Sunday, January 26, 2020
What About Me Self Assessment Of Personality Nursing Essay
What About Me Self Assessment Of Personality Nursing Essay What type of personality do I have? What kind of values do I hold? What motivates me? After completing the first section of the self-assessment, I have a better insight into the world inside my head. Sometimes that can be a frightening place, but that information can be very valuable when determining what jobs are right for me. I began my journey by reviewing my personality insights. My basic personality is highlighted with traits such as being responsible and dependable along with being assertive and persistent. I am moderately trusting, cooperative, and imaginative. I have a Type-A personality with a Jungian 16-type personality of ESPF meaning that I am spontaneous, generous, and sociable. When I look at my job in terms of my personality, I begin to understand my managers perception of my work. He has told me that I am very dependable, dedicated, and detail oriented. When I work in the warehouse, he knows that he does not have to worry about the quality of my performance and knows that the warehouse will be well maintained. Within the past year, he gave me the opportunity to cross-train with technicians and to broaden my knowledge. My manager said that he is trying to help me to be more valuable and marketable to the owners of the company. Knowing that my manager cares about my stability and tenure with the company helps me to have a better outlook and attitude toward the company which moves me to the next step of my journey. This portion of my self-assessment gave me a chance to look at my values and attitude. Pride in accomplishment, knowledge and wisdom, and satisfaction in life are at the top of my terminal values while prosperity and wealth are at the bottom. My top instrumental values are assertiveness, dependability, and self-sufficiency. I was surprised to discover that open-mindedness and honesty were at the bottom of my list. Additionally, I am optimistic in workplace diversity and involved in my job; however, I learned that I am not very satisfied working for my employer. In an attempt to understand his employees and learn more about them, my manager has taken us individually to breakfast away from work so that we could be open and candid. We used the time to speak freely and discuss any issue. Having the chance to meet with my manager and to speak without restrictions has helped me to hold a different view toward our work situation. Before our meeting, my manager had realized that some of my job dissatisfaction has come from not being able to ignore some of the companys unethical business practices. He discussed his concern about the business practices and informed me that he is addressing those concerns with upper management. As I moved further along, this journey brought me to the inspiration of my motivation. I have high existence needs with achievement at the top of my dominant needs list, and my main dominant needs include my desire to excel and desire to work with minimal supervision. Along with these needs, I hold strong values. Some of my values include better pay, more vacation time, strong feelings of job security, and chances to advance. Even though I have a varying view of other people, I tend to enjoy watching very successful people fail. When a person acts as though he is better and more deserving than others, it is nice to see a humbling experience bring him back to reality. I have a moderately high outlook on my jobs motivating potential and I am confident in my abilities to be successful. Although my manager has no control over giving me more vacation time, he uses some of the other values to help build morale and motivate his department. He gave me a chance to advance and learn additional skills which has helped me to earn a pay raise. That raise has motivated me to increase the quality of my work especially since I was the only person in the company to receive a raise because of the poor economy. Eventually I was able to take a peek into my decision making insights. I discovered that I usually do not procrastinate. Instead, I try to be more proactive and strive to keep stronger ethics than most people. I feel that business decisions should involve a moral philosophy and that business ethics are not just for public relations. Unfortunately, not everyone in my company holds the same ethical values. My manager strives to guide his department toward good ethical values so that we can set an example for the remainder of the company. He holds us accountable for doing what is right. As I watch him trying to guide other managers and their departments to have higher ethical standards, I gain more respect for him. And, with that gain of respect, I feel even more motivated to help him in his quest for better business ethics. Finally, I was able to study other traits that I possess. I learned that I am good at personal planning. I have realistic goals for my future, have a plan for completing my major, and am proactive instead of reactive. Another trait that I possess is high Emotional Intelligence which shows that I may be successful in a position that requires interpersonal skills. Other traits that I have are showing initiative, taking action, and persevering. During my latest employee evaluation, my supervisor characterized me as having these personality traits, and I agree. As I compare myself to other employees, I realize that I am extremely dependable, knowledgeable, and dedicated to my job. According to my supervisor, the owners of the company know that I am passionate about my job and believe that I am a valuable asset to the company. Although I am successful at anything that I attempt, my manager said that I am a perfect fit for the warehouse lead position and should be able to succeed as a warehouse manager when I finish my degree. I am enthusiastic about my job and strive for perfection. I am also very critical about someone else trying to complete my job. I am currently on a three month medical leave and already know that there will be a disaster waiting for me to correct when I return. A key to my motivation is helping me to visualize my importance in the company and showing trust in my abilities and intelligence. My manager is beginning to learn this key to help improve my motivation. He shows his confidence in my abilities by utilizing minimal supervision. He is learning that if he gives me the space and ability to work independently I will be more motivated and will give more effort and quality work. The first portion of the self-assessment journey has been very interesting. I was not surprised to discover the results of the tests. My motivation and confidence helps me to reinforce my values, attitude, and ethics. Eventually, I will be ready to acquire more responsibilities and continue to climb the corporate ladder. Self-Assessment Library Report I.A.1. Whats My Basic Personality? Your scores are: Score1: 12 Score2: 11 Score3: 15 Score4: 11 Score5: 10 I.A.2. Whats My Jungian 16-Type Personality? Your score is: ESFP I.A.3. Am I a Type-A? Your score is: 108 I.A.4. How Well Do I Handle Ambiguity? Your score is: 22 How Creative Am I? Your score is: 9 I.B.1. What Do I Value? Your scores are: Score1: 3 Score2: 2 Score3: 9 Score4: 1 Score5: 10 Score6: 5 Score7: 4 Score8: 8 Score9: 6 Score10: 7 Score11: 1 Score12: 7 Score13: 2 Score14: 8 Score15: 3 Score16: 5 Score17: 10 Score18: 4 Score19: 9 Score20: 6 I.B.2. How Involved Am I In My Job? Your score is: 34 I.B.3. How Satisfied Am I With My Job? Your score is: 54 I.B.4. What Are My Attitudes Toward Workplace Diversity? Your score is: 24 I.C.1. What Motivates Me? Your scores are: Score1: 16 Score2: 13 Score3: 19 I.C.2. What are My Dominant Needs? Your scores are: Score1: 25 Score2: 12 Score3: 21 Score4: 15 I.C.3. What Rewards Do I Value Most? Your scores are: Score1: 5 Score2: 4 Score3: 5 Score4: 5 Score5: 4 Score6: 4 Score7: 4 Score8: 5 Score9: 5 Score10: 4 I.C.4. Whats My View on the Nature of People? Your score is: 21 I.C.5. What are My Course Performance Goals? Your score is: 12 I.C.6. How Confident Am I In My Abilities to Succeed? Your score is: 22 I.C.7. Whats My Attitude Toward Achievement? Your scores are: Score1: 50 Score2: 47 I-C-8. Whats My Jobs Motivating Potential? Your score is: 200 I-C-9. Do I Want an Enriched Job? Your score is: 4.1 I-D-1. Am I a Procrastinator? Your score is: 1 I-D-2. How Do My Ethics Rate? Your scores are: Score1: 1 Score2: 1 Score3: 4 Score4: 2 Score5: 1 Score6: 1 Score7: 1 Score8: 4 Score9: 2 Score10: 1 Score11: 1 Score12: 2 Score13: 1 Score14: 2 Score15: 5 I.E.1. Whats My Emotional Intelligence Score? Your score is: 39 I.E.2. What Time of Day Am I Most Productive? Your score is: 33 I.E.3. How Good Am I at Personal Planning? Your scores are: Score1: 5 Score2: 4 Score3: 4 Score4: 5 Score5: 5 Score6: 5 I.E.4. Am I Likely to Become an Entrepreneur? Your score is: 104
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Understand How to Plan and Provide Environments and Services
1. 1 DESCRIBE THE FACTORS TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT WHEN PLANNING HEALTHY AND SAFE INDOOR AND OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENTS AND SERVICES Teaching staff have a duty of care when looking after children. It is important that they are aware of government legislation regarding health and safety and the school’s own Health and Safety (H&S) policy in regards to risks and hazards so that they know what to look out for and what to do in the case of an incident or accident whether indoors or outdoors.When working with children and young people staff should always make sure that areas are fit for purpose prior to any learning or play activity; this means making sure a risk assessment is carried out to expose potential risks or situation where children / or adults could have an accident. Should a teaching assistant spot a potential risk then they should make sure that this is dealt with immediately or if necessary logged into an incident book for the caretaker/IT technician to deal with e. . computer c ables moved out of the way and reorganised into a cable tidy, or a potential fire hazard dealt with such as paper removed from bins that were in close proximity to computer wires. Other hazards to look out for: Indoor potential risks: †¢chairs are put away under the tables †¢teaching equipment is stored safely away †¢that there is natural light in the room – no blinds are down †¢there is space for moving around items are picked up off the floor and put away †¢no clothes or anything left lying on the floor to be tripped over †¢there is adequate heating or ventilation so it is not too hot or cold †¢no sharp corners or edges – especially on tables †¢no substances hazardous to health lying around e. g. chemicals such as bleach or those used in science labs †¢foodstuffs that can cause allergic reactions e. g. peanuts †¢fire exits are clear from blockages such as boxes etc. no loose wires to trip over or bare wire ends which could electrocute †¢children have correct footwear and clothing e. g. lab coats and goggles in a science class/plimsolls in a PE lesson to give adequate protection in the setting It is very easy for young children who move around the classroom quickly and who aren’t aware of risks to trip over things or knock into chairs or even each other. This is made more acute when they rushing to outside at break or are hungry and want their lunch or want to leave when it is going home time.In this instance going off in 2’s or 3’s will be easier than a large group. As space can be tight in schools (especially in cities with classrooms being smaller) with any available space used, it is even more important to make sure that pathways around tables and in and out of the classroom are clear for ease of access and to minimise the risk of accidents. It is also easy for staff to bump into tables and chairs when trying to circumnavigate obstacles, especially when in a hurry.St aff should also be aware of risks to parents who come into the classrooms (especially in reception and year 1) when it is drop off or pick up time, for example if someone is pregnant, as the risk to the mother and the unborn child can be greater due to the mother not being able to steady themselves as easily if they trip over something. In dining halls foodstuffs containing peanuts are not allowed on site either in lunch boxes or in school dinners and children are not allowed to share their food in case anyone suffers from a food allergy which may result in a food allergy or an anaphylactic shock.Most schools have trained staff who are able to use an Epipen in the case of such an incident and have statement which indicates what is the allergy, how it manifests itself, what symptoms will appear and what should be done in the case of an emergency. (See attached sheet on Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan 1. 1b). The Health and Safety Executive have issued the following guidance: ‘Medici nes legislation restricts the administration of injectable medicines.Unless self-administered, they may only be administered by or in accordance with the instructions of a doctor (e. g. by a nurse)†¦ The use of an Epipen to treat anaphylactic shock falls into this category. Therefore, first aiders may administer an Epipen if they are dealing with a life threatening emergency in a casualty who has been prescribed and is in possession of an Epipen and where the first aider is trained to use it. (HSE) [www. muir-walker. coop/training/anaphylaxis-and-epipens] Accessed 29/11/12 Outdoor potential risks: †¢Making sure that perimeter fencing around the school is adequate e. g. no holes or broken and gates are secure †¢Slippery/wet leaves †¢Nothing in the way for children and toddlers to trip over on the way in †¢Making sure climbing frames such as Trim Trail have no potential hazards from insecure rope ladders etc. Sandpits and water areas must be covered when not i n use †¢Children using skipping ropes should be made aware of the risks to others when using skipping ropes An example of how difficult it can be to minimise risk is in the case of XXXX Primary School who have tried to minimise the risks of any accidents happening by asking parents (via newsletter) not to let their children play or run around the school or climb apparatus when waiting to pick up siblings, in case of accidents.This is difficult to achieve as everyone involved has to be on board and with toddlers and young children there is a lot of space to have fun in. In addition, there are no clear warnings in sight and only a few parents take heed of this allowing their children to have freedom in the playground; unfortunately the potential for an accident occurring out of class time is still there.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Foolproof Topics for Five Paragraph Essay Strategy
The Foolproof Topics for Five Paragraph Essay Strategy What Everybody Dislikes About Topics for Five Paragraph Essay and Why Before discussing the conclusion, it's essential to take a look at the manner body paragraphs are built. You want to know the 3 vital elements of the specific article. The best thing about introducing your most important points in the very first paragraph is it gives an outline for your body paragraphs and gets rid of the need to write in transitions between paragraphs. Your principal body ought to be written as a collection of paragraphs. In the event that you haven't ever got a paper around the internet, you are going to want a great deal of queries concerning the way in which the order is going to be managed. How you take advantage of the aforementioned things would be ultimately determined by your precise circumstance. All you need to do is focus on any of the methods below and you'll have the topics flowing your way very quickly. Order the medic ation you have to have in virtually no time. Services where you are able to come across expert essay writer online are extremely popular among the web. Each card has a distinctive writing example! Click the image below to get to the join page. It's simple to download and install to your cellular phone. Even though the conclusion paragraph comes at the conclusion of your essay it ought not be considered an afterthought. Also, once you are grading, you're able to quickly scan the paragraphs and essays. You must be aware, however, that there are numerous other methods to compose essays that are longer than 5 paragraphs. If you know what things to expect and know how to compose a five paragraph essay, you'll be ready to tackle any essay writing prompt. The introduction has become the most important paragraph because it supplies direction for the whole essay. Just continue your introduction short and easy. What You Don't Know About Topics for Five Paragraph Essay The introductory paragraph should also incorporate the thesis statement, a type of mini-outline for the essay. On the Written part of the TOEFL, you are going to be requested to compose an essay that is more than 1 paragraph long. No matter whether you would like to understand how to compose a three paragraph essay of 5 paragraph paper, an introduction stays the same. No matter the instance, utilize these guidelines to strengthen your understanding of this preliminary essay format. This paragraph is just one of the most crucial in our papers. Despite the fact that the simple paragraph comes at the conclusion of your essay it ought not be regarded as an afterthought. Your very first paragraph might be a brief history of the subject, or a list of key defining points. The conclusion paragraph can essay a challenging paragraph to compose ways but, as it's your very last opportunity to convince or otherwise impress the reader, it's well worth investing some time in. Topics for Five Paragraph Essay Features Readers must have solid information regarding the water conservation. Lives of people have changed to an excellent extent with the progress in science and technology. Everybody's life is extremely contingent on the scientific inventions and contemporary technology. The Topics for Five Paragraph Essay Pitfall The greatest difference between both types of writing is. If you don't have an idea how a decent five-paragraph essay needs to be formatted, please have a peek at unique examples posted online at no cost. It is advised to look for the one which has a fantastic reputation and offers high-quality papers at economical rates. Even the most well-known examples need context. The cost of an essay rides on the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. It's possible for you to understand somebody else's argument even when you disagree with this. The principal reason someone is creating an argumentative essay is definitely to earn an effort to convince or sway another man or perhaps a group of men and women in your rightness in a certain theme. 1 way to think about the conclusion is, paradoxically, quickly another introduction easy it does actually contain a number of the same capabilities. How to Choose Topics for Five Paragraph Essay For the explanation, it's crucial that you've got comprehension of the way to compose a college research paper in order to earn the wonderful grade you'd like. If you select an intriguing subject for your paper, then you will certainly have a greater chance to be accepted at the college. Therefore, many students and employees decide to purchase low-cost essay rather than writing it themselves. For a student to take pa rt in the western world of academics, it's essential they know the fundamentals of the 5-paragraph essay.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Land As A Rival Of The Old Testament s Promise Land
Colonist were attracted to New England as a result of reports that depicted the land as a rival of the Old Testament’s promise land. In a nearly ironic set of ecological blunders the colonist would drastically transform the land and the way of life of its native inhabitants. In essence their mercantilist mind set would change the ecology of New England through trade, deforestation, and practices associated with livestock. Upon arrival the colonist began to trade with the Indians. The colonist would supply the Indians with goods such as brass and copper pots in exchange for animal furs. As their relations with the natives continued colonist realized that the Native Americans valued trade goods primarily as a status symbol [1]. This observation may have lean the colonist to begin trading in wampum. Wampum is a strings of white and purple beads which Native Americans commonly traded amongst themselves. The wampum were a symbol of wealth and power [2]. The colonial fur traders beg an collecting vast quantities of this to trade for fur. Initially they would trade guns and commodities for the wampum [3]. Then trade the wampum for the desired furs. However, in 1637 a colonial group attacked the Peguots and took the wampum by force. The colonist considered this to be a safer alternative to trading guns with the natives [3]. Trade with the colonist caused the Native Americans to increase their hunting beyond that which was necessary for food gathering [4]. They began to hunt purelyShow MoreRelatedThe Theological Themes Of The Book Of Isaiah1092 Words  | 5 Pages_______________________ 1. J. J. M. Roberts, â€Å"Isaiah in Old Testament Theology,†Interpretation 36, no. 2 (April 1982): 135-136. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed October 5, 2017).111 2., pg.130 3. David. M. Steimle, Preliminary Biblical Studies (S.1) 2015 1. 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