Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Can Stem Cells Be Used For Cure Parkinson s Disease Essay
Introduction: Investigative Question: Can stem cells be used to cure a neurological disease, namely; Parkinson’s Disease? The aim of this research is to determine if stem cells can be used to cure Parkinson’s disease. I too aim to determine if such may be achieved by using stem cells that are obtained in an ethically unchallenging manner, such as by using induced pluripotent stem cells, which are created from one’s own skin, to cure the disease. I chose to conduct research into this topic as currently there is no single cure for Parkinson’s Disease. All that currently exists to help the disease’s estimated 7-10 million sufferers are suppressive medicines that do not cure the patients of the disease but better their symptoms thereof. Stem cell therapy, if proven viable, will be the first treatment of the disease that will truly rid the patients of this disease and immediately improve their lives. There is currently much research being conducted regarding the using of stem cells to cure Parkinson’s and whether or not this may be a viable method to do such. To aid in the answering of my question, I researched the progress that different scientists and laboratories across the world have made regarding such by means of the research/experiments that they have conducted. By putting all this information together and examining it I will be able to determine if stem cells can cure Parkinson’s Disease. Reviews of Literature: Source 1: Parkinson’s disease: How Could StemShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Stem Cell Research Essay1265 Words  | 6 PagesComposition Stem Cell Research According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a stem cell is â€Å"a simple cell in the body that is able to develop into any one of various kinds of cells (such as blood cells, skin cells, etc.).†There are two types of stem cells, embryonic and adult. 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