue of freedom. Professor Rubin’s, Professor of Economics, attitude towards society and liberty appears to intentionally shun the standard control terminology. He talks a great deal of power, and acquiescence in separate terms of dominant, counter dominant, and the like instead of using the standard terms such as social control and counter control. There are no discussions regarding socialization, customs, introjections of values, punishments, and the like. Overall, I view Professor Rubin’s work to be stimulating particularly because he have some unique views of his own which made me think mentally and allowed me to exercise my faculty of reason. Although I do not agree much with the things he claims, I could still say that his book was an interesting read as well as thought provoking and for these reasons I recommend this book to everyone.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Love and Responsibility in “Hill Like White Elephants”
Essay Title: Love and Responsibility in Hills Like White Elephants â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†written by Ernest Hemingway that is the controversy revolving around the theme of abortion between the American man and the girl named Jig waiting for a train at the station. Through their conversation and their difficult decision that whether or not having an abortion, the story shows love and responsibility in a relationship between the couple. While waiting for a press, they drinking beer and talking together. The girl was looking at the hills and said â€Å"They look like white elephants†.The hills can be symbolized the pregnancy and â€Å"white elephants†can be interpreted as baby that is the trouble they are facing. That leads the couple to biggest conflict in their relationship. Although he knows that the girl is pregnant, he still has allowed her to drink beer and liquor. It’s not good for her health and unborn child. Besides, it is revealed from t he American man’s words â€Å"It’s really an awfully simple operation†and â€Å"It just to let the air in†that he is trying to convince the girl to abort the child.Having an abortion can be damaged for her, but he does not worry about that because â€Å"It’s perfectly simple†. In addition, he also is afraid of the responsibility of having a child. He does not want to be father. He considers baby as a burden. â€Å"That’s the only thing that bothers us. It’s the only thing that’s made us unhappy†, said the man. He wants to be free. He does not want to be encumbered with child. For these reasons, it can be seen that he is not responsible for her. Moreover, love is the understanding each other.Nevertheless, through Jig and the American man’s conversation, there is the misunderstanding in their relationship. Jig wants to keep baby whereas the man doesn’t want to. He does not care about her feelings bec ause of his lacks of imagination. â€Å"They look like white elephants†, the girl means â€Å"white elephants†is baby that is her â€Å"whole world†while the man’s â€Å"whole world†is freedom. She loves baby very much but he is not, â€Å"I love it now but I just can’t think about it†. In another way, the man loves Jig not too much.He just wants her, nobody else. He is selfish man because he just thinks of himself. However, Jig loves him. She will have an abortion if it is pleasing to him. She tries to reassure herself that â€Å"There’s nothing wrong with me. I feel fine†. She does not care about herself because she loves him and she wants to have a happy family with him in the future. Because of the different point of view between the American man and the girl about abortion, their relationship arise problems and different resolutions.The story leave us think that their love is like liquorice which is bitter. There fore, if they want to maintain their relationship, they have to love and be responsible for each other. APA citations Hemingway, Ernest. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants. †The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. New York: Collier, 1987. 211-14. Literary Analysis: Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants. Retrieved from http://www. customessaymeister. com/customessays/Philosophy/16907. htm http://www. 123helpme. com/hemingways-hills-like-white-elephants-view. asp? id=152214
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Imc Plan of Cadbury Essay
Integrated communication marketing Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is an approach to brand communications where the different modes work together to create a seamless experience for the customer and are presented with a similar tone and style that reinforces the brand’s core message. Its goal is to make all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, online communications and social media work together as a unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation, which maximizes their cost effectiveness. Marketing p’s 1) Product: (Cadbury cherry is our product) Products are the goods and services that your business provides for sale to your target market. When developing a product you should consider quality, design, features, packaging, customer service and any subsequent after-sales service. 2) Promotion: refers to the act of communicating the benefits and value of your product to consumers. It then involves persuading general consumers to become customers of your business using methods such as advertising, direct marketing, personal selling and sales promotion. 3) Place: is in regards to distribution, location and methods of getting the product to the customer. This includes the location of your business, shop front, distributors, logistics and the potential use of the internet to sell products directly to consumers. Target audience a target audience, is a specific group of people within the target market at which a product or the marketing message of a product is aimed at. (Kotler 2000)†¦ For example, if a company sells new diet programs for men with heart disease problems (target market) the communication may be aimed at the spouse (target audience) who takes care of the nutrition plan of her husband and child. A target audience can be formed of people of a certain age group, gender, marital status, etc., e.g. teenagers, females, single people, etc. A combination of factors, e.g. men aged 20–30 is a common target audience. Other groups, although not the main focus, may also be interested. Discovering the appropriate target market(s) and determining the target audience is one of the most important activities in marketing management. Target audience would be especially children of 5-10 ages as well as woman too Communication objectives Communications objectives include (1) creating awareness (2) imparting knowledge (3) projecting an image (4) shaping attitudes (5) stimulating a want or desire (6) Effecting a sale. Creative strategies Different creative strategies are used in order to obtain consumer attention and provoke shoppers to purchase or use a specific product. One of the most important components of an integrated marketing communications program is the message. It will be obvious that there are a myriad of ways to convey a marketing communication message. However, underlying all of these messages is a creative strategy that involves determining what the marketing communication message will say or communicate, and creative tactics dealing with how the message strategy will be implemented or executed. Planning Creative Strategy Those who work on the creative side of marketing communication often face a real challenge. They must take all the research, creative briefs, strategy statements, communication objectives and other inputs and transform them into an marketing communication message. Their job is to write copy, design layouts and illustrations and produce commercials that communicate effectively. Marketers usually hire marketing communication agencies to develop and implement their marketing communication campaigns because they are specialists in the creative function of marketing communication. However, it is important to point out that the development of creative strategy also involves representatives from the client side and other people in the agency as well as the creative staff. Media plan The process of establishing the exact media vehicles to be used for advertising. Advertising media generally include: * Television * Radio * Newspapers * Magazines (consumer and trade) * Outdoor billboards * Public transportation * Yellow Pages * Direct mail * Specialty advertising (on items such as matchbooks, pencils, calendars, telephone pads, shopping bags and so on) * Other media (catalogs, samples, handouts, brochures, newsletters and so on)
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
A Synopsis of the Movie Twilight: New Moon
Twilight: New Moon *Mise*-en-scene Title: Twilight: New Moon Year: 2009 Director: Chris Weitz Writers: Stephanie Meyer (novelist) and Melissa Rosenburg (screenplay) Actors/Actresses: Robert Pattinson-Edward Cullen, Kristen Stewart-Bella Swan, Taylor Lautner-Jacob Black, Ashley Greene-Alice Cullen Synopsis This movie is the sequel to Twilight, which was a major hit in 2008. In the first movie Bella Swan falls in love with a vampire. The vampire, Edward Cullen, is very protective of Bella and tries to keep her safe. In New Moon Edward feels that the only way to protect Bella is to break her heart so she won’t follow him. However after Edward leaves Bella comes face to face with danger and the only protection she has is her long-time friend Jacob who she realizes is a werewolf. By the end of the movie Bella is torn between her love for the werewolf and the vampire. Analysis My focus is on scene nine where Bella is confronted by the Cullen’s vampire rival, LaRon. LaRon’s intent is to kill Bella now that Edward has left her defenseless. The scene is set in the meadow where Edward first appeared to Bella in his true form. When the sunlight shined on Edward his skin glistened like diamonds. At that time the meadow was beautiful, the grass was green, the flowers were in vibrant full bloom, and the sunlight shined down so bright. Now that Edward has left the meadow is dead, the grass has turned brown, all the flowers are gone, and the lighting is low and gloomy. I like to think of this as a metaphor to Bella’s spirit how it was alive and vibrant with Edward’s presence and is now dull and a part of her has died. Also you see her in a dangerous position being face to face with LaRon without Edward being there to protect her like before. Then Jacob appears in the scene in his werewolf form to protect Bella. However at this moment she does not realize it is Jacob. Here we are seeing Jacob in his true form appear to Bella just as Edward did for the first time and in the same location. It almost seems as though Jacob has taken on Edward’s role in Bella’s world. There is one shot where the rest of the wolf pack proceeds on to kill LaRon and Jacob stops and turns his focus to Bella for one moment and then moves on. At this moment Bella is mere feet away from this massive wolf but she stands there and looks back at the creature. The up-close shot of the wolf’s eye as he is gazing at Bella shows her reflection and you can feel his harmless nature. This is where it all came together for me and I thought Bella had pieced together the clues but I wasn’t until two scenes later that she realized it had been Jacob that rescued her. In one still frame the full shot conveyed danger, protection, love, and loss. This was a very well-organized scene and I think it worked well in the movie and added drama and thrill for the audience.
Marketing and the Health Care System Research Paper
Marketing and the Health Care System - Research Paper Example The utilization of the healthcare services of Maryland General Hospital could be assessed by the healthcare service provider in order to analyze the current situation of usage of healthcare services. A proper analysis of the field reports is helpful in designing the ways in which the decision of the healthcare recipients could be influenced. Research Objectives The scope of this research includes a study of Maryland General Hospital. The research objectives for this study are to examine the direct impact of marketing for Maryland General Hospital, to determine a strategy to find the utilization of products and services of the hospital, and to design a marketing strategy for Maryland General Hospital. Research Methodology The impact of direct marketing of Maryland General Hospital and strategies to determine the current utilization of healthcare services of the community that it caters have been determined with the help of the secondary method of research. The data collected for the s tudy are secondary. The data have been obtained from secondary sources such as the electronic websites of the health care provider, journals, etc. The data obtained from the official website of Maryland General Hospital are reliable. The healthcare service activities have been studied from these secondary data sources. The information has been analyzed to design a marketing strategy for Maryland General Hospital and also to determine ways by which the decision of the healthcare recipients could be influenced for wider spread of the healthcare services. Analysis and Findings Maryland General Hospital is located in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, United States. The hospital serves majorly Afro-American citizens and lies in a medically underserved area of Baltimore. The hospital has been awarded a score of 38.6 for the medically underserved area, and any score below 62 requires medical services to a higher extent. This has raised the scope of direct marketing for the hospital which im pact has been analyzed below. The hospital has engaged its consultants and internal committees for conducting surveys and direct marketing of its healthcare products and services. As a result, Maryland General Hospital has been able to understand the needs of the community through direct interaction with the members. The health care needs of individuals and their families could be identified and the cost of the healthcare services could be customized in order to serve the medically undeserved area of Baltimore. The direct marketing of healthcare services provides a clear picture of the demographics, income level and the barriers to access healthcare by communities (Maryland General Hospital, 2009). It has been found that about 16.2% of the population in the city of Baltimore are below the federal poverty line and cannot afford the primary healthcare service due to transportation barriers and financial constraints. The direct marketing of the healthcare services of Maryland General H ospital helps the organization to outreach to the people who need basic healthcare services. The strategies that could be adopted by Maryland General Hospital for assessing the utilization of the products and services of the organization are through the conduct of a survey using paper questionnaires and survey questionnaires through the Internet. The hospital could also conduct meetings with the religious leaders and school
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Effective ways to decreasing sexual drive in sex offenders Essay
Effective ways to decreasing sexual drive in sex offenders - Essay Example The methods used in decreasing the sexual drive of sexual offenders aim at addressing the sexual interests, interpersonal functioning, distorted attitudes and behavior management (Reamer, 2005). The behavioral interventions in decreasing the sex drive of sexual offenders aims at controlling the sexual preferences and interests from children and violence, addressing the distorted beliefs and attitudes and emotional regulation (Wright, 2009). One of the effective ways is the cognitive-behavioral treatment that is used to address the inappropriate attitudes and inappropriate sexual preferences through modifying the thinking pattern, modifying the arousal patterns and reducing reoffending (Wright, 2009). Aversion therapy ensures that deviant sexual patterns are altered through use of paraphilic stimulus like induced nausea at peak arousal or foul odor or using a positive reinforcement such as inducing masturbation at the peak of arousal in order to switch to appropriate fantasies (Schwartz & Cellini, 1995). Cognitive restructuring is another cognitive-behavioral therapy that will enable the sexual offender deal with cognitive distortions such as the notion that women enjoy rape and will involve training on social skills on how to interpret certain social issues without sexual distortions. The general purpose of the behavioral techniques is to pair the deviant fantasies with discomfort and boredom and pair the intense physi cal pleasure of orgasm with health fantasies (Reamer, 2005). Pharmacological interventions involve administration of prescription medicines. A common medication is the management of deviant sexual arousal through Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors that treat the obsessive-compulsive disorders thus reducing aggression and sexual urges (Reamer, 2005). This is an homonotherapy that reduces the circulation of testosterone through injection of chemicals such as ant-androgen that
Monday, August 12, 2019
What if anything, can the study of family law gain from an Essay
What if anything, can the study of family law gain from an understanding of theoretical approaches towards the relationship between law and families - Essay Example or alternative non-marriage arrangements as well as frequent divorce are making the once-solidly-defined English nuclear family resemble something else entirely, something else that is thus-far undefined, vague and nebulous. In this changing atmosphere, family law will be of increasing importance in managing conflict, creating harmony and resolving issues before they arise, creating amicable arrangements when disasters do occur, and organizing society. Major theoretical approaches like feminist theory, the public-private divide and functionalist theory deserve analysis, but the most salient for modern circumstances is feminist theory, at least insofar as it recognizes gender differences and difficulties. The changing nature of the British family deserves special comment and analysis. â€Å"Earlier this year, women became the majority of the workforce for the first time in U.S. history. Most managers are now women too. And for every two men who get a college degree this year, three women will do the same. For years, women’s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn’t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women?†(Rosin, 2010). Rosins question is obviously somewhat hyperbolic, but there is an underlying fear and anxiety there. Girls are being preferred over boys for in vitro fertilisation in America, and similar phenomena are occurring in Britain. The delocation and loss of jobs caused by the recent economic meltdown have only exacerbated this phenomenon. â€Å"He writes on the board: $85,000. â€Å"This is her salary.†Then: $12,000. â€Å"This is your salary. Who’s the d amn man? Who’s the man now?†A murmur rises. â€Å"That’s right. She’s the man†(Rosin, 2010). This basic conflict between men and women in terms of new gender norms will cause major issues for family law. Add in the other factors such as cohabitation, gay marriage and civil unions, other changing sexual orientation
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Profile Speech about Trail of Tears- Removal of the Cherokee Essay
Profile Speech about Trail of Tears- Removal of the Cherokee - Essay Example IV. (Preview body of speech) Today, I shall tell you what prompted the U.S. government to decide the fate of thousands of Native Americans. Next, I will tell you how tribes such as Cherokees were affected following which I shall take you back to the fateful â€Å"Trail of Tears.†Finally, being an optimist, I will share with you the present conditions of the relocated people and the role of the U.S. government in their lives today. 3. Americans and Cherokees signed a treaty. This treaty was supposed to bring in some form of civilization among the tribal men i.e. they were expected to give up hunting and adopt farming. The Cherokees accepted the terms since it not only meant progress but it also meant that the Americans would further on mind their own business and leave them alone. This deadly trek, during the course of which thousands of Cherokees perished, loved ones died in front of the eyes while others stood helpless. The Cherokees only stopped some time to bury their dead and continued marching westwards. The Cherokees called this journey – â€Å" Nunna dual isunyi†meaning the trail where we cried. In English, this earned popularity as the â€Å"Trail of tears†(Fradlin,2008). (Transition) It is true, that today as I stand here talking about our American Native brothers and sisters, their plight is still the same. Almost a million of them still remains in abject poverty and lead a life of prejudice. The American Indian Relief Council works towards helping the Native Americans build a stronger community and bring in positive changes in their lives by offering services from literacy to nutrition (American Indian Relief Council).
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Arts and Crafts Movement in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Arts and Crafts Movement in America - Essay Example Many eminent designers and their works have contributed to the success of Arts and Crafts movements in America. As Boehm points out, in Cincinnati, socially prominent women, like Mary Louise McLaughlin engaged in overglaze decoration of ceramic pieces at the Cincinnati School of Art. Her works were sent to the Centennial Exposition where she expanded her knowledge into Oriental pottery and French barbotine with underglaze decoration in colored slips. Later in 1879, McLaughlin started the Women’s Pottery Club, and flourished in the crafting field. There were other women too taking the initiative in the reform, like the Newcomb College Pottery, started in 1895. Another designing group that got flourished before the Arts and Crafts movement was the Rookwood Pottery. It was founded by Maria Longworth Nichol, the granddaughter of Cincinnati real-estate millionaire, Longworth, in an old schoolhouse in 1880 and named it after their family estate. Within a few years from its birth, th e Rookwood Pottery started to succeed and thrive. They produced several thousand pieces and held a dominating place in the market. The pragmatic attitude in production boosted up the developments of the organization into becoming a commercially successful one with obtaining gold medal at the World’s Fair in Paris In 1889. Realistic attitudes taken by the Rookwood Pottery had a great influence on the Arts and Crafts Movement in America. Prominent potters such a George Ohr had demonstrated his skills on the formation.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Reflective Journal M02 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflective Journal M02 - Essay Example Entrepreneurs and investors embark on business ventures because they wish to make money, and a business that does not make money on a regular basis deserves to be terminated. All the tools and techniques for decision making that are taught in the MBA or any other business management course will always have the profit maximizing criterion as a major consideration. At least, that is the common perception, and one that I had entertained prior to my studies about business ethics and corporate social responsibility. In my readings, I was struck by the observation of Pride, Hughes and Kapoor (2009), that the profit maximization goal is impossible to define, and therefore impossible to achieve, because there is never a satisfactory answer to the question, ‘How much profit is enough?’ Exactly, businessmen are depicted as greedy and heartless, loving money for money’s sake, and much like Charles Dickens’ Ebenezer Scrooge, the profit a business accumulates never appears to be enough. Such a goal is thus never attainable, and therefore the profit maximizing aim is a senseless one for business, as there is no maximum. After all, a goal that could not be defined could not be attained, and success becomes elusive and illusory. What I have learned about ethical decision making is that it is the core of ethical business, the thing that makes business a noble undertaking that seeks to provide for the needs of people. It has the humane goal of satisfying people, of bringing goods and services to match human wants and needs. Business creates value, and offers this value up for human consumption, and the resulting profit is but a just reward commensurate to the value that was created. Ethical decision making is what guides a businessman to do the right thing at the right time, and because of this his business becomes a tool to making peoples’ lives better. I believe that this is the social responsibility of
Pestle for contemporary issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pestle for contemporary issues - Essay Example But if the political equations are like the ones’ prevailing amongst some of the nations in the Middle East or the gulf region, it adversely affects the hospitality sector. Similarly we must not forget the deep cut in hospitality industry in the aftermath of 9/11. Economic: Today we are in an era when the power of a nation is being assessed not by its military arsenal but by its economic strength instead. Economic factors have forced many traditional rival nations to adopt friendly policies in order to have better economic exchanges. Such understanding leads to firming of business partnerships, furthering market friendly policies and encouraging visits of business tycoons. Business summits, seminars, expositions, meetings too augur well for the hospitality industry. Socio-cultural: If two nations have similar socio-cultural patterns, mutual understanding and cultural exchanges amongst the citizens, the hospitality industry will be happy to host a number of visitors from across the borders. Similarly, if there are lots of cultural activities within the country, even then the hospitality industry benefits a lot. But if the society adopts some kind of preventive measures or the cultural heritage is not allowed to bloom, the hospitality industry is bound to suffer. Technological: Technology is indeed redefining the way we interact, we travel, we offer our services etc. Considering the good old days when there were no aeroplanes, ships used to take months to complete intercontinental journeys. But today, supersonic jumbo-jets have reduced this travel to some hours. Similarly, the facilities that have been offered by the information technology have brought the world closer. Now one can plan of his visit to Beijing for the Olympic games, by sitting in his home in London. The hospitality industry of China will be happy to him during the game by making all arrangements well in time. Legal: The law of
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Course Work Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Course Work - Coursework Example The moral hazard problem occurred as a result of asymmetric information after transaction happens and prompts dispute of interests. It is the hazard that borrower in a monetary contract has the motivating forces to participate in hazardous activities that are making it more difficult that the loan amount will be paid back. On the off chance that there is no asymmetry in the data that a lender and a borrower had, which implies the lender can keep enlightened about the borrower whereabouts and screen borrower to follow the terms of the transaction they agreed upon. There should not have the problem of moral hazard. Yet, as a general rule, if financial intermediaries proceed as a lender, to set up a refined and frequently monitor system for every individual borrowers may cause a tremendous cost for financial organizations, or significantly bigger than the loss from the expected default hazard (Dionne and Lasserre). Moreover, if a monetary organization works as a borrower, the administration can limit the trading on insider trading on the biggest stockholders, yet different representatives in the organizations, for example, directors and senior managers might additionally increase profit from the special data which could influence the offer value when unveiled, and trades generate profit or evade losses before the public be informed of the data. Since these data are internal and confidential, therefore, it is hard for potential investors to get knowledge from this and cannot evade the hazard issue from it. Consequently, the problem will still exist (Dionne and Lasserre). In 2008, as a financial crisis began to unfold in the United States, the FDIC raised the limit on insured losses to bank depositors from $100,000 per account to $250,000 per account. How would this help stabilize the financial system? As the 2008 financial crises occurred due to the failure of financial institutions like Lehman Brothers
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
A Study of Market Segmentation for Uk Frozen Food Industry Essay Example for Free
A Study of Market Segmentation for Uk Frozen Food Industry Essay A Study Of Market Segmentation For UK Frozen Food Industry Abstract The objectives of this study are to perform market segmentation for a SME in the frozen food sector. The study could form a basis of segmentation framework for a SME like Eden Farm, the framework once developed from academic literature would help to undertake a market segmentation in the frozen food industry with relevant segmentation criteria which would form a basis of targeting strategy for the company. In this Dissertation, the literature on Market Segmentation is reviewed and relevant criteria for segmentation in an industry are understood. The typology from the literature identifying the variables for segmentation and relevant strategic tools for analysis of the sector is used to develop a framework for segmentation in the industry. The framework is applied to carry out a detailed segmentation of the markets for frozen food, an analysis is carried out to understand the target markets and strategic tools used to identify the target markets. Along with the segmentation of the markets, an analysis of the results is carried out and recommendations are provided for strategic growth of the company. Contents Abstract3 Acknowledgements3 Introduction3 Definition of the Company’s Issue3 Aims and Objectives of the Project:3 Literature Review:3 Review of Academic Literature for Segmentation:3 Market Segmentation:3 Definition of Market Segmentation:3 Segmentation Logic:3 The Segmenting-Targeting Framework:3 Segmentation Variables:3 Segmentation Criteria:3 Academic literature:3 Literature Review on segmentation in the food industry:3 Portfolio Analysis:3 Final Framework for addressing the Research Question:3 Research Methodology3 Research Objectives3 Research Approach:3 Research Strategy:3 Ethical Issues in Data collection3 Recommendations:3 Implementation Issues:3 Critical Reflection and Conclusion:3 Review of Work Process:3 Reflection and critical analysis of the process:3 Limitations of the process:3 Conclusion and discussion of results in an Academic context:3 Bibliography3 List of Tables Page Table 1 Detailed Breakdown of Frozen Food Products37 Table 2 Recommended Customers for EF49 Table 3. a Market Attractiveness for Segments49 Table 3. b Market Attractiveness for Segments50 Table 4 Business Competitiveness Scores for Various Segments50 List of Figures Page Figure 1Market Share for frozen food34 Figure 2Frozen food market share by manufacturers36 Figure3Frozen food market share by products36 Figure4Comparison of market shares of products37 Figure5Market trends for desserts38 Figure6Convenience store sales40 Figure7Convenience store market share40 Figure8Sales of Eden Farm by Market Segment41 Figure9Sales Trends in catering47 Figure10DPM Matrix49 Introduction The project report considers customer segmentation for the frozen food industry and evaluates the opportunities for targeted growth in the sector for Eden Farm, a UK based distributor of frozen food. The retail food industry is dynamic in nature and is very competitive for the distributors. However, growth opportunities exist in the sector when a thorough analysis is carried out and the targeted segments are evaluated. Hence, the study identifies growth strategies in the sector by using segmentation framewor k and relevant analysis. Definition of the Company’s Issue Eden Farm is a distributor of frozen food and ice cream across UK with a strong base in the North East and Yorkshire. The company’s prospect market is wholesale, cash and carry, symbol groups, CTN’s, forecourts, independent supermarkets. At the moment, the company is trying to increase its market presence in various sub sectors of the market. The frozen food retail is represented by many sub sectors and is composed of many market players. The business on the whole is variable across sectors and the levels of risk and opportunities for each sub sector and product is variable in nature.
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