Saturday, May 23, 2020
Top 10 Business Writing Tips
Like life itself, writing can sometimes be messy, frustrating, and hard. But you can make your working life a little easier by editing with these principles in mind. Its simple: Whether youre writing a two-line email or a 10-page report, anticipate the needs of your readers and remember the four Cs: Be clear, concise, considerate, and correct. Use these 10 quick tips to learn how: 1. Adopt the you attitude. This means looking at a topic from the point of view of your readers, emphasizing what they want or need to know. Example: I have requested that your order be sent out today.Revision: You will receive your order by Wednesday. 2. Focus on the real subject. Dont bury a key word by dropping it into a phrase following a weak subject. Example: The implementation of the new marketing campaign will begin on June 1.Revision: The new marketing campaign will begin on June 1. 3. Write actively, not passively. Wherever its appropriate, put your subject up front and make it do something. The active voice generally works better than the passive because its more direct, more concise, and easier to understand. (But not always.) Example: Your proposal was reviewed at our meeting on April 1, and it was immediately submitted to the developers.Revision: We reviewed your proposal on April 1 and immediately submitted it to the developers. 4. Cut unnecessary words and phrases. Wordy expressions may distract readers, so cut the clutter. Example: I am writing this note because I want to thank you very much for organizing the open house that was held last Thursday.Revision: Thank you very much for organizing last Thursdays open house. 5. But dont leave out key words. To be clear as well as concise, we sometimes need to add a word or two. Example: The storage shed is the first step.Revision: Unlocking the storage shed is the first step. 6. And dont forget your manners. Heres where being considerate comes in. If you say please and thank you when talking with colleagues, include those words in your emails as well. Example: Send me the jargon report before you head home.Revision: Please send me the jargon report before you head home. 7. Avoid outdated expressions. Unless you enjoy sounding stuffy in print, stay away from words and phrases that are never used in conversationâ€â€attached herewith, this is to advise you, as per your request. Example: Attached herewith for your reference is a duplicated version of the aforementioned deed.Revision: I have enclosed a copy of the deed. 8. Put a cap on the vogue words and buzzwords. Trendy expressions tend to wear out their welcome fast. Ditto for corporate jargon. Do your best to write like a human. Example: At the end of the day the bottom line is that we should facilitate opportunities for employees to provide input on best practices.Revision: Lets encourage people to make suggestions. 9. Unstack your modifiers. Stacking means piling up modifiers before a nounâ€â€the verbal equivalent of a traffic jam. Long noun strings may save a word or two, but they may also puzzle your readers. Example: Space telescope wide-field planetary camera instrument definition team ground based charged-couple-device camera (from New Scientist, cited by Matthew Lindsay Stevens in Subtleties of Scientific Style, 2007)Revision: Huh? 10. And, of course, proofread. Finally, theres correctness: always make sure you check your work, no matter how good you think youve gotten at the other Cs. Example:: When youre in a hurry, its very easy to leave words.Revision: When youre in a hurry, its very easy to leave out words.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay on Weapons of World War 2 - 1395 Words
Weapons and Artillery of World War II The result of World War II was affected by many different factors. One major factor which affected the war was the weapons and artillery used during the war. Since the beginnings of time, weapons have always been around. From swords and knives to nuclear weapons and missiles, weapons have evolved greatly throughout the years. The weapons and artillery used in World War II basically were evolved types of weaponry that were used during World War I (Military History 1). World War II began in 1939 when the German armies decided to invade parts of Europe, therefore causing Europeans to retaliate against the Germans (World War 1). World War II began because those countries which were defeated in World War I†¦show more content†¦A pistol, at times, could have decided whether a soldier would live or die in combat depending on the situation. Another factor which made the pistol a very important weapon was the fact that the pistol could be reloaded much faster than a rifle (Slayton 12). Another very powerful gun that was used in World War II was the Submarine guns. The submarine guns are much stronger and better than normal guns due to the fact that they have better firing distances (Military History 7). The submarine gun was built mainly for endurance and for accuracy. This gun had the accuracy to fire from 800 to at least 1,000 yards away and delivers a powerful blow to its victims. One problem which the gun had was the fact that it could dislocate a soldiers arm whenever it was fired. But finally the submarine gun was improved and is now less powerful which makes it easier for firing full automatic rounds along with pistol rounds (8). Another very important weapon used in World War II was the rifle. Most infantrymen were defined by their rifles (Slayton 34). To most men, this gun was the most important, due to the fact that it was their main protection against the enemy. Also, they were around their rifle more than any other weapon which gives the soldiers a more comfortable feeling around their rifles. Another gun which branches from the rifle is the machine gun. The Germans were mainly the ones who would take the credit for the invention of the machineShow MoreRelatedWeapons of World War 2 Essay1416 Words  | 6 PagesWeapons and Artillery of World War II The result of World War II was affected by many different factors. One major factor which affected the war was the weapons and artillery used during the war. Since the beginnings of time, weapons have always been around. From swords and knives to nuclear weapons and missiles, weapons have evolved greatly throughout the years. The weapons and artillery used in World War II basically were evolved types of weaponry that were used during World War I (MilitaryRead MoreWeapons Of World War 2 Essay1770 Words  | 8 PagesAs the world went into World War One, it faced new technological advances that turned the view of battle forever. With the invention of many new killing machines, soldiers were now in the deadliest battlefields ever. From artillery blasts to machine gun fire, from air power to biological and weapons of mass destruction, the outcome of World War One would be deadly. It would be the first war to be the greatest motivator for technology at the beginning of the century. Read MoreWeapons and Tactics of WWI and WWII765 Words  | 3 PagesIn WW1 and WW2, the weapons and tactics of war were very important towards the different countries and sides. They each had a certain way of fighting and defending. In World War One, it was harder for people because it was earlier in the 1900s. But, it was a little easier during World War One because the weapons and tactics were amped up. During World War one, the weapons werent all that great. But it was a time when a lot of new weapons were introduced and used very much in a deadly way. TheyRead MoreThe Significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis Essay1686 Words  | 7 PagesCrisis, President Kennedy said, It is insane that two men, sitting on opposite sides of the world, should be able to decide to bring an end to civilization†(â€Å"Nuclear Test Ban Treaty†1). the Cuban Missile Crisis was a time where these two men, Kennedy and Khrushchev, had the power in their hands to end civilization. In order to understand the importance of the Cuban Missile Crisis one must understand, the Cold war drama; the dangerous crisis; and its importance today. 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The ideology behind this war continues on to this day and has led to many treaties and other attempts to stop the production and potential use of nuclear weapons. NuclearRead MoreWorld Peace and Nuclear Powers860 Words  | 4 PagesWorld Peace and Nuclear Weapons By Naseer Ahmad Virk This article deals with one of the most debatable discussions of all time. Read on to know more about nuclear weapons pros and cons. Nuclear weapons have been in this world since World War 2 and have been used, till date only twice and that too in the same war we are speaking about. The only country to use nuclear weapons was the United States of America. The US dropped two atomic nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and NagasakiRead MoreThe World s Peace Maker1262 Words  | 6 PagesWar. War never changes. The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower. But war never changes. As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable but such nations can prevent conflict by being prepared, as it is the most effective means necessary of preserving peace. Owing to nuclear weapons the world is prepared. The precise thing that can causeRead MoreThe Defense Of The Suez Canal957 Words  | 4 PagesCanal, 1915; 2. Write a brief outline that includes the key summary information of  ·Who: The British in control of Egypt, commanded by General Sir John Maxwell and Major-General A. Wilson (150 dead) VS the Turkish commanded by Djemal Pasha (1400 Dead).  ·What: This was a battle over the Suez Canal that resulted in British victory.  ·Where: The Suez Canal in Egypt.  ·When: This battle took place during the third to the fourth of February 1915  ·Why: this battle was significant to the war. The Suez CanalRead MoreAviation Development With Jet Propulsion Projects For Aircraft Within The Luftwaffe Essay1675 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Second World War, Germany partook in numerous courses of research and development of weapons systems and platforms that were believed that they could help win the war more quickly and later hopefully turn the tide of the war. Of these the more ambitious and advanced attempts without doubt were the projects dubbed as Germany’s Wunderwaffen, or â€Å"Wonder Weapons†, by the nation’s Propaganda network. Several of these projects proved instrumental to advancement of many people of the world after the
Monday, May 11, 2020
Childhood Vaccination A Deadly Misunderstanding
Childhood Vaccination: A Deadly Misunderstanding? In the year 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a scientific article that would eventually weaken the human species in both Europe and the United States and sow distrust in the idea of getting children properly vaccinated (Kolodziejski). In his article, Dr. Wakefield falsely claimed that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine could be connected with the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (Kolodziejski). Unfortunately, even though Dr. Wakefield’s study was discredited the â€Å"damage was already done†(McLeod 8). The article caused a decline of vaccinations of children by their parents for fear of unintentionally inflicting ASD upon them. Years later, Celebrities Jenny†¦show more content†¦Although some of these statements might be thought to be true, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the Food Drug Administration (FDA) have found no connection between vaccination and the development of autistic spectrum disorder through testing and observation (â€Å"Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism†). No matter what potential dangers could be spouted about vaccinations, it would be foolish to ignore the fact that vaccination has saved countless lives. The way a vaccine works is by introducing a weaker version of a disease to the immune system as antigens and allowing the immune system to construct proper defenses (antibodies) in case it were to ever come in contact with the standard version of the same disease. This should be done while the child is a few months old because they lose the immunities they gain from their mother not long after they are born (Multiple Vaccines and the Immune System.). The first documented instance of vaccination occurred in the year 1796 by Edward Jenner, an English physician (Malone 262). According to Roth, Jenner figured out that immunity from smallpox could be achieved by â€Å"inoculating a person with material from a cowpox lesion†which is essentially infecting a person with a milder and weaker disease so that they would not contract a much deadlier one (Roth). It may sound crude, but this paved the way for vaccinations and allowed smallpox to become the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Addressing Safety in Home Care Essay - 1610 Words
A universal aspiration for all Registered Nurses (RN) and workplace environments is to create a safe atmosphere for both the client and employees. The RN has an obligation to ensure, â€Å"a culture of safety by using established occupational health and safety practices, and other safety measures to protect client, self and colleagues from injury or potentially abusive situations†(Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association, 2007, p. 11). This competency guides RN’s to provide and advocate safe practice environments. Thus, the issue this paper will discuss is Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). The population being focused on is home care, which is, â€Å"care provided to patients in their homes to restore their functional capacity, to allow†¦show more content†¦A significant implication of enforcing a safe work environment in home care, is if OHS regulations are not correctly enforced, employees may not report the incident or potential incident that transpired within a home (O.S., personal communication, September 20, 2011; Quinn et al., 2009). Safety within home care is unique, mostly because a home is created for living and not for healthcare (Lang Edwards, 2006). Supported by the lack of home care based technology and lack of team support within a home (Lang Edwards, 2006). Within a hospital setting assistance from other employees is down the hallway, unlike a client’s home (Lang Edwards, 2009). Most of client safety research took place within an institution setting, therefore making the findings difficult to generalize to a home care environment (Lang Edwards, 2006). Another significant risk is violence, which can occur in unsafe neighborhoods, or the client or family member as the abuser, with verbal abuse being the most common (as cited in Geiger-Brown, Muntaner, McPhaul, Lipscomb, Trinkoff, 2007). Managers Approaches Altogether O.S. oversees approximately 60 employees, who include Home Health Aides and the scheduling employees for home care (personal communication, September 20, 2011). This acknowledges that O.S has a wide span ofShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Fall In Older Adults701 Words  | 3 Pagesbalance as well as gait, muscle weakness, use of alcohol and smoking as well as unsafe footwear. Additionally, safety hazards in the home could also lead to falls. Responsible Individuals and Agencies The responsibility of addressing these risk factors that lead to falls in older adults falls on various agencies and individuals. These include the local council, social housing teams, care homes as well as the crime prevention units that could come together to create innovative solutions that createRead MoreWhat Is The Overview Of The Singapore Airlines Case Study900 Words  | 4 Pagesmedical centers and an increasing number of the health centers and clinics. The Banner health system offers $84 million a year in charity care to the communities that company provides services at (In Moment, 2017). The Banner Health Organization readiness. 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Internet and information paper Free Essays
Internet and information paper BY breeder than happy to answer them for you. There are many things we can do with the Internet such as we can talk to people through chat and also video chat through Seep. We can also find out pretty much anything that we have any questions about using Google search or a multiple number of different search sites which yes It does make life a lot easier being able to have this advantage. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet and information paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now It Is hard to assess the value of the information on the internet but I will do this the best that I can. I personally find the internet to be of extreme worth. I use the internet for so many things. I would not be able to do my schoolwork without the help of being able to do research online I find out many things I need for my courses by doing simple searches. Your previous question now brings us to the question you have of how do you know what is credible information that we get from the internet. And the answer is we don’t always know. Some of the things you may already have information on and can Judge on your own whether or not it’s believable. The information that you are looking for and don’t know hardly anything about it Is harder to find. When you don’t know anything about what you are looking up you should not stop on the first search you have done you should look Into other resources and compare Information and see how close and what sites Information match up and then you will know for future searches what sites are credible. You also asked about the digital divide. What the chital divide is the difference between the people who have access to the internet and the people who don’t so there is a digital divide between you and l. There can be many instances in the digital divide one of which is between people not having internet access which gives those of us who do have access to the internet as some would feel an advantage. If I need to look up something I can do that without ever leaving my chair by logging onto my laptop or cell phone, you on the other hand would have to go and look something up in a book or library. Also say I need erections to get some where all I have to do Is download an application on my smart phone and It will give me step by step directions to where ever I need to go, where you would have to use a map I have never used a map and would not even begin to tell you how to read one. The digital divide also means things other than just having access to the internet or to me it does I feel another form of the digital divide are things like Faceable and other social media. People who have Faceable can easily keep up with all their friends and know what is going on at any time during the day here the people who don’t have access to social media don’t have this advantage. We also have access to up to the minute news anything going on anywhere in the world we can find out within minutes of it taking place. Now with that being said I believe in a different type of digital divide and that is between the people who have access to Internet. We as people have our phones constantly we are always on the internet and we are becoming people who don’t Interact unless it is through social media or text messaging we don’t speak to one another It’s all done through cell phones. I feel that the delve could be bridged If more people either had the access to the internet or if those that did could live in the now a little bit and get off their explain all the questions you have for me regarding the internet and how it has its advantages in our everyday life. We as people in this day and age find it hard to function without internet access we are a group that has grown to rely on the internet and that probably is not a good thing but it is who we are and I hope you soon get to where you can access the internet as well because it can be a very helpful thing. How to cite Internet and information paper, Papers
Work with Diverse People for Frontiers -
Question: Discuss about theWork with Diverse People for Frontiers in Psychology. Answer: In the first scenario Danielle is the practice manager of a large dental practice in the city. As she is the only female staff in the management level the CEO often calls her as the office mum. The CEO also expects her to get coffee for the monthly meetings and organize birthdays in office. I am certain the CEO would not have given such names to male employees and therefore these are clear signs of sexism and that Danielle is not being overly sensitive. Now there are a lot of ways to deal with workplace harassment. However, she has to keep in mind the fact that she cannot be overtly rude to the CEO or his other colleagues. Firstly, she has to learn to say no. It is inappropriate that only she is asked to make coffee arrangements in monthly meetings every time, but if she tells them she cannot do it any more by citing a few reasons like she has personal engagements, the office staff cannot force her to do it. This is often termed as the bad barista move [1]. Secondly, what she can do is to pretend she has not quite got the joke and ask the CEO to repeat. Repeating something sexist like calling a woman office mum usually makes the person realize that he has been committing a mistake and he might not repeat it again. Lastly, she can turn the tables on the CEO by asking with a sense of humour if he would refer to a male colleague as an office dad[2]. She might just even pop the question what the CEO would have done if she was a guy. These questions will be non threatening but Danielles point that she is being treated unfairly will stand. Scenario 2 In the second scenario an employee constantly jokes on men being bipolar, going postal or going off their meds, I as the team leader know that another employee who is sitting within earshot of these comments is on medication for depression. Heres how I can help the latter: Firstly, the person cracking the joke can be interrupted early. Something like, Hey! Lets not talk about this, can work wonders. The person cracking the joke might get the tone and change the topic. This is the most common way to stop a person from making bigotry comments[3]. If that does not stop him from doing it, maybe I would have to take the option of going up the management ladder and complaining. I might find a few people who think alike in upper management and ask them to help maintain the calm in office environment. Usually when these matters reach the upper management levels they are looked into with seriousness[4]. Another way can be to band together with likeminded colleagues and team members and ask the person to change his or her tone or behaviour. Generally, if this can be done without humiliating the person, then it will work out just fine. Scenario 3 In Scenario three I find myself in a lunchroom of an office where a colleague makes derogatory statements about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Hearing the same another colleague who belongs to the community becomes upset and leaves the room. This usually can create a huge impact in work[5]. People not working together and having differences at work place can spell doom for productivity. The colleague who left the room is clearly upset with the comments and is very unlikely to work with 100 per cent efficiency for a day or two[6]. Customers to who are of the same origin might get affected by the comments which can reduce sales. However, the comments might not have broken any laws as the person was expressing his opinion, but then again there are certain restrictions in expressing ones views. The issues affecting the situation here are racism and biasness. The non-indigenous people should know how the Aborigines have struggled to make it this far in life. Almost half of the people of the community are still without jobs, whereas in comparison only 24.4 percent of non-indigenous people were unemployed. They are the underprivileged sections of the society who need our support. The support can be shown by going to the colleague and speaking about the issue. I can try and motivate him by saying he is as big a part in the office as the others. I can ask the one who made the statement to go and apologize to him. This will give him confidence and he can give in his full efforts again. Bibliography: "At Work." Teaching Tolerance. N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Aug. 2017. Cunningham, Joan, and Yin C. Paradies. "Patterns and correlates of self-reported racial discrimination among Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults, 200809: analysis of national survey data."International journal for equity in health12.1 (2013): 47. Prochzkov, Elika. Aboriginals under the White Supremacy. Diss. Masarykova univerzita, Filozofick fakulta, 2016. Rutherford-Morrison, Lara. "8 Ways You Can Shut Down Sexism In The Workplace." N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Aug. 2017. Stamarski, Cailin S., and Leanne S. Son Hing. "Gender inequalities in the workplace: the effects of organizational structures, processes, practices, and decision makers sexism."Frontiers in psychology6 (2015). Trenerry, Brigid, and Yin Paradies. "Organizational assessment: an overlooked approach to managing diversity and addressing racism in the workplace."Journal of Diversity Management (Online)7.1 (2012): 11.
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